The Paulstal Service – The Uncanny Valley and Art Making as Forging Evidence In the New World Order Part II

Gepubliceerd op 27 aug. 2015

The Uncanny Valley and Art Making as Forging Evidence In the New World Order Part II

Looking into a few of the CGI glitches during the “Anders Breivik Court Case” and a few of the other “convenient/ bizarre coincidences”.. surrounding this event.

Why did Nachtrichten 24 show us fake explosion footage? Why was it I had to expose that fake footage? Why was it I had to expose that the “Images of Anders Breivik” were photoshop fake images long before media even “attempted” to explain this?

As I pointed out in a the previous video in this series, they even faked an interview from a “Taxi Driver” who took “Breivik” to the Island. It doesn’t get much more obvious than that regarding a faked event.


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