Stew Webb & Tom Heneghan – Intel Briefing, December 19th 2018 + Lee Wanta To Build Trump’s Wall! Out of Syria!

Intel Briefing, December 19th 2018

Tom Heneghan Intel Briefing (12-19-18) from Truth Warriors on Vimeo.

Vimeo, Wednesday, December 19, 2018 at 11:45 AM EST

Lee Wanta To Build Trump’s Wall! Out of Syria!

The big news is about martial law and what Tom Heneghan was told by his sources this morning!

Lee Wanta to build Trump’s wall on our southern border and pay off all legitimate student debt personally! He will also pay off the legitimate US debt to free us from the Federal Reserve! Tom Heneghan has told me we are closer than ever to clawing back the trillions of dollars stolen from the Reagan Mitterrand Wanta protocols! The deep state is going NUTS right now over this! Patriots at beforeitsnews and other sites have put out the real truth about the Wanta funds and how it was stolen! Few believe the liars on TV anymore but don’t stop now. Keep thinking of new ways to reach more people with the truth!

A federal judge and the US military have ordered the Wanta funds paid and everybody is watching what happens next! Tom reports on what really happened at the Bush funeral. The great news is President Trump has finally gone against deep state roach Lindsey Graham and announced a troop pullout from Syria! Tom reports the french military is tired of the Syria war also. Syria was all for the Rothschild’s oil pipelines anyway and everybody knows it! Lots covered in today’s broadcast! Tom has asked all patriots to share the truth about Lee Wanta and send this story viral. The fake news along with Alex Jones has worked for decades making sure nobody found out how the deep state stole over $20 Trillion in Wanta funds to buy out the media and both political parties. Share through all email lists and social networking. Thank you patriots! Victory is near but we must increase our efforts at sharing stories with more people!

This is the story the fake news tried to kill! Send this video to everybody you know and tell them to come to for the truth!

Truth Warriors – Leo Wanta Patriot Trillionaire!

Leo Wanta Patriot Trillionaire! from Truth Warriors on Vimeo.

Vimeo, Tuesday, March 6, 2018 at 8:09 PM ES

Before It’s News, Wednesday, December 19, 2018 12:45

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