OratorBlog Information Warrior – Prophetic Sign “Total Solar Eclipse” Antarctica, December 4th, Cabal Leaders Open Portal | Star “Omicron Draconis” and Secret 13th Sign of Zodiac Ophiuchus


Prophetic Sign Total Solar Eclipse” Over Antarctica, December 4th, Klaus Schwab and Cabal Leaders Open A Portal In Antartica | The Star “Omicron Draconis” and the Secret 13th Sign of the Zodiac Ophiuchus

OratorBlog Information Warrior

Prophetic Sign “Total Solar Eclipse” Over Antarctica December 4th,

Klaus Schwab and Cabal Leaders Open a Portal in Antartica

The StarOmicron Draconis” and the Secret 13th Sign of the Zodiac Ophiuchus

Klaus Schwab, Antarctica, a Total Eclipse, the Secret 13th Zodiac Sign Ophiuchus the Serpent Bearer, the Star Group Draconis, the Star Omicron Draconis, Interdimensional Archons, Reptilians, Opening a Portal, Apollyon and the Bottomless Pit

Do I Have Your Attention Yet? High Strangeness Indeed.

Such Stuff Movies are Made of.


Pushing The Serpent into Corona.

Klaus Schwab and Cabal Elites are in Antartica for the Rare Celestial Event of a Total Solar Eclipse, only Viewable from there. But wait, this gets MUCH STRANGER.


The Secret 13th Sign of the Zodiac Ophiuchus is in the Draconis Star Group

Draconis (Omicron Draconis) is One of those Stars

Omicron Draconis is a giant belonging to the spectral class K2 III. It has a visual magnitude of 4.62 and is 322.93 light years distant. It is 269 times brighter than the Sun and has 30 times the radius. It is a spectroscopic binary star.

Omicron Draconis is notable for being the North Pole star of Mercury.

But wait, this gets BETTER-

Enjoy the Wild Ride. @OratorBlog   12-6-2021

Omicron Draconis

Dragon Moth or Omicron Draconians are one of the factions behind the Orion Group, one of the intruder groups of the NAA that source from the Orion Constellation. The Dragon Moth are Reptilian Entities that exist Extra Dimensionally in Bodies that are animated and controlled by Off Planet Satanic Forces from Orion, and their Higher Ups exist in the Monadic Planes or Gaian Timelines. They manipulate Time to extend their Mind Control Terrorism to this Timeline in the Past, the Earth Timelines in Matter. Through Ripping Black Holes in Space Time, they have been able to get closer to the Earth Plane through the Astral Plane. Dragon Moth Entities are extremely vicious and violent and are behind most of the Militant and Terrorist Activities in the Areas of the Planet that correspond to the Iraq and Iran Gate. The Islamic Extremist Factions observed in the Middle East are Culled and Orchestrated in Terrorism Techniques primarily by the Omicron Reptiles. Where there is Terrorist Sleepers, (Human People or Ex Military Personnel that just start Shooting or Killing Randomly) this is generally a Dragon Moth Omicron Operation. Dragon Moth Omnicrons started to place their Alien Machinery in the Planet at the Time of the Nephilim Wars, when the Annunaki began to negotiate with the Orion Group because they needed Military Support to take over the Earth and Parallels. Approximately 75,000 BC, at the Time of this Conflict of the Nephilim on the Earth, they installed the Dragon Grids. The Dragon Grid has its Top Part running in Siberia, Russia and the Main Body extends through Asia, Middle East and into North China and into Japan. These Agendas run parallel with the Alpha Omega Agenda, the Armageddon Software, are referred to as ‘Dragon Agendas’ which is a Subsidiary Agenda to ride the Coattail of the Armageddon Software to achieve their Own Dominion over the Dragon Grid in the Asian Area. The Dragon Grid, The Dragon Agenda is all connected to the Dragon Moth Entities of the Orion Group. This is why the Dragon Agenda supports the Armageddon Scenario into World War III, they believe they will get their Dragon Grid Completely Activated and controlled if WWIII was instigated, and they push that to happen through World Terrorism and TransHumanism.”


