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via FreeMom7
Excerpted with Emphasis For Your Information (FYI) For Highest Good of All
Richard Milhous Nixon versous Thirteen Needed Actions
Anna von Reitz
Richard M Nixon is, Of Course, Most Famous for Watergate, A Scandal That by Today’s Standards is Utterly Trivial.
The Overall Depth of Criminality has Increased So Exponentially since the Early 1970’s and our Own Social Morality has Been Degraded to such an Extent, that Nixon’s Trespasses would Not Elicit the Flicker of an Eyebrow Now (…)
We have Proof that the Obummer White House Bugged Donald Trump’s Campaign Headquarters in 2016 and Listened into Every Planning Session, and We have Done Nothing Whatsoever about it. It has Not Even Been Widely Discussed.
It’s A Straight across the Board Replay of What the Nixon White House did, Comparable in All Respects, Yet Nobody is Going to Jail. Obama was Not Hounded Out of the White House in Disgrace (…).
Oh, Another Watergate (…). That’s Too Bland. Not Exciting Enough. Nobody wants to Hear that Story Again, Even with New Players Filling All the Same Roles. It’s like A Follow Up Rendition of A Broadway Play or Classic Movie. Besides, this Time Around, the Villain is A Democrat.
The Ineluctable Truth that What was Wrong in the Past is Still Wrong Today seems to Have Bypassed Everyone, and Especially What passes for the Media (…) Blathering about Nonsense, All Blissfully Unaware of Anything Approaching, Substance or Meaning, or God Forbid, Morality, Justice, or ui.
Those Concepts have Been Lost to our Detriment as A Nation, and have Been Replaced with Bang Bang Computer Games and A Strange Disconnectedness from Reality. It doesn’t Occur to the Denizens of this Semi Imaginary World that What They do to Others will Come Back to Haunt them.
It’s All Just A Game, until the Inevitable Payback smacks their Noses into A Concrete Floor.
Still, When We look Back, We need to Admit Even Harder Things. We need to Admit that Nixon’s Watergate Adventures, Bad as they were, were Among the Least of his Sins, Sins that have Come to Fruition in the Current Day.
Let’s Examine the Big Three.
The Petro Dollar,
The Conversion of Health Care into A for Profit Corporate Venue
State Sponsored Black Ops.
All These Things and their Predictable Results have been Visited upon Us by One Man (…) Richard Millhous Nixon.
The Petro Dollar has been an Illegal and Immoral Two Sided Commodity Rigging Scheme from the Start, and the Only Thing Special or Different about it, is that it Involved Two Commodities, Crude Oil and Federal Reserve Notes, Not One.
The Arabs Agreed to Require Everyone to Pay for their Oil in Federal Reserve Notes and to Invest in US Treasury Bonds. Nixon Agreed to Buy All the Crude Oil they could Send him with Favorable Price Guarantees and Promised Not to Develop American Crude Oil Resources that would Otherwise Compete with Oil Supplies from the Middle East.
In this Way, Not Just Any Commodity, but A Vital Commodity, One that People depend upon for Heat, Lights, and Transportation, was Ensnared in A Commodity Rigging Scheme that Favored the Arabs and the US Corporation, and Nobody Else.
The Only Other Time in the History of the World that A “Vital Commodity” , One needed to Support Life Itself, has Been Ensnared like This, is When Salt Supplies were Monopolized by the Roman Empire.
There has been A Long Standing though Unspoken Prohibition against Hitting People Where it Hurts, and Our Monetary Systems have Accordingly Focused on Non Vital Commodities, Gold, Silver, Gems, and Other Baubles that Nobody Actually Needs in Order to Live.
Nixon blew Past that Honorable Prohibition without A Second Glance (…) he had Everyone by the Cajones and he was Going to Make the Most of it (…) They Lapped up the Insane Profits like So Many Rabid Dogs, and Put Gag Orders on the Media so that the American General Public would Never Really Know What the “Petro Dollar” was.
