Russia TV – RT News, March 9 + 10 + 11, 2024

RT News, March 9, 2024

First published on March 9th, 2024 at 09:30 UTC

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March 9, 2024


It’s Over” (…) President Trump, Thursday 7 March 2024

JFK Jr is Alive and Serving as the New American Republic VP under President Trump
While US Inc’s US Dollar Dies
As the New Global Financial System Goes Gold Asset Backed ()
It’s About Time Since Among Other Atrocities, the Cabal Owned US Inc has Been Funding Bio Weapon Labs
And Child Sex Trafficking in Ukraine Since 2005
Russian Troops Destroyed Those Bio Weapon Labs and Saved Thousands of Children
Fox News hasn’t Admitted Those Biden Ties to Ukraine Child Trafficking Yet
Though Fox Did, At Last,
Announce That the 2020 Election was Rigged

Operation Disclosure Official | Judy Byington Restored Republic via A GCR, March 9, 2024

RT News, March 10, 2024

First published on March 10th, 2024 at 09:47 UTC

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March 10, 2024


Dienst Mede Deling

Op Zondag Geen Operation Disclosure Official | Judy Byington Restored Republic via A GCR

RT News, March 11, 2024

First published on March 11th, 2024 at 07:27 UTC

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March 11, 2024


Game Over!

Q Clock ends Monday 11:11
Return of Q = “The Plan to Save the World
The Great Awakening, Dark to Light

Global Currency Reset In Place As Banks Collapse

“There is A Tyrannical Organization Calling Itself the New World Order
That is Pushing for A World Government, A Cashless Society, Open Borders
And Complete and Utter Tyranny, Where People are Absolutely Worthless
(…) Alex Jones, 2002

Judy Note

April 1st was the Beginning of the New Year on the Julian Calendar,
Which this New Year would Bring in the New Quantum Financial System
And Create Sovereign Republics for All BRICS Nations
Freedom from Debt will Be Released for All on the Planet to Enjoy

Also in this Julian Calendar New Year the QFS and Sovereign Republics
Would Cancel 1 April Fools Day because No Prank was Greater than the Joke
That was Running the Country Right Now

Actually the Whole Thing about the Globalist Cartel Taking Away Freedoms of
Not Only the American People, but Peoples of the World, Started Back in 1903
With an Alliance that Formed between the Great Discoverer of Natural Magnetic Energy of the Earth
Nicola Tesla, Whom Howard Hughes Followed
They Both Connected with A Few US Generals

All Wanting The People to Have Control over US Taxpayer Monies
A Certain Group of US Generals had Been Concerned about the Matter of The People
Not Having Control of their Own Tax Money since the 1865 Assassination of Lincoln
Who tried to Change the Corrupt System

The Privately Owned Federal Reserve, Which Controlled those US Taxpayer Monies
Was Formed in 1913 as A Privately Owned US Corporation Run by the Rothschild Bankers
Crown of England and Vatican, Now Known as the Globalist Cartel

The Globalists were Infiltrated by the Khazarian Maffia
Shriners and Free Masons
All Funded by US Tax Payer Dollars by Way of A CIA Black Budget

They Obtained their Power through Worship of Satan
That Required the Torture and Human Sacrifice of Children
The More Innocent the Victims, theu

By the 1960’s the Alliance was Working with President JF Kennedy
To Get Rid of the Globalist’s Federal Reserve, Which Led to the US Inc
Funded CIA Killing Kennedy with Help from Globalists in the Pentagon and State Department

That’s When the Q Movement to Take Back Our Freedoms from the Globalist Cartel
Was More Formally Organized

By the Early 2000’s the Q Movement had Gradually Spread across the Globe
It has Continued to Gain Momentum to this Day Under Leadership of President Trump
And was Soon to Result in A March 2024 Global Currency Reset
To Gold Asset Backed Currencies
And New Sovereign Republics of the World

Operation Disclosure Official | Judy Byington Restored Republic via A GCR, March 11, 2024

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