The Whale – Scott Lively speaks about The Pink Swastika (1 t/m 8) Video’s + Scott Lively & Kevin Abrams – The Pink Swastika | Homosexuality in the Nazi Party

Scott Lively speaks about his book The Pink Swastika (1 t/m 8) Video’s

Scott Lively about The Pink Swastika (1)

Scott Lively about The Pink Swastika (2)

Scott Lively about The Pink Swastika (3)

Scott Lively about The Pink Swastika (4)

Scott Lively about The Pink Swastika (5)

Scott Lively about The Pink Swastika (6)

Scott Lively about The Pink Swastika (7)

Scott Lively about The Pink Swastika (8)


Quotes from The Pink Swastika by Scott Lively and Kevin Abrams


With Roehm’s backing, Hitler became the first president of the party in 1921 (ibid.:21) and changed its name to the National Socialist German Worker’s Party. Soon after, Rossbach’s Storm Troopers, the SA, became its military arm. In his classic Nazi history, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, author William Shirer describes Roehm as “a stocky, bull-necked, piggish-eyed, scar- faced professional soldier (…) [and] like so many of the early Nazis, a homosexual
(…) Betraying his roots in the “Butch” faction of the German “gay rights” movement, Roehm viewed homosexuality as the basis for a new society. Louis Snyder writes that Roehm “projected a social order in which homosexuality would be regarded as a human behavior pattern of high repute (…) he flaunted his homosexuality in public and insisted that his cronies do the same. What was needed, Roehm believed, was a proud and arrogant lot who could brawl, carouse, smash windows, kill and slaughter for the hell of it. Straights, in his eyes, were not as adept in such behavior as practicing homosexuals” (Snyder:55). “The principle function of this army like organization,” writes historian Thomas Fuchs, “was beating up anyone who opposed the Nazis, and Hitler believed this was a job best undertaken by homosexuals” (Fuchs:48f).

The Community of the Special (CS) asserted that male homosexuality was the foundation of all nation states and that male homosexuals represented an elite strata of human society. The CS fashioned itself as a modern incarnation of the warrior cults of ancient Greece. Modeling themselves after the military heroes of Sparta, Thebes and Crete, the members of the CS were ultra masculine, male supremacist and pederastic (devoted to man and boy sex).
(…) One of the keys to understanding both the rise of Nazism and the later persecution of some homosexuals by the Nazis is found in this early history of the German “gay rights” movement. For it was the CS which created and shaped what would become the Nazi persona, and it was the loathing which these “Butches” held for effeminate homosexuals (“Femmes“) which led to the internment of some of the latter in slave labor camps in the Third Reich.

The “Butch” homosexuals of the CS transformed Germany. Their primary vehicle was the German youth movement, known as the Wandervogel (Rovers or Wandering Youth).
(…) Rising spontaneously in the 1890’s as an informal hiking and camping society, the Wandervogel became an official organization at the turn of the century, similar to the Boy Scouts. From early on, however, the Wandervogel was dominated and controlled by the pederasts of the CS. CS co founder Wilhelm Janzen was its chief benefactor, and its leadership was rife with homosexuality. In 1912, CS theorist Hans Blueher wrote The German Wandervogel Movement as an Erotic Phenomenon which told how the organization was used to recruit young boys into homosexuality.
(…) During World War I, the greatest hero of the German youth movement was Gerhard Rossbach. Described by historian Robert G. L. Waite as a “sadist, murderer and homosexual,” Rossbach was “the most important single contributor of the pre Hitler youth movement” (Waite,1969:210). More importantly, Rossbach was the bridge between the Wandervogel and the Nazi Party.
(…) Rossbach’s adjutant was Edmund Heines, noted for his ability to procure boys for sexual orgies. Ernst Roehm, recruited by Rossbach into homosexuality, later commanded the Storm Troopers for the Nazis, where they were more commonly known as the SA (an acronym for Sturmabteilung).

While Adolf Hitler is today recognized as the central figure of Nazism, he was a less important player when the Nazi machine was first assembled. Its first leader was Ernst Roehm. Homosexual historian Frank Rector writes that “Hitler was, to a substantial extent, Roehm’s protegee” (Rector:80). Roehm had been a captain in the German army. Hitler had been a mere corporal. After World War I, Roehm was highly placed in the underground nationalist movement that plotted to overthrow the Weimar government and worked to subvert it through assassinations and terrorism. In The Order of the Death’s Head, author Heinz Hohne writes that Roehm met Hitler at a meeting of a socialist terrorist group called the Iron Fist and “saw in Hitler the demagogue he required to mobilize mass support for his secret army” (Hohne:20). Roehm, who had joined the German Worker’s Party before Hitler, worked with him to take over the fledgling organization. With Roehm’s backing, Hitler became the first president of the party in 1921 (ibid.:21) and changed its name to the National Socialist German Worker’s Party. Soon after, Rossbach’s Storm Troopers, the SA, became its military arm. In his classic Nazi history, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, author William Shirer describes Roehm as “a stocky, bull-necked, piggish eyed, scar- faced professional soldier (…) [and] like so many of the early Nazis, a homosexual

Betraying his roots in the “Butch” faction of the German “gay rights” movement, Roehm viewed homosexuality as the basis for a new society. Louis Snyder writes that Roehm “projected a social order in which homosexuality would be regarded as a human behavior pattern of high repute (…) he flaunted his homosexuality in public and insisted that his cronies do the same.