We Endured Five Decades of Listening to the Media Harping Endlessly about “Oil Shortages” and Hype Designed to Make us Believe that Oil Supplies were Limited and Non Renewable Resources (…)
Nobody Mentioned that the “Oil Shortage” Referred to Crude Oil, which was Needed by our Refineries as the Feedstock to Make Value Added Products from Oil, Motor Oil, Gasoline, Jet Fuel, Naptha, Benzene and Other Cyclic Hydro Carbons, Inorganic Fertilizers, Solvents, Plastics (…)
Nobody told the American Public, Which was Living in Fear of “Oil Shortages” that the Whole Time this Media Meme was Playing
We were Among the Top Two Exporters of Refined Oil Products in the World
That Oil is, and has Always been known to Be, A Naturally Occurring, and Renewing, Inorganic Mineral Byproduct of the Earth’s Crust
We, Americans, are Sitting on Oil Reserves that Make the Saudi Reserves look like their Bathtub Compared to our Lake.
Even Now, There are Charlatans that Consider Donald Trump A Pariah for Opening Up American Oil Reserves to Provide Abundant and Inexpensive Oil Products for Americans. What A Concept!
The Point is that the Petro Dollar Hit Everyone but the Middle East and the US Corporation below the Belt. It forced All the Other Countries to Give way their Own Ntional Currencies in Exchange for Federal Reserve Notes. Otherwise they had Very Limited Means to Buy Oil, which they Needed for Heat, Lights, and Transportation, Things that Both Businesses and Individuals need to Survive, At Least until Tesla’s Vision of Free Energy comes Online.
The Whole World was Put Between A Rock and A Hard Place by the Petro Dollar and One of the Most Ruthless Monopolies since the Roman Monopoly on Salt was Used to Bleed Everyone Dry.
Richard Nixon and his Cronies considered this “Good Business”. The Sheiks, For the Most Part, Adopted the Same Attitude. Of All the Oil Producing Countries, Only Libya and Some of the Very Small Members of the Emirates saw the Windfall as A Means for Social and Economic and Environmental Progress for their Country and their People (…)
Eventually, Faced with this Selfishness and Short Sightedness on the Part of their Own Rulers, but Prohibited by Law and Tradition from Criticizing Them, the Common People of the Middle East turned their Wrath on the “Americans”, that is, the US Corporation and the Oil Companies that were Investing in their Oilfields.
Outraged Youth Not Understanding Any of the Dynamics Causing their Impoverishment in the Midst of Plenty, Imagined that this was A Matter of Religion instead of Economics and Bad Personal Morals, and the Mullahs, Perhaps as Ignorant of Such Things as the Youths, Joined in the Idea of A Holy War against the Greedy Infidels.
Richard Millhous Nixon and the Men like him were Pleased. They Funded the Muslim Insurrectionists and Jihadists with Glee. They Hired Men like Osama bin Laden and Yasir Arafat to Stir the Pot. They Paid for Acts of Terrorism.
Why? Because it Interrupted the Supply of Oil and Jacked Prices Skyhigh. Because it Gave them an Excuse to Roll In and Take Over Entire Countries and Steal the Oil Outright.
These are Not Nice Men. They have No Conscience. They are Criminals in Good Suits, Who Know How to Shake Hands and Smile, while Stabbing Others in the Back. And they are Good at At, Too.
Just Remember Dubbya Standing There Looking Like A Schoolboy, Ranting about “Weapons of Mass Destruction”, Knowing for A Fact that he Knew There were No weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq, Even as he was Saying It (…) the Kind of Men that Both Political Parties have Been Producing and Ensconcing as “Presidents” for the Last Sixteen Decades.
Another One of Nixon’s “Gifts”, besides the Petro Dollar, was the Privatization of the Health Sector Industries in this Country, Converting Non Profit Hospitals into Avaricious Investment Mongering Corporate Capitalist Behemoths, Eager to Collude with Politicians and Insurance Executives to Bilk the American Public Sideways in the Name of Good Health and Science.
