Operation Disclosure Official | Judy Byington – Restored Republic via A GCR Update as of Thurs. 25 May 2023

Restored Republic via A GCR Update as of Thursday 25 May 2023

Compiled Thursday 25 May 12:01 AM EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist Retired, Journalist, Author “Twenty Two Faces: inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and her Twenty Two Multiple Personalities

Emergency Broadcast System Activation Imminent

The EBS would involve two to twelve days of Worldwide Communication Darkness. Phones, Internet, Credit/Debit Cards and ATMs would not work, while three eight-hour documentaries a day would be broadcast on TV and Radio 24/7 across the Globe.
Early Wed. morning 24 May the 50 US politicians who received special phones were taken to an undisclosed government bunker facility for Continuation of Government activity.
FDA Says Internet will go down by Thurs. 25 May
US Military to Enforce Martial Law by This Coming Memorial Day Weekend
For your own safety please follow Military instructions including staying indoors if so instructed.
It’s only wise to have at least a month’s supply of food, water, cash and essential items on hand.

A World Wide Call for Fast and Prayer

Pray for a restoration of Freedom for People of the World. Pray for the brave Military Forces making mass arrests of Global and Political Elites who have kept The People enslaved and please do special prayers for the rescue of Ritually Abused Children and Adult Survivors who Satan worshippers have used as fodder for Pedophilia, Child Sacrifice and Cannibalism rites in honor of Satan.
“Don’t Ever Give Up”
February 19, 2023 – #4875 Music & the Spoken Word (thetabernaclechoir.org)
It was a cold, snowy December day in 1891 when physical education teacher James Naismith got two peach baskets from the janitor, nailed them to a balcony on either end of the gym, handed his boys a ball and the first game of Basketball began.
Three decades ago the beloved basketball coach Jim Valvano who was battling cancer, received a humanitarian award. In his acceptance speech he expressed truths he learned from basketball.
“There are things we all should do every day. You laugh, you think, you move your emotions to tears of happiness, you thank God for the day and each moment you have and you don’t give up. You don’t ever give up.
“That’s a full day. That’s what I’m going to try to do every minute that I have left. I will thank God for the day and each moment I have.”
We all fall behind in the game of life sometimes. When we do, we can thank God for each day He give us and use it to laugh, think, cry and work our way back – one basket at a time.

Judy Note

• According to the USAFCC the US Military was under orders to enforce Martial Law by Memorial Day Weekend. Activation of the Emergency Broadcast System was imminent after Intel indicated that riots were planned all along the West Coast – where US Troops have been sent to ensure law and order. The FDA announced the Internet would likely go down by Thurs. 25 May. It was advised to stock up on two weeks of food and water and follow Military instructions including staying indoors if so instructed. …USAFCC Command
• United States Air Force Combat Control Teams (USAFCC) is an elite American Special Operations Force who specializes in all aspects of air-ground communication, including air traffic control, fire support and command control.
• Wed. 24 May 2023 9:53 am EST CaptKyle Patriots: A couple of hours ago the (50) politicians who received the new satellite phones were taken to an undisclosed government bunker facility to ensure a Continuation of Government. https://t.me/theendtimesreveal
• Hot Rumor: Internet to Go Down by Thursday | Dinar Chronicles
• Satellite Phones to Politicians, Internet Down: https://m.beforeitsnews.com/opinion-conservative/2023/05/and-we-know-satellite-phones-to-politicians-internet-down-trafficking-movie-border-woke-pray-must-video-3663557.html
• Watch the Water is a documentary proposing that our tap water supply was being purposely poisoned with Cobra snake venom and that’s what the Covid-19 Pandemic actually came from. Watch The Water | Know Your Meme
• In preparation for the Global Currency Revaluation of 209 nations, the Fed plans to launch ISO 20022 (electronic data interchange between financial institutions) on Thurs. 1 June.
•  Under a new USMCA Agreement signed by President Trump, Australia, Canada and Mexico may be joining the US as states. Hawaii may be declaring sovereignty as the Kingdom of Hawaii. Borders were being redrawn to correct the redefining of territories that the Khazarian Mafia has done over decades across the world.
• This week the 209 nation Global Alliance was implementing a gold/asset-backed Global Currency Revaluation, while the Cabal’s Central Banks were pushing a fiat digital currency Reset called The Great Reset. The Cabal knows that if you control the money, you control the world. Their Central Bank Digital Currencies will be programmed to be used against The People.
• The Great Reset: Florida just banned the fiat Cabal CBDC Central Bank Digital Currency, as have at least 24 other states: https://www.flgov.com/2023/03/20/governor-ron-desantis-announces-legislation-to-protect-floridians-from-a-federally-controlled-central-bank-digital-currency-and-surveillance-state/ https://finance.yahoo.com/news/ron-desantis-banned-cbdcs-florida-203316120.html?guccounter=1
• Global Currency Revaluation 17 June 2020: “In preparation for the Global Currency Revaluation and arrival of the Quantum Financial System, any international financial activity, regulated by their respective agencies, must strictly comply with no tolerance to all protocol and regulations stipulated in the International Quantum Initiative Act passed by the U.S. House of Representatives and approved by the U.N and U.S.M.C.A. (Formerly known as N.A.F.T.A). This means all financial obligations involved in the finalization of this and any other international settlement must be satisfied in full and specifically by the registered beneficiary.” https://www.occ.gov/news-issuances/alerts/2020/alert-2020-3a.PDF Derek Johnson: Critical Intel: Want Proof of the Re-Evaluation?; QFS; U.S.M.C.A. (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)


