Russian TV – RT News, June 25 + 26, 2023

Intel Slava Z [June 26 2023 20:23]
🇷🇺⚡️Vladimir Putin will make a number of important statements tonight (c) Dmitry Peskov

Intel Slava Z [June, 26 2023 20:39]
🇧🇾⚡The press service of Lukashenka also announced his speech

Intel Slava Z  [June 26 2023 20:47]
🇷🇺🇧🇾⚡ There will be a sensation – a number of channels close to the Kremlin

Intel Slava Z [June 26 2023 20:56]
🇷🇺❗️These statements, without exaggeration, will determine the fate of Russia – Dmitry Peskov.

Intel Slava Z [June 26 2023 20:57]
🇷🇺⚡By the way, I don’t know if this is related or not, but a couple of hours ago Russia “asked” the UN Security Council to meet tomorrow

Intel Slava Z [June 26 2023 21:02]
🇷🇺❗Appeal will start at 22:10 Moscow time

Intel Slava Z,[26-6-2023 21:03]
🇧🇾⚡ Lukashenka will also speek at 22:10

RT News, June 25, 2023

First published on June 25th, 2023 at 12:24 UTC

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The Wagner Mercenary Group, which Attempted an Armed Mutiny in Russia, Leave their Positions in the South Western Russian City of Rostov on Don, Saying Fighters will Head Back to their Field Camps. A Deal to End the Mutiny was Brokered by the Belarusian President in Coordination with the Russian President, which will See the Wagner Chief Yevgeny Prigozhin leave Russia for Belarus. A Recruiter at the World’s Biggest Financial Giant is Caught on Camera Saying the War in Ukraine brings Good Profits, Adding It’s the Banks Who Really Run the World. Indian Prime Minister Modi’s Visit to the US Touches the Hearts of Policymakers at the US Congress and of President Joe Biden, who Mistakenly put A Hand on his Chest as the Indian Anthem was Playing.


RT News, June 26, 2023

First published on June 26th, 2023 at 07:29 UTC



Wagner Forces Withdraw from Rostov on Don and Neighboring Regions, as the Chief of the Mercenary Group Abandons A Mutiny Attempt after Talks with the Belarusian President, Agreeing to Leave Russia for Belarus. Western Media Claim US Officials ExpectedMore Bloodshed‘ in the Attempted Wagner Mutiny. Russian Allies such as China and Iran Express Support to Moscow over the Weekend’s Events. Israel summons the Ukrainian Ambassador for Publicly Accusing Israel of Not Supporting Ukraine with Enough Aid.

RT Live



  • British Intelligence/ M16 lead by the CIA Rockefeller/ Rothschild Regime Fourth Reich were behind the Wagner Group Military Coup against Putin and Russia.
  • Putin knew all along that the Wagner group was going to stage a military coup. The World Alliance Military gave the Intel to Putin long ago.
  • In the past two months the Wagner group was beginning to make fake military assessments and giving fake military reports to Putin that Ukraine was breaking the lines and massively attacking, while real Russian infantry units said the Wagner group was lying and intentionally giving bad information that Ukraine was winning the war in Major parts of Ukraine.
  • Yevgeny Prigozhin, the leader of Wagner group, was heavily invested in the UK corporation under subsidiary investors and companies and was connected to BlackRock (CIA Rockefeller Ops). Fortune 500 companies connected to the committee of 300 were helping funnel money to Yevgeny Prigozhin in money laundering operations.
  • The Wagner Group was getting intelligence from the UK Intel and M16 CIA.
  • The Wagner Group was intentionally positioned in the Ukraine War and intentionally killed hundred thousand Ukraine’s to make it seem the Wagner group was the heroes for Russia (this Black operation was long ago created so the Russian people would glorify the Wagner Group after they entered the war as heroes). Wagner expect the Russian people to support them as they turned on PUTIN and said there was civil unrest in Russia because of Putin and he was not Capable to defend Russia.
  • The Wagner group intentionally tired to lie to Russia forces to join them to go to Moscow saying they needed to defend Moscow from an attack.
  • The real truth was Ukraine Intelligence was also working with Wagner and placed small pods of military men through Russian city to create chaos and then the chaos would be blamed on Putin and the Wagner group would enter the city as heroes.
  • Now the plan has been destroyed and Russian forces have turned on Wagner. Putin has vowed to destroy the Wagner Group. Battalions have been sent to Wagner to be killed add they try to advance Russia with less than 7,000 troops.
  • They had expected to go into Moscow with 70,000 troops combined with Russian commands forces to over throw Putin. But Putin knew months before that the CIA M16 was planning a Military Coup using the Wagner Group just as the Trump US Military was using Game Theory to bring down the Deep State.
  • Putin also ignited Game Theory Operations against the Wagner Group and let them into the War and let them push their agenda.
  • The Game Theory movements exposed the last card of the CIA/ NATO/ DARPA/ M16 operations that included Russian Military moles.
  • Black Hats were planted inside the Russian Federation system and now the Swamp has been exposed in Russia. The final Deep State Regime working with Wagner CIA Pentagon Deep State M16 Plan was collapsing. The last CIA NATO M16 Plan to destroy Russia was failing.
  • Exposure was coming to collapse the World Banking System protectors: the CIA Deep State Intelligence regimes.
  • Right now throughout Russia The People were rebelling against the Wagner Group and Russia forces which had been led astray. The Group has put down their wweapons and the Wagner Group Foundation and offices throughout the Russian Federation have been destroyed after Putin gave a powerful speech against the Wagner Group attempt at a Military Coup.
  • Trump and the Military in Cheyenne Mountain were smiling. The World Alliance was smiling as the Rockefeller CIA plan failed.
  • The US Military White Hats have gathered data on US Elites through planes tracking their locations. The Military has made several contacts with Elites and have been flipping them. They have let them know that they will be killed and all assets seized if they did not comply with the Alliance Game Plan and White Hat operations.

Operation Disclosure Official | Judy Byington – Restored Republic via A GCR, June 26 2023

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