Red Blood Cells (foto
Spike Blood Cell Attack (foto PInterest)


Please read this report with all your attention if you don’t want a disease to kill, vaccinated or not, everybody except Moderna’s SOON to be produced, ‘Multi Variant EfficientmRNA received people!

How can a chimeric mRNA Sequence, which would encode a never existing new Protein, be used in a Vaccine if it has no real life reference Virus Protein to compare with? Without any scientists seeing anything unusual about the mRNA Sequence used, how can another immunisation against a much deadlier version of the Virus be given? How could the necessary logical reasons be created to produce a mRNA Vaccine with the Genetic Sequence of a, created but not released, Virus (let’s name it ‘Omega’) without being suspicious under scientific scrutiny? A slightly different mRNA Genetic Code would create a slightly different Protein which could provide a different immunization! The Vaccine produced, new chimeric Protein could even give a broader immunization and this could easily be used in a future global Biological Attack in a twisted, unthought way by; “Giving another Protection“, secretly, against a real lethal Pathogen. Another immunity against a same family but much deadlier engineered Virus beside Sars Cov 2!
Only to the planned numbers of people in each country, using a “Multi Valent mRNA Vaccine and then in the future, releasing that deadly version of the Virus and eliminating the majority of the population who didn’t receive THAT Protection” by using the mRNA Technology!

According to Moderna’s announcement, they are thinking over three options against Omicron but as the above mentioned plan, you will see that, eventually, they will decide not these options but to produce a new Multi Valent efficient Vaccine! Because, the Genetic Sequence of that Multi Valent mRNA will be structured from selected parts of existing variants’ Spike ProteinsGenetic Codes. Which means they can encode the desired Protein structure of any kind of Corona Virus, officially! Even if the Sequence is checked, there would be just a Sequence constructed from parts taken from Beta, Delta, Omicron versions of the Virus. That’s why it is necessary to release mutations every few months until all the necessary pieces (mutated Sequence parts) are out there to be used as reference and or reason.
Every variant released must contain the necessary mutated parts to be used in Multi Valent mRNA, which will encode the Protein of the future, the original Virus!

The reason why mRNA technology started to be used widely in this Pandemic might be because, only with this technology, it is possible to immunize people secretly against any variant by using parts of THAT version’s Genetic Sequence in the Multivalent Vaccine mRNA Sequence. Classic way of producing Vaccines (which is necessary to use weakened Virus or Virus components) could not be used for giving another hidden immunisation because producing a Vaccine with a future to be released, uncirculating yet, deadly Virus components would have been visible by scientists! There are NO Virus or Virus components used in mRNA Vaccine production!

If, Vaccinated or not, everybody else except Moderna Vaccinated ones would get sick and die in the near future: majority of over 60 years old without major health problems and handicaps people, Governments’ critically positioned political, defense and judicial personnel of more than 150 countries (where Moderna announced to sell Vaccines from second half of the next year) wouldn’t survive because most of them will be , before Moderna reaches due to World Health Organisation ’s priority Vaccination groups. Survivors would be mostly ordinary, under 60 years old, relatively healthy, working class people.

In each country, the planned number of people to survive would be determined by controlling the number of doses to be sold to that country! Countries in power as China, Russia, Iraq, Iran, Turkey, North Korea which will not receive Moderna, would be erased completely! Israel and the Vatican, which have been only Pfizer BionTech, must come up with a reason and will start using the new variant effective Moderna mRNA Vaccine in 2022.
This is Moderna and Israel official agreement
The WHO priority groups divided the world population into age and health conditions groups – this will ensure that the desired Vaccines will reach at the Vaccination time of the targeted populations, NOT before!

Dr Ralph Baric has been experimenting on Corona Viruses for over 35 years trying to create more lethal versions of the Virus and getting their Genetic Sequences in the name of a program called ‘Gain of Function’. His official job was to create deadly mutations before the mutation happens in nature. Just to be prepared! All of his studies were supported by the Government. During Gain of Function studies, Baric and his team might have succeeded in their duty and first, engineered a lethal, Omega Virus. Genetically engineered in a way not to mutate further so it will not become resistant and erase all of humanity with a long asymptomatic incubation period.

People would infect each other without knowing that they are already sick. Then other simple variants of Omega virus must have been created, starting with Omicron then Delta, then Beta, Alpha and at the end Sars Cov 2 versions (in complete reverse order then releasing time order), in a way each version to have common parts in their Genetic Sequence with the Omega version. The most simple version, SARSCOV2, must have been released to create a reason for global vaccination. The desired protein will be encoded using the released versions’ mutated parts in the Moderna’s next Multi Variant efficient Vaccine!