Global Currency Revaluation

• The Central Bank of Iraq de-pegged from the US Dollar on Tues. 16 May. On Thurs. 18 May their digital transactions (Visa, Master Card, Debit, Credit cards, ATMs) went dark in anticipation of activation of the new Dinar Rate. Iraq has told their citizens that their Credit and Debit cards that were embedded with the new Iraqi Dinar Rate, would be active this week. DINARES GURUS: Militia Man with Angel1- On the Past 7 days – Update
• On Tues. 23 May some Bond Holders received their deliveries
• On Wed. 24 May Prosperity Packages and CMKX were scheduled to go out by Fed Ex, plus Bond Holders would have access to 1% of their accounts. US Treasury Helicopters will track those deliveries.
• According to the JFK Jr. Timeline the Brunson Case announcement by the Supreme Court would be made on Thurs. 25 May.
• CNN, Fox and other mainstream news channels were expected to carry the Supreme Court announcement – which would dissolve Congress, the Biden Administration and vindicate Trump that the election was stolen from him as well as from other politicians who actually won the vote as verified by the Military count of official watermarked ballots.
• On Thurs. 25 May that announcement would likely be followed by the EBS system activation – which would be the beginning of 10 days of Disclosure.
• On Thurs. 25 May: Hot Rumor: Internet to Go Down by Thursday | Dinar Chronicles
• On Thurs. 25 May the Iraqi Parliament would make known their approval of the Budget which would include the new Iraqi Dinar rate.
• Redemption Centers have been working and would continue to work until the middle of June.
• Head of the Global Redemption Center Charlie Ward agreed with a guest on his show when he said that Tier4b (Us, the Internet Group) would receive notification to set appointments only after the EBS days of activation.
• Proof of Re-evaluation, QFS: https://m.beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2023/05/derek-johnson-critical-intel-want-proof-of-the-re-evaluation-qfs-u-s-m-c-a-video-3793257.html


JFK Jr Timeline, Telegram

• Wed. 29 March the Iraqi Dinar revalued in-country and began trading as a gold/asset-backed currency.
• On Mon. 8 May both China and Zimbabwe ushered in the Global Currency Reset by announcing their gold/asset-backed currencies.
• Wed. 10 May: The Zimbabwe Gold Coin went International.
• On Tues. 16 May afternoon around 5 pm EST the US Treasury released the Global Currency Reset codes to Wells Fargo.
• Thurs. 1 June the US would run out of cash according to Janet Yellen, Secretary of the Treasury. The day was being referred to as a Financial Armageddon. It was also a day when we would see the implementation of ISO20022 International Payment System where money can be transferred from one financial institution to another on the new Quantum Financial System.
• Yellen also said that all chaos would ensue including a Stock Market crash – that likely would never recover according to the White Hats, who were taking down all corporations involved in Child Sex Trafficking.
• Tues. 13 June Q’s Timeline: (30 days from Mother’s Day) to MOAB attack the king and queen. https://m.beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2023/05/qs-timeline-revealed-t-minus-30-days-mothers-day-m-o-a-b-when-do-you-attack-the-king-queen-3792598.html
• Thurs. 16 June was the Back Wall for GESARA to be announced and implemented, with full collapse of IRS and all tax orgs.
• Sun. 18 June was a Back Wall for EBS Disclosure implementation.
• Sun. 23 July was set to be the Inauguration of Pres. Donald J. Trump and his VP, JFK Jr, a celebration where all in the World Protection Program coming out.
• Tues. 25 July was set to be Queen Diana’s Coronation.
• Access to Med Beds for the General Public was coming in June 2023.