The favorite meeting place of the SA was a “gay” bar in Munich called the Bratwurstglockl where Roehm kept a reserved table (Hohne:82). This was the same tavern where some of the earliest formative meetings of the Nazi Party had been held (Rector:69). At the Bratwurstglockl, Roehm and associates-Edmund Heines, Karl Ernst, Ernst’s partner Captain Rohrbein, Captain Petersdorf, Count Ernst Helldorf and the rest – would meet to plan and strategize. These were the men who orchestrated the Nazi campaign of intimidation and terror. All of them were homosexual.

Indeed, homosexuality was all that qualified many of these men for their positions in the SA. Heinrich Himmler would later complain of this: “Does it not constitute a danger to the Nazi movement if it can be said that Nazi leaders are chosen for sexual reasons?” (Gallo:57). Himmler was not so much opposed to homosexuality itself as to the fact that non qualified people were given high rank based on their homosexual relations with Roehm and others. For example, SA Obergruppenfuhrer (Lieutenant General) Karl Ernst, a militant homosexual, had been a hotel doorman and a waiter before joining the SA. “Karl Ernst is not yet 35,” writes Gallo, “he commands 250,000 men (…) he is simply a sadist, a common thug, transformed into a responsible official” (ibid.:50f).

This strange brand of nepotism was a hallmark of the SA. By 1933 the SA had grown far larger than the German army, yet the Vikingkorps (Officers’ Corps) remained almost exclusively homosexual. “Roehm, as the head of 2,500,000 Storm Troops,” writes historian H.R. Knickerbocker, “had surrounded himself with a staff of perverts. His chiefs, men of rank of Gruppenfuhrer or Obergruppenfuhrer, commanding units of several hundred thousand Storm Troopers, were almost without exception homosexuals. Indeed, unless a Storm Troop officer were homosexual he had no chance of advancement” (Knickerbocker:55)

(…) “For a monthly salary of 200 marks he kept Roehm supplied with new friends, his main hunting ground being Geisela High School Munich; from this school he recruited no fewer than eleven boys, whom he first tried out and then took to Roehm” (Hohne:82).

Hitler and homosexuality

Scott Lively & Kevin Abrams - The Pink Swastika | Homosexuality in the Nazi Party

Scott Lively & Kevin Abrams – The Pink Swastika | Homosexuality in the Nazi Party

In 1945 a Jewish historian by the name of Samuel Igra published Germany’s National Vice, which called homosexuality the “poisoned stream” that ran through the heart of Nazism. (In the 1920’s and 30‘s, homosexuality was known as “the German vice” across Europe because of the debaucheries of the Weimar period. Igra, who escaped Germany in 1939, claims that Hitler “had been a male prostitute in Vienna at the time of his sojourn there, from 1907 to 1912, and that he practiced the same calling in Munich from 1912 to 1914” (Igra:67). Desmond Seward, in Napoleon and Hitler, says Hitler is listed as a homosexual in Viennese police records

Langer, a psychiatrist, was commissioned by the Allies in 1943 to prepare a thorough psychological study of Hitler. His report, kept under wraps for 29 years, was published in book form in 1972 as The Mind of Adolf Hitler. Langer writes that Hitler was certainly a coprophile (a person who is sexually aroused by human excrement) and may have practiced homosexuality as an adult. He cites the testimony of Hermann Rauschning, a former Hitler confidante who “reports that he has met two boys who claimed that they were Hitler’s homosexual partners, but their testimony can hardly be taken at face value. More condemning,” adds Langer, “would be the remarks dropped by [Albert] Foerster, the Danzig gauleiter, in conversation with Rauschning. Even here, however, the remarks deal only with Hitler’s impotence as far as heterosexual relationships go, without actually implying that he indulges in homosexuality. It is probably true that Hitler calls Foerster ‘Bubi,’ which is a common nickname employed by homosexuals in addressing their partners. This alone is not adequate proof that he has actually indulged in homosexual practices with Foerster, who is known to be a homosexual” (Langer:178). However, writes Langer, “Even today, Hitler derives sexual pleasure from looking at men’s bodies and associating with homosexuals” (Langer:179). Too, Hitler’s greatest hero was Frederick the Great, a well known homosexual (Garde:44).

