The Dossier – The Perverted World of Marc Dutroux (2005)

Kinder Shaender Dutroux (foto Steemit)

Krantenkoppen over het Dutroux Pedo Netwerk (foto Ellastar)

The Perverted World of Marc Dutroux (2005)

Gepubliceerd op 27 okt. 2012

The Case Surrounding the Belgian Paedophile Who Served Less than Half of A 13 Year Prison Sentence in the 1980’s for the Rape and Torture of Five Girls. Released in 1992, he Continued to Follow A Path Marked by Cruelty and Violence toward Others Before Receiving Life Imprisonment in 2004 For Charges Including #Kidnapping and Murder. The Trial Raised Many Questions about the Police #Investigation into his Crimes, Pointing toward A High Level Cover Up by the #Establishment.

#Kidnapping #Investigation #Establishment


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