International Child Sex Trafficking, Organ and Adrenochrome Harvesting Ring Run Out of the Vatican

• PizzaGate – the Pedophile Scandal of Elites: PizzaGate The Pedophile Scandal of The American Elites: Hillary Clinton, Barack Hussein Obama, John and Tony Podesta … The List Would Be Endless – American Media Group (amg-news.com)
• Planned Parenthood to fire 15% of Staff as states protect babies from abortion: https://www.lifenews.com/2023/05/24/planned-parenthood-will-fire-15-of-its-staff-as-more-states-protect-babies-from-abortion/
• There are 366,000,000 videos of child sex abuse circulating in the U.S. alone. This is the real virus, and the only vaccine is a the guillotine.


Covid | Ebola | Swine Flu | Polio | Small Pox | BSE | Zika | Sars | Monkey Pox | AIDS | Vax | Graphene Oxide | Chemtrail Hoax

• VACCINE WARNING: U.S. Doctors warn the world to stop taking the Covid Vaccines, they are toxic, lethal, ineffective and must be stopped. They damage the brain, heart, liver, bone marrow, fetus, causing harm in the human body leading to injury and death.
• Benjamin Fulford: Former Vice President and Chief Scientist of Pfizer, Dr. Michael Yeadon, has expressed concerning views regarding the COVID vaccine, claiming it is part of a deliberate operation to cause harm and fatalities. He believes that the vaccines were designed with intentional toxicities, leading to various adverse effects. These allegations raise questions about the motivations behind the global response to the pandemic.
• Behind the scenes, there are discussions within Congress about exposing the truth behind the pandemic and virus origins. Similar grounds exist for exposing concerns about the COVID-19 vaccine, including connections to depopulation agendas, infiltration into the military, money laundering, and the potential for global control through vaccine passports and a pandemic treaty.
• Influential individuals are reaching out to world health officials and top doctors, influencing a shift in their perspectives on the pandemic. Medical whistleblowers from major countries are coming forward to expose corruption and vaccine-related deaths. This raises questions about who is influencing these changes and pulling the strings.
• The Department of Defense’s (DOD) has claimed that once a soldier is vaxed that he/she was now the property of the Patent Holder! Todd Callender has taken on the entire Department of Defense with a lawsuit against Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin challenging the DOD for taking away basic rights of soldiers and treating them like cattle. http://www.cedarhillscitizens.org/alert-todd-callender-on-vax-lawsuit-against-dod/
• MEP Christine Anderson made the EU COVID Special Committee sweat when she said, “ How Many Deaths Per Doses Administered? If you can’t provide the numbers off the top of your head, I would have to conclude that you simply don’t care — or you’re still working for the EFPIA, one of the lobby organizations of the biggest pharmaceutical companies in Europe.”


Seven Facts of Our Present Lives

Covid was a scam!
There are only two genders!
The US Dollar is fiat
Climate change is a scam!
Tap Water is Poison!
Joe Biden was A criminal who never became US President. He is now played by an actor.
Trump is a Hero!