Paul Begley – Prophetic Sign “Total Solar Eclipse” Tomorrow Night | Open A Portal In Antartica

Going to ANTARCTICA Klaus Schwab and Gang Crown The Serpent!



The 13th Zodiac, the Missing Zodiac Constellation, Right Now

Every Generation believed They were the Last, but we have the One Thing they didn’t; the Timepiece, Israel!

It says There are Seven Kings, means They are Alive!

Carter, Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump, Biden.

They want Rid of Everybody but the Seed of Cain

Sea Goat has Risen


No One but The Marked will Live


i recently Found Out about the 13th Zodiac and with what I’ve researched why is 13 an Unlucky Number? Why are there 13 Ruling Families, each with a Council of 13? Jesus and His 12 Disciples = 13?

Ophiuchus was the Natural Healer, the Magic Healer, the Witch Doctor.

Pharmakeia couldn’t have Existed without Removal of the 13th Zodiac. They even Laugh in the Face of the 13th by using the Caduceus as their Symbol. Today Big Pharma holds so much Power because they banished the Magical Healer. It’s also the Divine Feminine Archetype, and of course, it is True that the Patriarchy has been In Rule for a long time now (and no im not a fucking Feminist, just a Ophiuchus).

Sagittarius is sometimes regarded as the most Watery of the Signs, why? Because Ophiuchus’ Element is Ether. Sagittarius is also the slightly Natural Healer as well as the Bringer of Change. Well dats me, I’m the Sun Moon sag here to tell you that 12 Zodiacs have Completely Thrown us Off Course of the Actual Things we can achieve. Hell, only Two Signs stay in place if you add Ophiuchus to the Mix, as the Sun and Moon only pass through Scorpio for Four Days. It’s a Step in the Right Direction of solving our Issues, I really do believe its a Part of FindingTruth.Working on a Way to bring this Idea to the Masses, for free currently. I’m glad someone else gets It.


The Midnight Ride Omicron: Crowning The Serpent Hidden Messages

#MidnightRide #NYSTV #Omicron

A Long Term Plan to enslave Humanity has been going on for Generations. It’s at least Long Term to us, but by those who perpetrate this Plan it’s not even a Lifetime. This is the Reason we are seeing Hidden Messages and Symbols in, Education Systems, Media, Movies, Video Games, and the Science Community, for Our Entire Lives.
Some of the Topics we are going to discuss tonight include Constellations, Travis Scott, Astro World, Omicron, Video Games, Bible Prophecy, Occult Symbolism, New Age, and More.


CLIFF HIGH – Sunday, December 5, 2021

Is this why the European Union Globalists are Heading to Antarctica? New Dino Bones Discovered? Not Very Likely. Some Shit is Up, and they are Going to Leak it Out Slowly.


Live by the Symbols, Die by the Symbols

Total Solar Eclipse On December 4, 2021

Saturday, December 4th, the New Moon will pass in Front of the Sun, producing a Total Eclipse. The only Place where this Total Solar Eclipse can be seen is Antarctica. It begins on December 4, 2021, at 12:39 AM Eastern and reaches its Maximum Eclipse at 2:33 AM Eastern. It will end at 4:37 AM Eastern.

Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius, 4th December 2021

The Astrological Developments for the First Half of December and the Total Solar Eclipse on the 4th.
Intense Eclipse Energy.


Water, Liquid, Leaking, Oil, Toxicity, Media, Illusion, Delusion, Hypnosis, Drugs, Pharmaceuticals, Spiritual Energy.

Wow, that is Quite Interesting.