And That is What has Inexorably Led to the Current Genocide and the Whole Scandalous Situation with World Health Organisation (WHO), INC, and the Redefinition of “Vaccines” Allowing these Monsters to Spread Disease and Death for their Own Profit and Coercive Power.
No Doctor or Hospital Ever Made A Profit Off A Healthy Man, So their Profit Motive has Been to Create More Disease, More Pain, More Injuries, Certainly Not to Cure Anything, Ever, Which is Precisely Why, until Richard Nixon, our Health Care Sector was Strictly Non Profit.
All That changed Thanks to Tricky Dick. One of Nixon’s Best Friends and Most Avid Campaign Contributors was the Head of Kaiser Permanente. This Bossom Buddy of Nixon’s was Slavering, Champing at the Bit, Begging for Nixon to Open Up the Health Care Sector to “Private Investment”.
By That he meant Incorporate All the Hospitals that Received Federal Funding as Commercial Corporation Franchises of the US Corporation, So that they would Have to Do Whatever Nixon and Pals Dictated, and Force the Doctors to Do Whatever they Wanted them To Do, Including Dictating Which Drugs they could Prescribe and What Protocols they Could Follow (…)
Once All the Private Investors and Investment Funds were In It Up to their Necks, the Whole Set Up would Be Set in Cement and the US Corporation would have A Permanent Stranglehold on Health Care and Health Care Services and Every Licensed Health Care Provider in the Whole Country.
It would Be A Gold Mine as Nixon Realized, However, A Gold Mine that has Predictably Resulted in Investing in Things that Cause Chronic Diseases, For Profit. The Entire Focus has Shifted from Health to Disease over the Course of Five Decades, and If Anything, this Process is Picking Up Speed.
Let’s Take the Example of A Familiar Childhood Disease, Chickenpox.
Chickenpox in Children is A Virulent, Obnoxious, Non Fatal Illness Amounting to A Couple Days of Fever and an Itchy Rash. If it is Encountered Later in Life for the First Time, it can Have Far More Serious Effects (…)
Chickenpox Not Only Causes the Familiar Childhood Disease, it Causes and or Exacerbates A Host of Chronic Ailments Including Cold Sores, Psoriasis, Eczema, Degenerative Disc Disease, Colitis, Arthritis, Shingles, and A Variety of Other More Arcane Problems Associated with Collagen Collapse and Dysfunction.
Chickenpox is A True “Producer” for the Health Care Sector, Which Means that Everyone Must Be Vaccinated Against Chickenpox. And Nobody can Be Told that A Simple Supplement, L Lysine, an Essential Amino Acid, will Restore Balance to the Collagen System and Suppress the Ill Effects of Chickenpox.
So by Making Sure that Everyone has Chickenpox in their System via Uniform Vaccination Programs, and Simply Suppressing Knowledge Of and Access to the Cure, the Health Industry rakes in Billions upon Billions of Dollars of Profit from A Captive Audience Every Single Year.
It’s the Same Way with the Great Cash Cow Cancer, Which Replaced Tuberculosis as the Savior of Modern Medicine.
Cancer has been Cured at Least Five (5) Times and Yet, we Keep Stumbling around Trying to Find our Butts with Both Hands and Will Continue to Do So, As Long As we Pour Hundreds of Billions of Dollars into Cancer Research, Cancer Treatment, Cancer Therapies, and Cancer Medicines.
These Hospitals, Universities and Research Programs are Lapping Up the Cream and have Absolutely No Motive to Ever Find A Cure for Cancer or Any Other Disease. What they Search for Instead, is Expensive Palliative Care, Patented Drugs and Therapies that “Prolong Life” and Suppress Symptoms, that is, Partial Solutions that Allow them to Milk the Victims and their Health Insurance Programs for A Longer Period of Time.