The Brunson Supreme Court Case and Takedown of the Biden Administration and All of Congress

• On Wed. 24 May the U.S. Solicitor General filed a waiver, waiving her right to oppose petition docket #22-1028 before it goes to conference. In the next few days or weeks the Supreme Court can set a date for conference. Because the Supreme Court adjourns for the summer at the end of June it’s possible, in order to give the justices plenty of time to review the petition the Court may set an October or November date for conference.
• The Brunson Case alleged that 385 members of Congress, plus Biden, Harris and Pence, committed Treason by violating their oath of office to protect the Constitution by not investigating 50 formally presented allegations of fraud in the 2020 Election. If SCOTUS ruled that Congress did not investigate the 50 allegations of fraud before certifying the 2020 Election (which they did not) and therefore violated their Oath of Office, then the Biden Administration and all of Congress could be automatically suspended. Brunson Brothers Music – Petition The Supreme Court… www.enoughisenough.me http://www.cedarhillscitizens.org/breaking-new-brunson-brothers-docketed-at-supreme-court-the-sequel-loys-case-vs-388/
• Patriots have been asked to send letters to the Supreme Court Justices. Raland Brunson reports that the letters to his Judge Jared C Bennett at the United States District Court in Salt Lake City have now surpassed 4,000 letters asking the judge to hear the case against the three most liberal Supreme Court Justices Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, Katenji Jackson Brown. “We encourage everyone who supports our efforts to go to https://loybrunson.com to easily send a letter to the Supreme Court. You can also find more information about the case at https://7discoveries.com and to order a copy of the petition!” https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRKYB9XB, https://enoughisenough.me  Brunson Brothers Music Petition The Supreme Court ()
NEED MIRACLES?  Raland Brunson of the Brunson Brothers Supreme Court Cases is now shipping out copies of “MIRACLES In God We Trust” and “A More Perfect Union” manufactured by Raland’s duplications company https://RosePedalRecords.com. To support the cause you can order your copies of these important Liberty Education DVD’s for a donation of only $ 25 .which includes FREE shipping and TWO FREE pocket Constitutions. Donate here https://MiraclesInGodWeTrust.com/contact/
• Super Patriot Liberty Library, perfect for Home School Education, or as A legacy gift to children and grandchildren. Educate to Save America. The package is full of valuable materials including free garden seeds https://MiraclesInGodWeTrust.com/Super-Patriot-Liberty-Library- Only-450
• Ken and Barbie versus Goliath IRS ** Writ of Quo Warranto **  to Supreme, 10th Circuit, US District SLC, Utah 4th Dist Courts, from Paul Kenneth Cromar, 2021 06 08, FINAL to all courts SIGNED & Sealed


Benjamin Fulford Report

• Recent leaks and internal struggles within the FBI have caused turmoil, with agents leaving the agency and early retirements taking place. Congress is actively seeking FBI documents and attempting to locate A whistleblower who may have direct connections between President Biden and alleged crimes.
• The mention of the Durham Report alludes to A deeper story, suggesting that Military and Intelligence Agencies possess documents related to the investigation. It is implied that the current publicized Durham report serves as a cover for their operations, with the true findings being held privately.
• The topic of bringing down the CIA is also mentioned, along with its connections to various organizations such as the WHO, vaccines, biolabs, banks, CDC, and NIH. Additionally, references are made to important individuals possessing classified JFK files and the involvement of RFK Jr and former President Trump in unveiling undisclosed information. Congress and Senators are actively discussing the Durham investigation, and Elon Musk is said to be setting A trap with Twitter, indicating that not everything is as it appears.


The Real News for Wed. 24 May 2023

• Borders will be redrawn to correct the redefining of territories the Khazarian Mafia has done across the world. Under a new USMCA Agreement signed by President Trump, Australia, Canada and Mexico may be joining the US as states. Hawaii may be declaring sovereignty as the Kingdom of Hawaii. Over decades the Khazarian Mafia has arbitrarily made regime changes, renamed countries, and acted like they owned the planet. They do not, and now that they have been rendered impotent, the benevolent forces will ensure everything will be handled fairly according to the original treaties and allocations for the benefit of The People. There are long-standing treaties and agreements that shall be honored: Captain’s Blog: How Canada is Part of the United States | Operation Disclosure Official https://guidesblog.org/2023/05/23/how-canada-is-part-of-the-united-states/
• Voter Fraud: https://www.thepatriotbrief.com/printing-company-sends-out-voter-registration-forms-designating-all-nassau-county-voters-as-democrats/
FBI Defies Congress on Biden Bribery Subpoena https://rt.com/news/576793-fbi-defies-congress-on-biden-bribery-case-subpoena/
FBI Destroyed Clinton Evidence of Wrongdoing Shock All Evidence in Clinton Investigation Was Destroyed | Patriot Signal
Sending Military to Tackle Gangs https://www.statesmanpost.com/sending-in-the-military-to-tackle-gangs/