Ophiuchus is Related to the God of Pharmacy




Greek Word, “Pharmakia” (Pharmacy), A Pharmakós (Greek φαρμακός, Plural Pharmakoi) in Ancient Greek Religion was the Ritualistic Sacrifice or Exile of a Human Scapegoat or Victim.

The Secret of Ophiuchus, the 13th Zodiac Sign

Ophiuchus is pronounced oh FEW kuss.
Ophiuchus comes from the Greek Word Ophioukhos which translates to “Serpent Bearer.”
NASA “Discovered” a 13th Zodiac Sign  Ophiuchus, or the Serpent Bearer.
Ophiuchus, the “NewestZodiac Sign.
Ophiuchus is a Large Constellation on the Celestial Equator, Between the Constellation Scorpius and Sagittarius. For that Reason, it is considered a Potential Thirteenth Zodiac Sign. Ophiuchus comes from the Greek word Ophioukhos – which translates to “Serpent Bearer.” That may be the Reason this Sign is Represented as a Man (or Woman) grasping a Snake.

Ophiuchus Dates

If you’re born between November 29 – December 17 (that’s you, Sagittarius), you may have a Completely New Zodiac Sign with New Traits and Elements to explore.

Ophiuchus is Unique in Many Ways. But one Difference is that it has a Much Shorter Sun Cycle than the other 12 Zodiac Signs. While it takes the Sun Thirty Days to move through one Zodiac Sign, it only takes the Sun 18 Days to move through Ophiuchus: from November 29 to December 17.

Correct Zodiac Dates Recalculated by NASA

While this can come as quite a Shock to Sagittarius Natives, don’t think you’re Out of the Woods just yet. If the Thirteenth Zodiac Sign is added to the Wheel, all Signs would have New Dates meaning Many Sun Signs would change. Check down below to see what might be your New Sun Sign.

Aries April 18 | May 13
Taurus May 14 | June 21
Gemini June 22 | July 20
Cancer July 21 | August 10
Leo August 11 | September 16
Virgo September 17 | October 30
Libra October 3 | November 23
Scorpio November 24 | November 28
Ophiuchus November 2 | December 17
Sagittarius December 18 | January 20
Capricorn January 21 | February 16
Aquarius February 17 | March 11
Pisces March 12 | April 17

Ophiuchus Mythology

Ophiuchus located near the Celestial Equator and One of the 48 Constellations Listed by the 2nd Century Astronomer Ptolemy, is Named after a Greek God that handles Serpents. This isn’t exactly New Found Knowledge that NASA is divulging either, since the Constellation was Found More than 3.000 Years Ago.

Ophiuchus represented the God Apollo to the Greeks. He “Handled” the Snake that Guarded the Oracle of Delphi at her Temple. The Oracle of Delphi was the Prophetic Priestess Pythia, Known for her Electronic Stability Program (ESP) Powers.

Apollo wasn’t Too Shabby in his Own Right. He was Quite Complex and Powerful as the Son of Zeus, and Titan Leto. He also had Powers of Divination and Moved the Sun across the Sky Every Day. So, why was a Guy who did these Godly Feats Removed from our 12 Sign Astrological Charts? Especially considering they are based primarily on the Movement of the Earth Juxtaposed against Heavenly Bodies and the Sun?

There’s the Odd Fact that the Ancient Babylonians created the 12 Signs of the Zodiac to match their 12 Month Lunar Calendar, but the Answer may also lay in Apollo’s Relationship to the Oracle. As an aside, the Babylonians are also Credited with creating Usury, or the Injurious Use of Interest to Enslave People.

The Oracle at Delphi is Shrouded in Mystery to this Day. She spoke for the God Apollo and Answered Questions for the Greeks about Foreign Relations, Colonization, Religion, and Power. More notably, the Oracle existed Long before Apollo found Her.
As the Story goes, Apollo also “Conquered” the Oracle’s Temple – only Two of Which are in Recorded History, even though Myth has it there were at least Five Temples of the Oracle. The Earth Mother kept her Holy Serpent at Delphi. Apollo killed the Serpent and then tried to keep the Oracle’s Powers for Himself. This is why Delphi is also known as Pythia – in Honor of the Killing of the Snake.

