Russian TV – RT News, October 4, 2023

RT News, October 4, 2023

First published on October 4th, 2023 at 07:33 UTC



Washington’s Political Unity is In Tatters as in A Historic Move the US House Speaker is Ousted from his Post amid Allegations of A Secret Funding Deal for Ukraine Despite Public Pledges to Put American Interests First. Ukraine Risks Being Left Hung Out to Dry when it Comes to Future Aid for its War Efforts by the Collective West which Now Admits it can No Longer Afford to Provide Kiev with Money and Weapons. Israel Demands Canada Acknowledges its Historic Sins of Allowing Nazis to Immigrate to the Country as the Scandal around Ottawa’s Parliament Applauding A Former Nazi Collaborator continues to Cause Global Outrage.


Judy Note

On Tuessday 3 October Blockchain’s Global Crypto Currency Exchange Collapsed
While the Stock Market Remained in Free Fall
Kevin McCarthy was Removed as Speaker of the House
While Donald Trump was Nominated to be Speaker of the House

Operation Disclosure Official | Judy Byington Restored Republic via A GCR, October 4, 2023

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