Hitler, if homosexual, was certainly not exclusively so. There are at least four women, including his own niece, with whom Hitler had sexual relationships, although these relationships were not normal. Both Waite and Langer suggest that his sexual encounters with women included expressions of his coprophilic perversion as well as other extremely degrading forms of masochism. It is interesting to note that all four women attempted suicide after becoming sexually involved with Hitler. Two succeeded (Langer:175f).

Reportedly, Hitler Youth leader, Baldur von Schirach was bisexual; Hitler’s private attorney, Reich Legal Director, Minister of Justice, butcher Governor-General of Poland, and public gay hater Hans Frank was said to be a homosexual; Hitler’s adjutant Wilhelm Bruckner was said to be bisexual; (…) Walter Funk, Reich Minister of Economics [and Hitler’s personal financial advisor] has frequently been called a “notorious” homosexual (…) or as a jealous predecessor in Funk’s post, Hjalmar Schacht, contemptuously claimed, Funk was a “harmless homosexual and alcoholic;” (…) [Hitler’s second in command] Hermann Goering liked to dress up in drag and wear campy make up; and so on and so forth.

Igra, who confidently asserts that the above men were homosexuals, cites still other Hitler aides and close friends who were known homosexuals as well. He states that Hitler’s chauffeur and one time personal secretary, Emile Maurice, for example, was homosexual, as well as the pornographer Julius Streicher, who “was originally a school teacher, but was dismissed by the Nuremberg School Authorities, following numerous charges of pederasty brought against him” (Igra:72f). SS Chief Heinrich Himmler’s “pederastic proclivities [were] captured on film” by Nazi filmmaker Walter Frenz (Washington City Paper, April 4, 1995). Reinhard Heydrich, mastermind of the first pogrom, Kristallnacht, and of the death camps, was homosexual (Calic:64). In The Twelve Year Reich, Richard Grunberger tells of a party given by Nazi propagandist, Joseph Goebbels, which degenerated into a homosexual orgy (Grunberger:70). A recent biography of Albert Speer by Gitta Sereny speaks of a “homo-erotic (not sexual) relationship” between Speer and Hitler (Newsweek, Oct. 30, 1995). Langer notes that Hitler’s personal bodyguards were “almost always 100 percent homosexuals” (Langer:179). Hitler’s later public pronouncements against homosexuality never quite fit with the lifelong intimacy – sexual or otherwise – which he maintained with men he knew and accepted as homosexuals.

In February of 1933, Hitler banned pornography, homosexual bars and bath houses, and groups which promoted “gay rights” (Plant:50). Ostensibly, this decree was a blanket condemnation of all homosexual activity in Germany, but in practice it served as just another means to find and destroy anti Nazi groups and individuals. “Hitler,” admit Oosterhuis and Kennedy, “employed the charge of homosexuality primarily as a means to eliminate political opponents, both inside his party and out” (Oosterhuis and Kennedy: 248).

This new law provided the Nazis with an especially potent legal weapon against their enemies. It will never be known how many non-homosexuals were charged under this law, but it is indisputable that the Nazis used false accusations of homosexuality to justify the detainment and imprisonment of many of their opponents. “The law was so loosely formulated,” writes Steakley, “that it could be, and was, applied against heterosexuals that the Nazis wanted to eliminate…the law was also used repeatedly against Catholic clergymen” (Steakley:111). Kogon writes that “The Gestapo readily had recourse to the charge of homosexuality if it was unable to find any pretext for proceeding against Catholic priests or irksome critics” (Kogon:44).

The charge of homosexuality was convenient for the Nazis to use against their political enemies because it was so difficult to defend against and so easy to justify to the populace. Since long before the Nazis, homosexuals had generally lived clandestine lives, so it was not unusual for revelations of their conduct to come as a surprise to their communities when it became a police matter. This is not to say that actual homosexuals were not prosecuted under the law. Many were. But the law was used selectively against the “Femmes.” And even when they were threatened, many effeminate homosexuals, especially those in the arts community, were given protection by certain Nazi leaders (Oosterhuis and Kennedy:248).

There is one additional reason why the Nazis arrested homosexuals and raided even the homes of their supporters. They were looking for incriminating evidence against themselves (the Nazi leaders). Blackmail of homosexuals by estranged partners and prostitutes was a simple fact of life in Germany. “[H]omosexuals were particularly vulnerable to blackmailers, known as Chanteure on the homosexual scene,” write Burleigh and Wippermann. “Blackmail, and the threat of public exposure, resulted in frequent suicides or suicide attempts” (Burleigh and Wipperman:184). The Nazi leaders were quite familiar with this phenomenon. Igra reports that Heinrich Hoffman, the official Nazi photographer, gained his position by using information about Hitler’s perverse abuse of his (Hoffman’s) daughter to blackmail the future Fuehrer (Igra:74). Heiden relates another story in which Hitler bought an entire collection of rare political writings to regain possession of a letter to his niece in which he openly revealed his “masochistic-coprophil inclinations” (Heiden:385). Once he was in power he had other ways to solve these kinds of problems.

