Russian TV – RT News, January 15, 2023

RT News, January 15, 2023

Published 15 jan 2023


RT News, January 15, 2023 – The Russian Defense Ministry says Kiev is Preparing A Provocation to Blow Up A Large Granary and Accuse Moscow of Disrupting theGrain Deal‘. Moscow confirms its Military has taken Full Control of the Strategic Town of Soledar in the Donetsk Republic, after Months of Grueling Battles. A State of Emergency has been Introduced in Several Regions of Peru from January 15 For 30 Days Amid Mass Protests across the Country. That as Peru ’s President Dina Boluarte Refuses to Leave Office despite Calls for her Resignation. Facebook says it will Remove All Content on its Platform that supports the Protests in Brazil while Praising such Riots in Iran and Refusing to Ban Calls to Kill the Iranian Leader.


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