Rebel Media – 🇭🇰 Will China crush Hong Kong? The Rebel is sending AVI YEMINI to find out!

Avi Yemini – RAW! Hong Kong protesters block traffic: “Tense, surreal!”


Wouldn’t it be amazing if the spirit of democracy were to come to China, and from Hong Kong?

Two million Hong Kong people are taking to the streets to protest for freedom in China. Yet the world is largely silent.

But these Hong Kong protests are different — they’re explicitly about freedom.

So we’re sending a reporter to Hong Kong — Our friend Avi Yemini, the Australian with TR.News who I’ve gotten to know over the past year.

I’ve seen his journalism, both in the UK and Australia and he’s really good. He has courage; he’s not afraid of a bit of tear gas; he’s got a great sense of humour, and he cares about freedom.

He has landed in Hong Kong and for the next four days, and he’s going to be filing special guest reports for us about these protests.

Who are the protesters? What are the police like? Are people worried about China invading? Are people hopeful Trump will do more

We’ve sent Avi and a cameraman — so that’s two flights, and a hotel, and taxi fare and meals. The total cost will be around $4,000 by the time we’re done — if you can help us chip in, please do, by clicking here.

We want the world to see the truth. Are you with the people of Hong Kong? I hope so.

You can watch all of Avi’s reports on this page.

Avi Yemini – What’s going on with the Hong Kong democracy protests?

August 16, 2019 – Avi Yemini just arrived in Hong Kong at the airport that was shut down just a few days ago because of protestors fighting for democracy.


Avi Yemini – “I’ve never seen anything like this” police response to peaceful protesters in Hong Kong

August 17, 2019 — I’ve served in the Middle East, but I’ve never seen anything like the police response to peaceful protesters that I’ve witnessed in Hong Kong.
What’s going on with the Hong Kong democracy protests?


Avi Yemini – Protesters in Hong Kong explain their “Five Demands”

August 17, 2019 — Demonstrators have been peacefully protesting in the streets of Hong Kong for over a month, but what are they calling for? I spoke to some of these protesters, who explained their “Five Demands”.


Avi Yemini – A Hong Kong protester’s must-watch plea to Trump and the American people

August 17, 2019 — You may have seen news reports showing Hong Kong protesters carrying American flags. I spoke to one of them, and she had a moving message to President Donald Trump and the American people.


Avi Yemini – Emily Lau tells: “This is Hong Kong, not Tiananmen Square”

August 18, 2019 — Emily Lau is Foreign Affairs Coordinator for the Hong Kong Democratic Party. In this in-depth conversation, she told me what the uprising in Hong Kong is really about, why Hong Kong is so important to China’s economy and noted that Canada, in particular, has a vested interest in de-escalating any conflict.


Avi Yemini – Hundreds of thousands rally peacefully in Victoria Park

August 18, 2019 — Hundreds of thousands of people — including an Australian tourist I spotted in the crowd — gathered in Hong Kong’s Victoria Park for a peaceful demonstration calling for democracy, and “freedom” from Communist Chinese tyranny.


Avi Yemini – Trump should “warn” China to not use violence

August 20, 2019 — Many politicians have been attending the protests in Hong Kong, including Albert Ho.


Avi Yemini – Hong Kong riot laws “old fashioned;” can be fixed with English common law

August 20, 2019 — Martin Lee explains the demands of the Hong Kong protesters, and talks about how the legal status of a “riot” has not been updated since the 1960s.
Trump should “warn” China to not use violence


Avi Yemini – Catholic priest in Hong Kong: Moral, financial reasons to support the protest

August 21, 2019 — A Catholic priest participating in the Hong Kong protests spoke to me about why he was there and why the whole world should care.


Avi Yemini – Final thoughts on protests

August 21, 2019 — Avi Yemini of TR News reporting for The Rebel wraps up in Hong Kong, and talks about his impressions of the people protesting for democratic demands and against the Chinese Extradition Bill.


Avi Yemini of TR.News reports for The Rebel from Hong Kong: don’t be fooled by these protesters’ black clothing and masks – they are nothing like Antifa in the West.

#HongKong #Protests #China #Police #Riot #AviYemini #Rebel #News

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  1. Een van de reacties raakt de kern van de huidige problematiek in Hong Kong;

    “Wouldn’t it be amazing if the spirit of democracy were to come to China, and from Hong Kong?”

    Het westen heeft geen idee wat zich in China afspeelt. Het boek “De nieuwe Keizer, Xi Jing Ping” van Ties Dam is zeer onthullend. China is nog niet rijp voor democratie. En wellicht ook niet democratisch bestuurbaar. Het is zuivering op zuivering en clans die elkaar op leven en dood bestrijden. Vooralsnog is Xi daarbij boven komen drijven, maar die situatie is verre van stabiel. De Chinese president heeft bij de diverse zuiveringen zwaar persoonlijk geleden, in kampen gezeten en op straat moeten zwerven. Hij is wat dat betreft zo ongeveer de perfecte tegenhanger van rijkeluiszoontje Donald Trump. Wat wij hier in het westen over het hoofd zien, is dat de rellen in Hong Kong een rechtstreekse ernstige bedreiging vormen voor Xi en zijn hofhouding. En die bedreiging houdt geen wachtgeld in, maar martelingen in concentratiekampen. Voor mij staat dan ook vast, dat Xi Hong Kong zal binnenvallen als de rellen aanhouden. De handelsoorlog moet alleen nog ietsje verder escaleren -iets waaraan Trump keihard werkt- anders krijgt Xi de ineenstorting van de wereldeconomie in zijn schoenen geschoven. Die ineenstorting is overigens onafwendbaar geworden, je moet er alleen voor zorgen niet tot hoofdschuldige daaraan te kunnen worden bestempeld, want dan kom je in China ook in een concentratiekamp terecht….

  2. Er komt een MEGA crisis op ons af. Be preparend;;

    Here we go:

    China Has Responsibility to Intervene in Hong Kong, Xinhua Says

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