Russian TV – RT News, July 19, 2024

RT News, July 19, 2024

Published July 19, 2024 at 11.30 UTC

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July 18, 2024

That’s What Donald Trump Says Saved him, as he Adresses Crowds Just after the Attempt on his Life, to Confirm his Acceptance of the Republican Nomination for the US Presidency. A So Called Suicide Drone Strikes A Building near the US Embassy in Tel Aviv, Reportedly Killing One Person and Injuring Several Others. RT’s Senior Correspondent is Among the First Journalists to See First Hand the Fierce Fighting Ongoing for A Key Town in Donbass, Which Russian Forces Entered Two Months Ago. Kenya’s High Court Suspends A Police Imposed Ban on Demonstrations as Public Anger with the East African Nation’s Government Continues to Boil.


The UN Court has Stated That Israel’s Occupation of Palestinian Territories is, In Fact, an Annexation, According to A Judge.

On Friday, the Court Also Declared That Israel’s Settlement Activities Violate International Law.

The International Court of Justice Believes That Israel Must Cease Its Illegal Presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territories As Soon as Possible and Pay Reparations for the Damages.

Operation Disclosure Official | Judy Byington Restored Republic via GCR, July 19, 2024

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