Operation Disclosure Official | TerraZetzz | Danlboon – How will the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) work?

How will the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) work?

Operation Disclosure Official

Danlboon, Contributing Writer

 First This is How I See It, Trump, the Commander in Chief of the US Military, should Announce on Sun Day October 1 ,2023, NESARA,  and Report that We will Have A New Currency in the United States, the USN, and Hopefully he will Let Everyone Know What is Going On. That the EBS is Going to Be Broadcasted within A Few Hours.

Looking for Friday Day, October 6, to Be the Real Start.” This Just Postpones Things, but I Want to Get the Info Out Before We have the EBS on Sunday, Tomorrow or Next Friday. If NESARA is Announced on October 6 then the Elections for the Republic will Happen on Tuesday January 30, 2024, 116 Days. And There will Be No National Football Leugue (NFL) Games for People to Be in the Stadiums and Then Less People will Be Watching their TVs, Already.

Trump should Not Have NESARA and the USN Announced Solely on the EBS and the Banks, Phones and Internet All Shut Down Right Then and As the EBS Starts Which Means there will Be Many Not Knowing What is Going On as They Have No TV or Radio to Turn To.

This is Not Like Pearl Harbor on Hawaii, December 7, 1941 or as the WTC Attack on 9/11, September 11, 2001, Where It is A Major Attack Happens and You Need to Get Home Then and There to Turn On Your TV or Radio, but Since Trump is the Chosen Commander in Chief by the US Military, and Not Just has to Be President, then he is In Charge to Make this EBS Announcement. This will Be Released in the EBS, As to Why.

Why would Anyone Just Announce NESARA and the USN as the EBS does Not Come till Days Later when Many Do Not Know What they Are?
I Just Won A New Car, but Where is It? As It is Not in My Driveway, Will it Be Delivered? What Type? Do I have Automatic Insurance and Registration? And do I Have to Pay Taxes for It?

The Reason Trump would Announce NESARA, the USN, your New QFS Account and the 120 Days for the Republic Elections at his Speech. He will Give People the Heads Up. Something is Coming, Time to Get Home and Prepare for the 10 Days of Solitude and the Reporting of These 110 Years of Chaos. People should Not Get the Idea This is A Trump Campaign Ploy and Shut Everyone Else Out of the Picture. He will Allow the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to Inform We The People this is the US Military Taking Charge and Why. He is Giving We The People the Real Truth as they Need to Be Prepared for It. This Also gives Biden A Way to Destroy Himself A Lot More by Trying to Shut Off the EBS and Do Much More Chaos before he will Be Removed by Wednes Day October 11 , and Biden should Be Cleaning House Himself, but it May Be Too Late Already.

They May Have Information Then and They will Let We the People Know Many Government Officials have Been Sent to Guantánamo Bay (GITMO) for Military Tribunals on charges of Treason and Have Already Been Executed and There will Not Be A USA INCNormal‘ Election in 2024, and This All will Be Repeated in the EBS As to Who They Are and Why.

Since It will Be on A Sunday Then the NFL and the MLB will Have their Games Going On with Millions of Fans in their Stadiums, and If the EBS Comes On Then and There. There will Be Chaos as To What is Happening as the Stadiums’ Managements did Not Know What was Coming for Them. Now to Get the People to Leave in an Orderly Fashion. It may Be Much Worse than the 1989 San Francisco Earthquake during Game N° 3 of the World Series, Getting Home Then was Terrible, and Often Meant A 10 Day Delay. Is It Coincidentally for 10 Days and in October?

My Thinking is, Possibly Trump will Make his Initial NESARA Announcement at; 6 PM EDT, 3 PM PDT and 12 PM Hawaii Time, Then 3 Hours Later the EBS begins Nation Wide at 9 PM EDT, 6 PM PDT and 3 PM HDT. Many of the Sports Games may Have Ended by this Later Time when the EBS should Start. I Think the Times should Be the Same on Friday October 6.

The Out of Town Fans may Have A Hard Time Trying to Get Home as Even the Buses will Need the Phone Internet Connections with Their Machines to Purchase Tickets as the ATM’s will Not Work to Pull Even Cash Out.

If NESARA is Announced on Sunday 1 October then the Republic Elections Must Be Held Tuesday Before the 120 Days are Up, As on Tuesday January 23, 2024, itI is 114 Days. Unknown as to When They would Take Office, but Maybe Within 30 Days under the Republic USA Flag that will Have No More Gold Fringe on Them.