It would be against medical principles to provide a list of the Nazi leaders and their perversions [but] (…) not ten percent of the men who, in 1933, took the fate of Germany into their hands, were sexually normal (…) Many of these personages were known to us directly through consultations; we heard about others from their comrades in the party (…) and of others we saw the tragic results (…) Our knowledge of such intimate secrets regarding members of the Nazi Party and other documentary material – we possessed about forty thousand confessions and biographical letters – was the cause of the complete and utter destruction of the Institute of Sexology” (Haberle:369).
The materials taken from the Institute were burned in a public ceremony, captured on film, on May 10th. The spectacular and oft replayed newsreel footage of this event has caused the burning of books to become synonymous with Nazism. What information went up in smoke on that day will never be known, but we can infer that the pile of burning paper contained many Nazi secrets. According to homosexual sources at the time, the Nazis destroyed twelve thousand books and thirty-five thousand photographs. The building itself was confiscated from the SHC and turned over to the Nazi Association of Jurists and Lawyers (Steakley:105).

Igra goes on to point out that not only did the majority of the SA homosexuals survive the purge, but that the massacre was largely implemented by homosexuals. He cites Strasser’s statement that “the Chief Killers of Munich [were] Wagner, Esser, Maurice, Weber and Buch.” These men “were all known to be sex perverts or sexual maniacs of one type or another,” concludes Igra (ibid.:80). Plant records that the larger campaign of assassinations across Germany was orchestrated by Reinhard Heydrich, also a well known homosexual (Plant:56).
Many of the guards and administrators responsible for the infamous concentration camp atrocities were homosexuals themselves, which negates the proposition that homosexuals in general were being persecuted and interned.
While any prisoner could be chosen as a Kapo (a slave overseer), none of the other interned groups except homosexuals had counterparts among the Nazi guards and administrators. Examples of the homosexuality of the concentration camp guards can be found in many of the personal accounts of Holocaust survivors.
(…) Rudolf Hoess, the infamous commandant of Auschwitz, who may himself have been a “Butch” homosexual, defined “genuine homosexuals (…) [by their] soft and girlish affectations and fastidiousness, their sickly sweet manner of speech, and their altogether too affectionate deportment toward their fellows” (Hoess in Rector:137f). These “genuine homosexuals” were considered incorrigible and held in special barracks, while many non effeminate homosexuals were released (ibid.:137). Hoess, incidentally, had at one time been a close friend of Edmund Heines (Snyder:301), the procurer of boys for Roehm’s pederastic orgies.

The schools were heavily targeted in order to de-Christianize the young. Mandatory prayer in schools was stopped in 1935, and from 1941 onward, religious instruction was completely eliminated for all students over 14 years old (ibid.:494f). The Nazi Teachers Association actively discouraged its members from taking religious instruction, while at the same time many teachers of religious studies (who were all required to be licensed by the state) “inculcated neo-paganism into their pupils during periods of religious instruction.” Later, teachers were outright prohibited from attending voluntary religion classes organized by the Catholic church (ibid.:495).

There is no question that homosexuality figures prominently in the history of the Holocaust. As we have noted, the ideas for disposing of the Jews originated with Lanz von Leibenfels. The first years of terrorism against the Jews were carried out by the homosexuals of the SA. The first concentration camp, as well as the system for training its brutal guards, was the work of Ernst Roehm. The first pogrom, Kristallnacht, was orchestrated in 1938 by the homosexual Reinhard Heydrich. And it was the transvestite Goering who started the “evolution of the Final Solution (…) [with an] order to Heydrich (Jan. 24, 1939) concerning the solution of the Jewish question by ‘emigration’ and ‘evacuation‘” (Robinson:25). Still, despite their disproportionate role, homosexuals did not cause the Holocaust. They, along with so many others who had lost their moral bearings, were merely instruments in its enactment. The Holocaust must be blamed on the one whom the Bible compares to “a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour” (NKJ:I Peter 5:8).

Yet, while we cannot say that homosexuals caused the Holocaust, we must not ignore their central role in Nazism. To the myth of the “pink triangle” – the notion that all homosexuals in Nazi Germany were persecuted – we must respond with the reality of the “pink swastika.”

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Scott Lively & Kevin Abrams – The Pink Swastika

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