Sky News Australia – Bernie Ecclestone: Russian President Vladimir Putin is ‘Good Guy’

Former Formula One Boss Bernie Ecclestone (gif gazzetadiparma)

Billionaire F1 Biss Bernie Ecclestone Bamboozled by A Revolving Door (gif Pinterest)

Billionaire F1 Biss Bernie Ecclestone Bamboozled by A Revolving Door (gif Gifer)

Bernie Ecclestone & Vlafdimir Putin (foio
Bernie Ecclestonr &Vladimir Putin (foro

Bernie Ecclestone: Russian President Vladimir Putin is ‘Good Guy

Published 1 jul. 2022

Sky News Australia

Former Formula One Boss Bernie Ecclestone says As Far as he S concerned Russian President Vladimir Putin “Is A Good Guy”.

“He S Never Done Anything that I would Feel he S Not the Right Guy To Be Talking To,” Mr Ecclestone told Sky News Australia Host Piers Morgan A Wide Ranging Interview.

Mr Ecclestone S Comments come After he Recently told Good Morning Britain during an Interview he would “Take A Bullet” for Putin. 

Mr Morgan responded to Mr Ecclestone S Claims about the Russian President.

I think the Problem that People have with your Comments Today Bernie is that they are Highly Inflammatory given that Putin is Currently waging A Monstrous, illegal War in Ukraine,” Mr Morgan said.

Slaughtering Thousands of Innocent People who are Literally Getting A Bullet from Vladimir Putin.”

Mr Ecclestone replied by Saying, “I think that S Terrible”.

I M Not trying to Defend him in Any Shape or Form because What S Actually Happened is Quite Terrible, Simple as That.”

It should have Never, Ever, Ever Happened.

Mr Ecclestone noted, “I think When All This Started, It wasn T What he thought was Going to Happen and I think he thought It was Going To Be A Four Day Sort of Threat, and then Big Discussions and they D get Things Sorted Out.”

I don T Think he believed What is Happening would Happen.”

However, Mr Ecclestone said he doesn TRegret” his Stance on Putin.

I don T Regret My Feeling for him that he S Not the Person that he S been Portrayed.” “In Fact, in Fairness, Nobody S Portraying him At All.”


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