With data and results of DARPA’s Thor program and Francis Collins’ National Institutes of Health (NIH) funded Human Genome program, Mr Baric could have easily engineered a deadly Pathogen which can avoid every human defence mechanisms regardless of Genetic differences, and got the Gene Sequences. Imagine if you were the one with such a detailed plan of a selective depopulation, wouldn’t you create EVERY DIVERSION necessary to cover it by keeping people busy fighting against the given reasons such as: increased rate of deaths, forced vaccinations, side effects, economic struggles, restrictions (Green Certificate, mandatory mask, social distancing), controlled pro and anti media news circulating every day.

Purpose of such a plan would not be to keep alive all Moderna Vaccinated people! It makes it even less suspicious when some of the Moderna Vaccinated people are suffering from the side effects. If somehow, someone would talk about this plan, people will react immediately by saying “but, some of the Moderna Vaccinated people are getting damaged, even dying”. This further guarantees that no one would listen if the real plan was about to be exposed. Through the media, people are manipulated to think of it as “Just another Conspiracy”, without even checking the facts!
Work, education, international travel and social activities reasoned forcing Vaccination regulations will push mostly to under 60 years old people to vaccinate. Using different brands of Vaccines on different age and health conditions categorized people, could be easily used to deploy a biological weapon in the future by giving immunity against a lethal Pathogen only to some people.
Only the CALCULATED number of people who received THAT Genetic Code would survive when that disease would be released in the future!

The solution is scientists and doctors officially demanding not to use any chimeric mRNA Sequence, which would encode a never existing new Protein with no real life reference Virus Protein to compare with!

Everybody needs to be informed about the possibility of using mRNA in the described method. This is the only way for this horrifying possibility not to become reality! Even if the “Multi Variant EfficientmRNA Sequence parts will be referenced separately to Beta, Delta, Omicron, the full Sequence would encode a completely new shaped Protein!

This is the way, no scientists could know if the encoded Protein’s (planned) final structure and or shape gives another immunisation until the Omega version is spread!

Please contact me! Thank you! Serdar Duzgoren +40732134134

Related links Moderna announced new Vaccine candidates against Omicron. You will see that the Multi Valent Vaccine will be chosen, eventually!

Prof Baric’s CV, see his achievements on Corona Viruses

Joint venture investments in Moderna company

In 2013, DARPA awards Moderna Therapeutics a Grant for up to $ 25 Million

DARPA awards Moderna 56 million dollars to produce mRNA Vaccines

In 2016 Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation 20 million dollars contribution to Moderna to produce mRNA Vaccines

Moderna not even replying to Africa’s Vaccine requirements

Pan Corona Virus Vaccine

DARPA’s Technologies for Host Resilience

Human Genome Projects

Mail aan R, 7 december 2021 at 15:28


Thank you so much.

What is your opinion: do you see what I see?
Everything we are suffering from is just created to keep us busy, meanwhile they are releasing Variants so that they will have a reason to produce a new Multi Variant Efficient mRNA, encoding the desired Protein! 
If this Selective Depopulation method of ‘First giving a Protection to target people at planned numbers and then releasing and killing everybody else who did not receive that Protection‘ came to my mind, it is for sure the ones, whose job is to find new and efficient way to kill people, must thought of it already. Everything necessary is out: global Vaccination, mRNA Technology (which I am sure it started to be used because it is the only way to achieve giving another immunisation secretly), WHO priority groups which placed the global population into the age and health categories! Next is saying we need a Universal mRNA Vaccine!
Are we going to wait for these to happen? Is there more ways to spread the information of this method, requesting No Chimeric mRNA to be produced or injected?
Could you send the following to Mr Malone or Mr Fuellmich or any other connections of yours for their attention. This is better formatted and explained, I believe (If you like, you can also publish this separately).

This is an unthought, scientifically possible, inverted  METHOD, if used, it would result in surviving mostly under 60 years old, relatively healthy people, at planned numbers, in each country!

With using the scientific technique from the below Patent, you will see how such a Selective Depopulation can be achieved (in the near future) by this inverted method.

First, giving Protection to planned numbers of people against an (created but not yet spread) extremely Lethal Pathogen,

And then in the future, releasing that pathogen: only those who received that immunity would survive! Everybody else, including not vaccinated people, who don’t have that immunity would be eliminated! In each country, the planned number of people to survive could be determined by controlling the number of doses to be sold to that country!

There is a way to give that immunization against a ‘created but not releasedLethal Pathogen, in front of the scientific scrutiny without being suspicious.

By producing aMulti Valent’ mRNA, encoding a Chimeric Protein giving immunity also against that Lethal Pathogen!

How to create the necessary logical reasons to produce an Multi Valent mRNA Sequence, having the identical genetic sequence portions of a (created but not released yet) lethal virus’s spike protein.

As Ralph Baric explained in his 2014 Patent, N° US9884895B2, Multi Valent Vaccine produced Chimeric Spike Protein will have each Variant’s unique mutated parts, to teach the immune system to fight against all Variants. Giving this as a reason, Multi Valent mRNA will be structured from mutated parts of existing Variants!

