Russian TV – RT News, June 22 + 23, 2023

RT News, June 22, 2023

First published on June 22nd, 2023 at 11:25 UTC

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US President Biden welcomes Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi at The White House, laying out A Lavish State Dinner, Hoping to Bring New Delhi Into the Fold. A Recruiter at the World’s Biggest Financial Giant was Caught on Camera Saying the War in Ukraine Brings Good Profits, Adding it’s the Banks Who Really run the World. We take A Closer Look at the Investigation. A 15 Year Old Palestinian Girl Dies after an Israeli Raid in Jenin. We Hear From the Girl’s Mourning Father. Cameroon denounces A Visit by the French Ambassador for LGBT Rights to Promote Western Values in A Country where Homo Sexuality is Criminalized.


RT News, June 23, 2023

First published at 07:19 UTC on June 23rd, 2023

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A New Twist in the Biden Family Legal Scandal as Whistleblowers Testify before the US House Committee, Alleging the US President’s Direct Involvement in Illegal Payment Schemes. Indian Prime Minister Modi’s Visit to the US touches the Hearts of Policymakers at the US Congress and of President Joe Biden, Who Mistakenly put A Hand on his Chest while the Indian Anthem was Playing. Warring Parties in Sudan Resume Clashes after A Failed Three Day Ceasefire, Forcing Thousands to Flee from their Homes as New Cities become Hot Spots of Violence.


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