The Ritman Library – Infinite Fire Webinar (7): Dr. Marco Pasi on Gustav Meyrink & His Esoteric Novels

Gepubliceerd op 17 jan. 2014

Dr. Marco Pasi is Professor assistent at the Center for the History of Hermetic Philosophy and Related Currents at the University (HHP) of Amsterdam. Have a look for the HHP here:

Infinite Fire Webinar VII is the first webinar by Marco Pasi focusing on the Austrian author and occultist Gustav Meyrink (1868-1932). Meyrink is known for his esoteric novels, such as The Golem (1915), which created sensation upon publication and became a best-seller. His novels are pervaded by an aura of mystery, with intricate plots that move on different temporal planes at the same time, and characters with shifting or multiple personalities.


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