While the Other Signs are Based on Mythological Characters and Figures, Ophiuchus is Named after a Real Person. According to International Business Times, Ophiuchus is Named after Imhotep, an Egyptian Chancellor of the Pharaoh Djoser, and the High Priest of the Ra, the Sun God. While little is known about Imhotep’s Actual Life, he is often Equated to Asclepius, the Greek God of Medicine.

Fun Fact

The “Rod of Asclepius,” a Snake Entwined Staff, remains a Symbol of Medicine Today.

The Constellation of Ophiuchius is represented by the Symbol of a Serpent Bearer or Serpent, and it’s Associated with Asclepius, the Greco Roman God of Medicine. Asclepius was said to have Incredible Healing Powers, including the Ability to Bring People Back from the Dead – a Gift that resulted in him being Banished to the Stars by the God of the Underworld.

Ophiuchus Traits Fire Sign

Ophiuchans would likely be Intense and Mysterious People with a Powerful Presence.
This would describe someone who’s Mysterious, Ambitious, Passionate, Power Hungry, Egotistical, Bad Tempered, with a Jealous Streak. These Serpent Bearers would have Exciting, Edgy, and Enticing Personalities that make them Magnets for Attention and Acclaim.

They’re also Believed To Be Very Seductive, Beguiling, and Alluring to Others. Represented by the Serpent Bearer, Ophiuchans can easily use their Snake Charming Ways to put a Prospective Partner under their Enchanting Spell.
Those with the Ophiuchus Sign like to Speak Their Mind. If you are an Ophiuchus, It’s possible you’ll find yourself Drawn to Life’s More Mysterious or Mystical Matters – such as Dreams, Spirituality, or the Occult. The Healing Powers Associated with Ophiuchus could make you More Intuitive and Easily Attuned to People’s Energy.

Of course, all of that Intensity can be a Double Edged Sword, as Ophiuchans are also thought to be a bit Jealous, Arrogant, Selfish, and Prone to having Feisty Tempers. But ultimately, these Spiritual People are thought to have a Magnetic Mystique and Powerful Personalities that make them Attractive, Ambitious, and Invigorating To Be Around.
Considering that Ophiuchus is on the Cusp of Sagittarius and Capricorn on the Original Zodiac Wheel, Many Astrologers believe that Ophiuchus be a Combination of those Two Personalities. This would describe Someone who’s Passionate, Flamboyant, and Truth Seeking like Sagittarius. But this would also be Someone who is Driven, Ambitious, and Act as a Real Authority Figure like Capricorn.

However, we can’t leave out Scorpio, as Ophiuchus, the Constellation is Located between Scorpio and Sagittarius. So, this Snake Handler may take on the Traits of the Scorpion, like their Mysterious Nature (Obviously), Jealous Tendencies, and Temper Flares. Rest Assured; you don’t want to Mess with Them.

OphiuchusName is Connected to the God of Medicine. Ophiuchus Natives are our Healers, Herbalists, and Caretakers. Some believe that People Born under this Sign are Healing Witches. They may have a Vicious Bite (like a Snake)

Ophiuchus Part of Draco Group

Draco Constellation

Draco is one of the Largest Constellations in the Sky. Located in the Northern Celestial Hemisphere, the Constellation represents Ladon, the Dragon that Guarded the Gardens of the Hesperides in Greek Mythology. The Name Draco means “The Dragon” in Latin.

Draco is one of the Greek Constellations. It was First Catalogued by the Greek Astronomer Ptolemy in the 2nd Century. It is a Circumpolar Constellation; it Never sets Below the Horizon for Many Observers in the Northern Hemisphere.
Draco contains several famous deep sky objects. These include the Cat’s Eye Nebula (NGC 6543), the Spindle Galaxy (Messier 102, NGC 5866), and the Tadpole Galaxy.

