Robert Sepher – Ancient Tomb Discovered Below Roman Forum

Ancient Tomb Discovered Below Roman Forum

Published 22 feb 2020

Atlantean Gardens

Archaeologists have Uncovered an Area Devoted to the First King of Rome and A Rock Sarcophagus, Which are Believed to Date Back to the 6th Century BC. The Underground Temple is Buried beneath the Entrance Stairway to the Senate Building where Roman Senators Voted. The Shrine has A Greek Inscription Referring to How the Sacred Ground Must Not Be Disturbed.
Vatika Goddess of the Underworld

In Roman Mythology, Romulus and his Twin Brother Remus were Left in A Basket on the River Tiber. The Pair Survived, and A She Wolf Found the Twins at the Base of A Fig Tree after Their Mother was Forced to Abandon Them. The Wolf Cared for the Boys and Raised Them, Letting Them Suckle on Her. Romulus Later Killed his Brother Remus in A Fight on What became Palatine Hill in 753 BC, and Became the First King of Rome.

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Robert Sepehr is an Anthropologist and Author


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