This is Why we Spend Ten Times More on Health Care than Any Other Country in the World and Have More Chronic Disease than Any Other Population (…)
It is Long Past Time for All the Rest of Us to Jerk Awake and Stop this Idiocy. Liquidate the Corporations Responsible for this Mess. Change the Laws Back to Make the Health Care Sector Non Profit Again. Voluntarily End the Petrodollar Monopoly. Develop our Own Oil to the Extent that we Need To and Regain Our Once Ironclad International Reputation for Being Good Neighbors and Reliable Business Partners.
The US Corporation has Created A Lot of Wealth for A Tiny Percentage of People at the Expense of All the Rest. It has Engaged in Every Unlawful Activity There Is. It has Undermined and Usurped against Our Lawful Government. And the USA Inc, the Other Large Municipal Corporation Housed in the District of Columbia is No Better.
Nixon Weaponized Both these Huge Corporations to Engage in “Black Ops”, Assisted by Dozens of “National Security” Organizations and Agencies, A Move that was Later Institutionalized by Following Administrations, and that has Resulted in More Crimes Committed by the “Government of the Government” in this Country than Any Government Since the Nazi Fourth Reich.
Overturning Other Lawfully Elected Governments in Other Countries became as Commonplace as “Flipping Houses” For Profit. It’s Inevitable that the Same Bad Boys would Hit upon the Idea of Overturning our Government As Well, Something that They have Had in the Works and Been Planning for Some Time.
The Creation of A Mercenary Army which Took Place Here during the Fraudulent American Civil War Combined with the Ability to Hire Civilian Experts and Commandeer Entire Agencies, has Led to Black Ops of Every Possible Kind. It has Led to Propaganda, Mind Control Experiments, Exponential Increases in Mental Illness, Drug Addiction, Alcohol Addiction, Debased Moral Standards, Corrupt Courts, Corrupt Police, Laser Cannons, and Lawless Cynicism on Display on Every Street Corner.
The Whole Political Bureaucracy from Stem to Stern isRotten, Top Heavy, Corrupt, and Set to Burn. The Only Possible Source of Hope, Renewal, Decency, and Common Sense must Come from the People of this Country, and Not the Hirelings Who have So Far Misled, Betrayed, and Misrepresented Us.
But, But, But, Anna, How can We Do This?
We Stand Up the Actual Lawful Government of this Country, A Process We are Already Well Started On. We Call our State Assemblies into Session. We are Guaranteed the Right to Do This, and the Whole World Knows that We Are. As Long as we Keep Our Temper and Do This in A Peaceful and Orderly Manner, We can’t Be Stopped.
We Stand Up our Own Traditional American Common Law Courts, Which are Courts of General Jurisdiction, Able to Address Any Matter that Comes Before Them.
We Expose the Nature of the Problem. We Call Out the Pope, Who Technically Owns Every Corporation on Earth, and we Invoke the Ecclesiastical Law Which All these Corporations are Subject to, and Which Clearly Provides that Corporations are Allowed to Exist and Be Organized for Lawful Purposed, NotMerely Legal Purposes.
We Liquidate the Worst Offenders, Microsoft, Google, BBC, Pfizer, Bayer Monsanto, Alphabet, Inc, SERCO, UN CORP, WHO, Take your Pick. Make examples of Them So that the Others get the Idea and Learn the Words “Lawful Operations” Again.
We Roto Rooter the Patent Offices in the US, Germany, Japan, Italy, and France and Revoke All the Outrageous Criminal Patents that have Been Issued for Evil inventions and Processes. We Prevent the Criminals from Legally Profiting from their Crimes.
We Open Up A Completely New Banking System for the World and Open Up the World Economy, Making Modern Banking Services Available to Everyone Everywhere. We Return Purloined Credit, Physical and Material Assets to the Actual Owners, the Living People. We Redefine the Goals of the New Economy and the Old Military Industrial Complex, Both.
