Russian TV – RT News , March 6, 2024

RT News , March 6, 2024

First published on March 6th, 2024 at 09:22 UTC

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March 6, 2024


Gold Prices Hit A Record High, There’s A Gold Rush on Wall Street | CNN Business

6 maart 2024

 € 1.965,22

Vorig Slot

€ 1.960,00

We Are Saving Israel For Last
The War between Dark and Light is the War between Satan and God.
Between the Reptilian Blood Line of Satan and the Human Blood Line of Jesus
Israel will Expose the Root of All Corruption and Evil in Our Religion Systems

Israel will Expose the Root All Corruption and Evil in Our Religion Systems
The Revelation of the Hijacking of Scripture by Satan Centuries Ago
The Light on this Planet was Dimmed by the False Darkness
The Snake entered the Garden of Eden and Went Undercover in the Snake Pit

The Head of the Snake in the Vatican
the Body of the Snake Formed Silk Road Leading to Wuhan Were It Spread Out Its’ Venom
Hiding in the Snake Pit in Israel where Satanisme Hijacked Parts of Scripture
And Became the False Light that Fooled Humanity in Evil Frequencies of Fear, Shame, and Guilt

Separated from God and the Love We All are, Separated in Religions, Race, Politics Creating Darknness for Centuries
Separated by A Small Group Who Benefited from the Controll of the Energies and the People
This Small Group the Satanic Elite, the iLLUMiNATi, the Cabal

All the Royal Families of Europe and the Baltic and Russian Countries Claim their Ancestor as WOTAN or ODIN
13 Royal Families are Reptilian Hybrids Who are Shape Shifters Posing as Humans

Serpent Symbolism is All over the Catholic Religion
In St Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican the Pope Literally Sits in the Mouth of the Serpent as the Tongue and Preaches Deception

The Druze Blood Line of Jesus are the Descendants of “Jethtro” The Priest of Midian in the Bible and Torah, Exodus 2:18
The 16th President of the United States of America “Abraham Lincoln” Descended from The Kahlooni Family

The EBS Countdown has Begun

Tuesday 5 of March President Trump Notified Everyone on
A FBI Special Project Most Wanted List to Surrender and Receive A Fair Trial

Failure to Report for Arrest within the Next 24 Hours
Would Result in Execution

Banks Failing Worldwide, Bank Runs in Progress

US Incorporated Funded Israel Just Attacked A School in Gaza,
Massacring Displaced Children

US Presidents Lincoln and Kennedy Tried to Fight the Privately Owned Federal Reserve
Both Paid for It with their Lives
Which Started the Q Movement
To Free The People

Operation Disclosure Official | Judy Byington Restored Republic via A GCR, March 6, 2024

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