Operation Disclosure | terrazetzz | ECETI News | James Gilliland – 8 | 8 Entering the Lions Gate

8 | 8 Entering the Lions Gate

UFO S and the Multi Dimensional Awakening and Healing of Humanity and the Earth

Issue 41

It seems the Universe is Roaring, Time to End the Denial, Heal and Release the Past, Clean Up the Mis and Dis Information and Move Forward in the Upward Spiral of Ascension. We No Longer have the Luxury of Denial. We all have Images of Our Selves yet do they correspond with Right Action? Have they corresponded with Right Action in the Past? Have we been in Service to Self or Service to Others? Our Vision of Who we Truly are Verses Who we Be Lie Ve we are, is going to be Shattered. The Lack of Right Action in the Past will have It S Karmic Consequences. There is A Grand Division between the Two Images, the Dys Functional Image and Denial is going to be Cast Off. It can be done Gracefully or Painfully. If you want to continue in your Pain Body, it is A House that will Fall. If you want to continue in Denial and Dys Function that Two will be Revealed, what is Inside will become Outside for Everyone to See, Karma will be Accelerated to give the Lessons needed to Evolve.

We are going to see this on A Personal Level, throughout the Political, Business and Religious Institutions No Rock will be Left Unturned. The Science or Mechanics behind this are Simple. Higher Consciousness and Energy In, Garbage Out. The Earth is Rising in Frequency from It S Center and from Incoming Energies. The Sun is Extremely Active with Solar Flares and Coronal Mass Ejections (CME S). With the Light comes Consciousness and Energy. Universal Law is within the Light, the Higher Consciousness and Energy flooding the Galaxy. The Central Sun has activated the Network of Suns throughout the Galaxy. This affects other Dimensions, especially the Lower 4th where A Lot of Unseen Negative Influences reside as well.

The Entire Light Spectrum is changing. The Cosmic, Gamma Ray and X Ray Charts are taking A Steep Rise, the Ultra Violet and Infra Red are also creating New Bands. What does this mean? It means Change on Every Level Right Down to the DNA. Why do you think the Dark Hearts are trying to change your DNA? To stop the Activation and Depopulate the Awakening Masses which once they find out who they are and what they have done will Rise and Take Action. This has Already Begun.

Whatever changes they make are Temporary, your Immune System will Attack any Changes that do not align with the Divine Blue Print. This leads us to Why they are destroying the Immune System. For those who are A Little Slow we are talking about the Vax which is Not and Never was A Vaccine. They are now admitting it does Not Protect from C19 or the Variants. The Efficacy of the Jabs is Next to Zero. They compromise your Immune System so What is their Purpose? Hospitals are Filling with 90% of the people Fully Vaxed, which includes the Spiraling Death Rate of the Fully Vaxed. Do you know Who is Cruising through the Pandemics with their Immune Systems at over 90% to 97% Intact and their Original DNA. The Unvaxed. Your Leaders, Critical Thinking, Research and Integrity Impaired Doctors, Nurses, Athletes in Prime Condition, Young Men and Women having Heart Attacks, Strokes, and Blocked Arteries. There is a 70% to 90% Miscarriage Rate, also Part of the Package. Now they are going after the Children who have Almost A Zero Chance of Dying. It is Time the Denial ends.

Almost Every Structure of Power has been Infiltrated by A Satanic Luciferian Death Cult. The Political Institutions, Film and Music Industry, Business Industry, Religious Industries All at the Highest Levels. This includes your Medical Industry. Harming and Killing A Child is the Greatest Gift they can give to Lucifer or Satan. For that they are Greatly Rewarded with Money, Power and Fame. Hospitals are given up to A Hundred Thousand Dollars to declare A Patient to have Covid with A test that is Unreliable, Almost Always Creating A False Positive, then using Remdesivir and A Ventilator to take the Patient to Full Term, Death.