Since Those in the Re Valuation (RV) are Mostly Under an Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Then They May Be Notified Someway before the EBS is Going on Sunday and Then Be Able to Go to A Certain Location Any Other Time, As They can Not Make A Phone Call, As Well as That Certain Messages may Relayed to Them in the EBS . Where Only They Know What It Takes To Make their Exchanges. This Might Be the Moment Where Both of These Go at the Same Time.

When the EBS Starts Then There should Be A Basic Menu of What will Be on the Video Audio and How Long It will Be Going On For and Not Have People Waiting Around to See When the Ending will Come About as They have Other Things to Do or Even Sleep. An Eight Hour Long Movie and From Which You Do Not Want to Miss A Single Bit? That Menu should Be Repeated Maybe Hourly or Every 30 Minutes. As for People Stepping Away for A While and Know When They should Be Back as Not to Miss Something. Or Maybe with the TV, There could Be Big Scrolling Screens of What is Happening.

I would Think that the Basic Details Within the First Hour will Be the NESARA Law, What the Changes Are That are Coming, Primarily How and Why it Came About, Your New QFS Account and How It Works. Some Basic HistoryLessons about the Past 110 Years, Since 1913, Even Going Back to the Organic Act of 1871, the Civil War, When the Southern States Walked Out of Congress and We have Not Been with the Constitution for the United States of America  Since Then as It has Been A Corporation with THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION, and Of Course We All become Now State Citizen of the US Republic

There should Also Be Specific Details of What Employers Are To Do and Not Do, like They can No Longer Withhold Anything from the Paychecks for Any Taxes, Not for Social Security and Not for Welfare and Medicare, They will Have to Pay for the Union Workers Their Fee.

Of Course the Items in the NESARA Law will Be Brought Up, Like No More Sales Tax on Used Items, Medicines and Food, but Just A 14% Sales Tax on All New Items. This May Only Start After the EBS is Over. It Probably Takes Time to Get the Businesses Informed on All This. So the Quarterly EmployerWithholdings may Have Already Been Sent by Them for Theirs in the First Week of October. For the Third Quarter Unless the Business was Shut Down Before That Time, You will Be Refunded Those Along with All the Others in the Past Thru and In to Your QFS Account.

No More Property Taxes Have to Be Paid and Those Already Paid over the Years will Be Ref Funded as You can Not Be Continually Taxed on What You Already Purchased and Owned Along with Your Mortgages. Possibly No More Registration on Vehicles and For Sure No More Drivers License Required as the US Supreme Court Ruled on That in 2017, for All Non Commercial Drivers, but Getting Paid for Driving like For Instance by Über, As A Commercial Driver, You Need One.

All Present Debts will Be Paid Off and Likely Everything will Be Paid Through Your Credit Cards. Their Debets will Be Paid Off as Well As There are Records of All The Purchases You Did, but For Anything You Paid Cash, Itis Too Late for Any Refunds.

Medical Services may Not Be Taxed, but I am Not Sure about the Insurances, As I Have Had an Insurance When I Could Effort It. I Otherwise had to Pay Major Bucks for It Myself .

Your Birth Certificate may Have Already Been Linked with Your SSN, Bank Accounts, Loans and Employers to Then Put those Refunds in With Your QFS Account, but it May Be Necessary to See that you Have It Like A Passport ID Verification to Gain Access.

Just Go Watch the Video of ‘Change is On the Horizon’ about the History of this Corruption and That is Only 3 Hours and Now you have This and More 8 Hours Repeated for 10 Days.

This will Not Be All the Details of What Every Corrupt Government Official has Done, but It may Give the Basics of Why Trump Worked it This Way Recently with the US Military, With Them Working on NESARA for the Last 20 Plus Years, and Even Going Back to the ‘Farmers Claims Program’ to Get NESARA Up and Running. This is In Part (3) of the Video, About 2 Hours into It.

I Would Think Trump would Give at Least A Few Hours from his Initial Announcement that Things will Be Shut Down, is For Businesses to Shut Things Down Themselves and Not Try to Call 911 to Get People Out of their Establishment as They can Not Keep it Going with People Still Trying to Purchase Items when the Phone Internet Connections with their Machines to the Banks are Shut Down.

Really, for the Truckers they Need to Get to A Truck Stop to Stay for 10 Days, and the Airports Need to Shut Down and Not Have the EBS Going On While they Have Flights in the Air and Passengers can Not Gain Access to Their Ticket Info for their Flight. “Your Flight has Been Cancelled Due to the EBS, and You can See This on the Big Screen, but No Refunds Till After the 10 Days are Over.



Operation Disclosure Official,


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