Actually, all the Variants could have been engineered, long ago, with the exact desired unique mutated portions, to be taken back, as reference, in the construction of the next Multi Valent mRNA Sequence! Each Variant’s unique parts could actually be the common parts with the lethal version! With this BUILDING BACK way, the intended Spike Protein could be encoded by any Multi Valent mRNA such as the next to be produced “universal respiratory vaccine” of Moderna’s.

For the whole scientific scrutiny, the Sequence used in Multi Valent mRNA will be legitimate and just constructed from mutated parts of …X…, Omicron, Delta, and Beta Variants.

But even if the mRNA’s Sequence parts will be referenced separately to existing Variants, the full Sequence would encode a new shaped Spike Protein because of the folding conformational changes induced by mutations as described.

Nobody would think or know the final structure of the encoded Protein would give immunity against another Pathogen! 

Variants should be released every few months not only to create the reasons for the necessity of a NEW Vaccine to ‘cover all Variants’ but especially to create the references to BUILD (BACK) the Multi Valent mRNA Sequence!

For this purpose, with data and results of Darpa’s Thor program and Francis Collins’ Human Genome program, Prof. Ralph Baric, according to his linked CV (check his study on using Corona Viruses as Vaccine vector for HIV, from 2008 to 2013), could engineer a deadly Pathogen (with a modified Spike Protein) (also modified not to mutate and become resistant and erase the whole humanity) which can avoid every human defense mechanism regardless of ethnic genetic differences. He could also engineer Corona Virus variants (Sarscov 2, Beta, Delta, Omicron, …) each with a different Spike Protein (those different parts at each Variant to be the common part with the lethal one’s Spike Protein)!

2014 Applied Patent of Ralph Baric and Boyd Yount; US9884895B2; method to create Chimeric Spike Protein to be used in Vaccines

10 december 2021, Moderna started to talk about a Universal Respiratory mRNA that encodes a Chimeric Protein, which could give another immunity (which the Sequence of it might have been ready for a very long time)!

Additional tools to keep alive MOSTLY younger and healthier people, at planned numbers in each country. It would be enough to keep this Vaccine away from the countries which are still vaccinating their priority old, sick, handicap people by using the WHO Vaccination priority groups which divide and placed the world population into age and health categories. Majority of old, sick, handicap people, also Governments’ authorities and personnel will already be vaccinated until Moderna will produce the new “Universal Corona Virus Vaccine” and start sending to those over 160 African, South American and other Asian countries from the second half of 2022 as the company announced. In this way the newly produced, updated Vaccines will reach the younger and healthier part of the world’s seven billion people! Countries such as China, Russia, Iraq, Iran, Turkey, North Korea could be erased completely just by not selling that “special Vaccine”!

Only with mRNA Technology, it is possible to immunize people secretly against any variant by using parts of THAT version’s Genetic Sequence in the Multi Valent Vaccine mRNA Sequence.

Parts of the produced Protein to have the distinct feature and shape of the lethal Virus’ Spike Protein would be enough for our immune system to learn how to fight against the lethal one! Therefore, any deadly Pathogen with a modified Corona Virus Spike Protein can be used in this plan. As a sample, an engineered HIV with a modified Corona Virus Spike Protein could infect people instantly but kill in the long term which would further cover this plan.

Precaution for such a Biological Attack possibility not to become reality; Requesting authorities to not let use of any Chimeric mRNA Sequence, which would encode a never existing new Protein shape with no reference existing Virus Protein to compare with, in Vaccines by explaining how it could be used in the described way! Also, requesting authorities to decide which Vaccine is the most efficient and use only that Vaccine on everybody! Proclaiming that ‘every citizen deserves the same, best possible treatment’. Mentioning that, ‘Vaccine Equity‘ would assure avoiding the usage of different Vaccines on different age and health grouped people, to achieve the described method of a global, FUTURE Biological Attack, resulting in a TARGET SELECTIVE Depopulation!

I kindly request to verify the scientific possibility of this information with competent experts of your choice from various practice fields!

I hope I managed to explain that the whole reason for this Pandemic might be to inject a Chimeric Protein Encoding mRNA to achieve NOT random but selective depopulation! Everything might be specially created to keep us all busy and also to give us the reasons for this Pandemic and Vaccination!

The usage of Multi Valent mRNA leaves an open door for the described Biological Attack method to be achieved! T
his risk should not exist!

Thank you,

Serdar Duzgoren


Other related Links

Moderna announced new Vaccine candidates against Omicron. You will see that not any of these options but instead a Multi Valent Universal Vaccine will be produced, eventually!

Universal respiratory mRNA Vaccine encoding a Chimeric Protein announced from Moderna!

According to Moderna and Israel official agreement: Israel, which has been using only Pfizer BionTech, will start using the new Variant effective Moderna Vaccine in 2022.

Prof Baric’s CV, see especially his studies on Corona Viruses, Marburg and HIV

Mail aan R, 25 december 2021 at 19:18

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Good article!

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