Hospitals and Doctors are for the Most Part Business Men Trained by Big Pharma. The Goal of Big Pharma is to create Dependencies on the Drugs, Not the Cure, bleed your Assets and Accounts Dry then terminate. They are Part of the Death Cult. None of What is happening will make Sense until you realize this. They are the War and Disease Profiteers, and their Goal is Depopulation. The World Economic Forum (WEF), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations (UN), are All run by the Global Elite and the Communist Chinese Party (CCP). None are Friends of America in Fact America and it S Constitution stands in their Way for World Domination. Truth, Freedom and your God Great Spirit Creator Connection are A Direct Threat to them. Watch the Politicians who are taking away your Constitutional Rights. Right to Privacy, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, the Right to Bear Arms all of these are A Threat to those Who are Corrupt, Bought Off and Sold their Souls to the Satanic Luciferian Death Cult. The Global Elite, New World Order (NWO), WEF, the WHO and CDC are Not Humanitarian Institutions which is Why the Unthinkable Inhuman Depopulation Programs are happening.

The Inner Ascension – ‘They Are A Cult‘ About the Satanic Luceferian Cult (video TikTok, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hz3f_QkUxMLR8YNBgQ81wQJoV7U9uElW/view?usp=sharing)

The Green New Deal is A Trojan Horse that will End in Abject Poverty, Starvation, and the Death of Millions. You are going to See Food Shortages, Power Outages in the Height of Summer and Winter, Sky Rocketing Inflation All by Design. It has Nothing to do with Saving the Planet. Follow the Money. A Picture is Worth A Thousand Years. The Water Levels at Plymouth Rock have Not Changed. The Global Temperatures are Steady Remaining Constant and Falling since the Rise in Temps during the Middle Ages. The Only Thing that changed was Eliminating the Raw Date and Replacing it with Adjusted Data to Further their Agenda. Why did the Barack Obama S and Al Gore S along with Others pushing the Global Warming Oceans Rising Agenda S Buy Beach Front Property? Because they have Always Known. Ocean Rises have been Measured in Millimeters both Up and Down. Worst Case Scenario your Ankle might be Dry or Wet depending on which Icean. There are however Other Drivers in the Weather. There is Weather Modification, Geo Engineering or Chemtrails, Weather Warfare All having A Serious Negative Impact due to these Technologies being in the Wrong Hands. An Increase in Solar Flares and the Earth S Diminishing Magnetic Fields have A Greater Impact on Weather. Severe Storms and Increase in Earthquake and Volcanic Activity follow Solar Flares and CME S, Coronal Mass Ejections. Then there is the Fact that our Solar System is moving through A Highly Energized Place in Space with All the Planets undergoing Climate Change. Humanities Impact on CO2 plays an Insignificant Role, it is Hardly Measurable. CO2 in our Atmosphere consists of 0.041 %. Humans contribute 0.06% of the 0.041%. Do the Math 0.06% of 0.041%. Compare it to A Volcano. Do the Research, follow the Real Science not the Political Agenda Driven Science Backed Up by Integrity Challenged Bought and Paid for Scientists.

Plymouth Rock, 2022 Still at Sea Level (1620 – 2022) (foto Operation Disclosure)

On to A Different Subject. What do UFO S have to do with the Satanic Luciferian Death Cult? The Earth has been under Draconian Law for Well over 450.000 years. It goes Back to Marduk an Annunaki from Ancient Lyra who made A Pact with Reptilians to wage War on his Own People for Total Supremacy. This and Others are the Head of the Dragon. Most are Not Ready to hear This. Serpent Beings, Reptilians Royal and Other Sects, Tall Greys as Well as Other Demonic or regenerate ET S have Infiltrated Earth Humanity, it S Hierarchical Leadership and Positions of Power over Others for A Minimum of 450.000 Years, it goes Back Further. These Bearded Gods are the Origin of Many Religions, some were Benevolent, Some were Self Serving or Malevolent. This is Where the Polarities of the Wrathful Jealous Genocidal God and the All Forgiving Loving God Originated. Neither were the Omni Present Creator within all Creation, the Origin of All Life. The Satanic Luciferian Death Cult comes from Aligning with the Malevolent Gods who demanded Sacrifice Not Only Child Sacrifice but Sacrifice through War, Famine and Disease. There is So Much Inhumanity on Earth because there are Inhuman Drivers who care Nothing about Humanity and Earth. We have to understand this, it is Omperative, or we will Never Know How we got to our Present Circumstances and have the Wisdom to Correct the Situation.

