René Clair – A Nous la Liberte (1931) (English Subtitles)

A Nous la Liberte (1931) (English Subtitles)

Published 29 Nov. 2022

Cinéma Français

Author Robert Teodor

A Famous Left Wing Satirical Comedy about Two Ex Convicts, One of Whom works his Way Up from Salesman to Factory Owner, where he oversees A Highly Mechanised Operation where the Workers are Reduced to Mere Automatons. Blackmailed over his Past, he joins Up with his Old Cellmate, and the Pair take to the Road as Tramps. It is Frequently Acknowledged as the Inspiration for Chaplin’sModern Times‘.

1931 Nominated for Oscar Best Art Direction
1932 National Board of Review (NBR) Top Foreign Films
1932 Venice Film Festival without a Competitive Nature.
Audience Most Amusing Film

Director & Screenwriter René Clair
Music Georges Auric
Cinematography Georges Périnal, B&W

Raymond Cordy, Henri Marchand, Paul Ollivier, André Michaud, Rolla France, Germaine Aussey, Léon Lorin, William Burke, Vincent Hyspa, Jacques Shelly et cetera
Film Affinity


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