From Now On, the Only Things we Fight are the True Enemies of Mankind, Poverty, Ignorance, Sloth, Gluttony, Avarice, Falsehood, Disease, Pollution, Selfishness, Pride, Recklessness, Uncaring, Deceit, False Values, Idolatry, and All the Other Things that Make us Sick, Crippled, and Miserable.
We Willingly End the Petro Dollar Monopoly, Realizing that Monopolies are Evil and Consuming and Unnatural, Especially Monopolies that Restrict Access to Vital Commodities that People Need in Order to Live. We Resolve to Never Again Restrict A Vital Commodity. We Recoup our Physical and Material Assets and our Credit and Use our Resources to Create A Safe and Reasonable Means to Transition Out of the Petro Dollar System.
We Expose the British Territorial “Empire” and the Empire of the City, Rome, and the Villains Responsible for this Madness, So that Everyone can See How these Crooked Hypocrites have Insinuated Themselves and Usurped upon People Who Hired them to Provide Specific Services, People Who were, and are, Owed Good Faith Service under Contract. Let the World See for Themselves How the Americans, Canadians, Aussies, All of Western Europe, and Japan have Been Used and Abused by these Criminals. Give them No Choice but to Make Whatever Amends they Can, To All of Us, and To Their Own People, To, or Be Recognized throughout the World as Crooks that Nobody wants to Do Business with. We Note that the English, Irish, Scots, and Welsh have Suffered Longer from this Scourge than Everyone Else and they have Been Helpless against It. So we Close Ranks and Advance the Cause of the Living People over the Profiteering of Dead Incorporated Entities.
We Outlaw Political Parties and Political Party Elections in Which Party Cronies select the Candidates that we are Then More or Less Forced to Elect. We Stand Up our Actual Elections Again and Fill our Public Offices and Consider the Whole Range of Possible Candidates. We realize that the Corrupt Political Parties are the Reason we can Not Get Decent Men and Women to Fill Public Offices.
We, the General Public, Stop Underwriting Municipal and Commercial Corporations that are Involved in Criminal Activities of Any Kind. This Prohibition Stands Against Corporations that Engage in Wars for Profit, Produce Harmful Drugs, Suppress Natural Rights under Color of Law, Securitize Living Flesh, or Otherwise Engage in Activities that are Self Evidently Against the Public Interest and Against the Public Good and Which harm Individual People.
We Revitalize the Public School and University Systems and Give All Control over Curriculum Back to the Local People and their Governments, While Providing Themwith Ample Incentivesand Support to Compete against Other Educational and Skill Building Systems Worldwide. We Adopt A “Learning to Learn” strategy, Calculated to Encourage andReward Lifetime Learning andImprove Analytic and Problem Solving Skills.
We Encourage Individual Expression and Protect Individual Rights, to Provide A Secure and Loving Environment in Which People can Excel andLive their Lives to the Fullest i Enjoy the Fruits of their Labor and Creativity without Interference, So Long as they Respect the Equal Rights of Others and Cause No Harm.
These Thirteen Points, One for Each Original American State, Cover 90% of What is Currently Wrong in Our World, Providing Clear Direction, Identifying Action Items and Goals, As Well as Describing, In Very Simple Terms, the Desired and Logical Results.
Join Us, Join Us in Saying, “Done with Evil!” and Say Good Bye to the Nasty, Narrow, Ugly, Violent World Created, Largely, by Richard Milhous Nixon. There is Nothing Worthwhile to Lose and Everything to Gain from Learning from our Mistakes.
Anna von Reitz
paulstramer.net, Saturday, September 2 2023, 07:20 PM
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2022 Operation Disclosure
Operation Disclosure Official, 3 September 2023, 23:57 PM
CBS | Mike Wallace – RICHARD NIXON “Watergate: The Secret Story” (1992)
Eric Zuesse – What Richard Nixon’s Letter to Bill Clinton Revealed about Them Both, and also about Jeffrey Sachs
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