There are Other Forces working on Behalf of Humanity. Ascended Masters, Saints, Sages, Spiritually and Technologically Advanced Off Worlders, our Ancient Ancestors and what is referred to as the White Hats or Ground Crew. Many have Incarnated from these Higher, more Advanced Civilizations, have experienced the Great Wars and are Now Here on Earth as Part of the Planetary Liberation. Those who left before the Fall of the First Colonies who continued to evolve, the Benevolent Anunnaki, the Pleiadian Colonies of Atlantis and Lemuria are returning. The Andromedan, Arcturian, Orion Council of Light which defeated the Orion Grey and Reptilian alliance. The Pleiadians, Syrians, “Felines, Cetaceans” and A Host of Others are Now Returning to Earth to put Earth Back on Course, the Original Untent. The Great Awakening is A Multi Dimensional Temporal Event. In Other Words, there will Eventually be A Folding of Time to get us Through.

Multiple Ships Crossing Power Up

Published 26 jul. 2022


Multiple Ships Crossing from Every Directions and Power Ups


Best of Skywatch at ECETI Ranch 2021

Published August 6 2022



James Gilliland – Extra Terrestrial Contact

The Original Intent was for Earth to be an Eden, A Planet where All Life could evolve to it S Highest Potential. The Earth is A Plethora of Human, Plant and Animal DNA from the Stars. The Pleiadians have More Genetic Stock in the Earth than Any Other Race. If you go to the Shamans of Almost Every Culture, the Elders All point to the Pleiades as their Origin. The Pleiadian Colonies were Off Shoots of Ancient Lyra, Peaceful Lyrians who Fled the Great War on their Home World. There was also the Earth S or Terra S Natural Evolution which included A Human that was developing Naturally then Tinkered with, Genetically Upgraded for Both Good and Bad Reasons. This is A Short Synopsis of Earth S True History which needs to be Understood to Grasp what is Happening Now.

What is Happening Now is the End of Tyranny. The End of the Dark Forces that have Plagued Humanity for Hundreds of Thousands of Years. The End of Self Serving Hierarchies Out of Alignment with Universal Law.


James Birthday Present from the Pleiadians Huge Power Up

Published 12 jan. 2016

James Birthday Present from the Pleiadians Huge Power Up

For mMore go to http://eceti.org/


We are about to take A Quantum Leap in Consciousness and Evolution. Those that Suppress and Bind this Event will be Removed, Consumed by their Own Lust for Power and Wealth at the Expense of Humanity and the Earth. They will be Removed by their Own Hand, the Karmic Consequences, Reactions to their Actions, which is being Amplified and Accelerated. Power over Others will Fall Aside to Empowering Others. The Destruction and Pollution of Earth will Fall Away to the Restoration and Healing of Both Humanity and the Earth. New Technologies will be Released that will provide All of our Healing, Energy and Basic Needs. This is Very Close. Be Part of the Solution. There are Two Spirals Unfolding the Downward Spiral which Ends in the Near Future and the Upward Spiral where those who chose to live A Spiritual Life in Harmony with Each Other and Nature. Which Spiral are you on? Be Brutally Honest with Your Self, the Intellect can Validate Almost any Behavior, Take it to the Heart. Pray, Meditate, Initiate and Ask for Help, Act according to Universal Law. Universal Peace, Brother and Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All is Universal Law. It is the Foundation of All God S Great Spirit S Creator S People. It is in the Heart, the Core of All Humanity.

We are All in This Together Regardless of Race, Color, Gender or Religion. WWG1WGA is Most Appropriate for the All is in the One. The All is the One Consciousness that Encompasses All Consciousness, All Life throughout the Multi Verse, the Unified Field in Which we All Exist, Draw Sustenance from and Partake Of to One Degree or the Other. The only Difference between You and the Advanced Beings Terrestrial and Extra Terrestrial is the Expansion into Greater Awareness and Use of the Unified Field. There are No Divisions in God Great Spirit Creator only the Illusion of Separation. Time to Forgive Self and Others, Release and Heal the Past, Get On with the Awakening and Healing of Humanity and the Earth. Remember being A Christ Buddha White Eagle Quan Yin Mary Buffalo Calf Woman et cetera. does Not mean being A Door Mat. It is Time to Walk Away, can Not Serve the Beast and Not Go Down with it.

James Gilliland



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Operation Disclosure, Saturday, 6 August 2022, 21:53


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