Rafael Noah van Streepen – Going balls deep in the sculpting game with Noah Latiff Lamp

Our up and coming contemporary art mogul Noah Latiff Lamp has revolutionized sculpting with his new series called Fuck It. To bring to light a multitude of feelings Noah decided to create a series of sculptures in which he used his “god given tool” as the main tool of choice to mould the clay.

The idea originated as he contemplated how to best make an ode to the origin old masters of sculpting. Noah went on to tell me that the most ancient sculptures are of the naked human form. He speculates that any derrivative from doing so in the field of sculpting is a bit of a bashful approach to what’s really on our minds, making love.

In this day and age obsession around the human body could very easily be at an all time peak in the history of mankind. Somewhere the elegance of making love has been significantly shadowed by an objectification bonanza by the porn industry and modeling agencies.

Noah loves to create art that communicates to the audience on multiple levels, enticing others to really think about whats being said and ponder how they feel. He said: “It felt like I could strike so many birds with one stone when the idea for this series came to me. I could comment on the internal struggle to find clarity around sexuality while being surrounded by a media that constantly bombards us through it and by doing so pay my homage to the old masters.”

So far Noah has completed 6 pieces from the collection of 25 that he is busy giving life to. One thing is for sure, an extremely unique energy shall inhabit the air of this exhibit.

Art Full Souls, January 24, 2016


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