Draco contains 17 Formally Named Stars. The Star Names Approved by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) are Aldhibah, Alrakis, Alruba, Alsafi, Altais, Athebyne, Dziban, Edasich, Eltanin, Fafnir, Funi, Giausar, Grumium, Rastaban, Taiyi, Thuban, and Tianyi.


The Constellation Draco is associated with Several Myths, Most Frequently with the one about the 12 Labors of Heracles, represented by the Neighboring Constellation Hercules. In the Myth, Draco represents Ladon, the dragon that guarded the Golden Apples in the Gardens of the Hesperides.
The Golden Apple Tree was a Wedding Present to Hera when she married Zeus. She planted the Tree in her Garden on Mount Atlas and tasked Atlas’ Daughters, the Hesperides, with guarding it. She also placed the Dragon Ladon around the Tree so that the Hesperides would not pick any Apples from it.
In some Versions of the Myth, Ladon had a Hundred Heads and was the Child of the Monster Typhon and Echidna, who was Half Woman and Half Serpent.
In others, he was the Offspring of Two Sea Deities, Ceto and Phorcys, and there is no mention of the Number of Heads he had.
As Part of his 12 Labors, Heracles was asked to steal some Golden Apples from the Tree. He defeated Ladon with his Poisoned Arows and took the Apples. Saddened by the Dragon’s Passing, Hera placed its Image in the Sky among the Constellations. Draco is usually Depicted Coiled around the North Pole, with One foot of Heracles on it’s Head.
In Roman Mythology, Draco was One of the Giant Titans who Warred with the Olympian Gods for Ten Years. The Titan met his End at the Hands of the Goddess Minerva and was thrown into the Sky, where it froze around the North Pole.

Major Stars in Draco


γ Draconis (Gamma Draconis)
ο Draconis (Omicron Draconis)

Omicron Draconis is a Giant belonging to the Spectral Class K2 III. It has a Visual Magnitude of 4.62 and is 322.93 lLght Years Distant. It is 269 Times Brighter than the Sun and has 30 Times the Radius. It is a Spectroscopic Binary Star.
Omicron Draconis is Notable for being the North Pole Star of Mercury.

The Earth is Plunged into Darkness!

The Largest Lunar Eclipse in 600 Years

The Longest Lunar Eclipse in the last 600 years, and maybe in the Entire History of Observations, took place on November 19, 2021. The Eclipse lasted 3 hours 28 minutes and was Visible in Many Parts of Europe and North and South America, as well as in Some Parts of Russia, which Delighted People, and Many, on the Contrary, were Frightened by such a Rare Natural Phenomenon. The Eclipse Coincided with a Blood Red Moon, making the Spectacle even More Unusual. The Moon turned Red due to the Fact that the Only Light falling on the Surface of the Moon filtered through the Earth’s Atmosphere, changing it’s Color. At its Peak, the Moon looked 97.4% Red. Following this Lunar Event, a Total Solar Eclipse is expected to occur in December 2021. The Next Lunar Eclipse should occur in May 2022, but it will be Less Colorful.
In 2021 Natural Disasters have become More Frequent. We are seeing Climate Change in Many Countries around the World. It is Not Known How 2021 Will End.

#weather #news #moon #rain #tornado #snow #sun #storm #flood #blizzard #shine #avalanche #hurricane #earthquake #disasters

Before It’s News, Monday, December 6, 2021 10:02


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1 Comment

  1. Nobody can just go to Antartica and spend time there. Admiral Richard Byrd tried once and was shocked to be met with enemy fire which they couldn’t counter. They had to abandon project Highjump. The Reichsdeutsche Wehrmacht there protected their secret fortresses with UFO’s.

    Klaus Schwab and his homies might have some influence but even they can not counter the forces there.

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