• Wednesday 24 May FEMA and The Hidden Underground Government  The Underground War Happening Now, American Media Group https://amg-news.com
• Wednesday 24 May During Obama’s Reign the FEMA Camps Were Prepared for Patriots and Christians! Must WatchAmerican Media Group https://amg-news.com
Trump doesn’t stand alone against the CIA, A relentless killing machine, fighting against the FBI, the Rockefeller Regime, the infamous Clinton Pedophile Ring, while also taking on NATO and resisting the Climate Change Agenda. Trump, Putin, Xi, Modi, and Bin Salman are Uniting for A World at Peace. SWAMP DRAINING IN PROGRESS Prepare for the Most Shocking Revelation of Our Time!  American Media Group https://amg-news.com
The Deep State doesn’t want Small Businesses in America. Big Corporations do want the Competition for their New System. The System they are developing is the Same System that Mussolini developed in Italy. It’s called Fascism. Inflation is One Way of Getting Rid of the Old Corrupt System and Ushering in A New People’s System. This is What we are Witnessing Right Now.
• SHOCKING EXPOSÉ Pentagon’s Top- Secret Psy Ops Revealed! The Sinister Plot to Crush Free Speech Unmasked! American Media Group https://amg-news.com
Major League Baseball, Budweiser, Disney, and Target are Spreading Hate and Targeting iInnocent Children with Perversions.


White Hat Intel: Banking Collapse

• Banking Collapse Unleashes Pandora’s Box of Tribunals and Shocking War Crimes! 💣
• Trillions of dollars in U.S. Treasury Bonds, initially hailed as symbols of stability, are now being returned en masse, leaving the U.S. corporation in tatters and the world reeling.
• The repercussions are cataclysmic, with Europe and beyond facing a monumental COLLAPSE.
• France, engulfed in scandal, is caught red-handed stealing from its citizens, while riots and civil unrest erupt in response.
• Germany, trapped in a nightmarish hyperinflation spiral, witnesses its metal industry crumble, weapon production grind to a halt, and corporations go bankrupt. As the spotlight turns to Deutsche Bank, shocking Epstein connections emerge, reaching as far as Estonian banks, prompting world courts to launch relentless investigations that could shake the global financial establishment to its core.
• Israel finds itself in dire straits, as its own collapse looms large.
• Banks scramble to conceal the true extent of the market’s unraveling, resorting to false gains, while civil unrest ignites the streets, plunging nations into chaos.
• The colossal collapse of SVB BANKS in California, with losses totaling a staggering $10 trillion, sets off a domino effect, reverberating throughout multiple countries.
• This harrowing collapse has been unfolding for over a year and a half, but now, the blinders are off, and the public is awakening to the Deep State’s cover-ups and manipulated market reports.
• The unraveling of the banking system threatens to bring down the Biden administration and exposes the French President, the Canadian leader, and leaders across the U.S., EU, and Israel.
• Military courts and The Alliance silently observe the collapse, knowing that it inexorably leads to a military intervention—a reckoning for governments involved in global plandemic schemes, money laundering operations, bioweapon creation, and the instigation of proxy wars.
• We stand on the precipice of a catastrophic event, a collapse of unprecedented proportions, and the unsuspecting U.S. citizens are ill-prepared for the imminent chaos. However, for those who have followed closely, these events were long foreseen.
• The looming collapse holds a critical connection—a dismantling of the NATO and UN powers that perpetuate human trafficking, engineer world wars, and exert control over global banks and the depleted U.S. Treasury system.
• This intricate web, crafted by the Rockefeller-Rothschild’s Deep State Cabal, is gradually unraveling, with Jeffrey Epstein’s revelations only scratching the surface.
• Military intelligence possesses McAfee servers, containing terabytes of corruption data linked to worldwide child trafficking rings, illicit arms trades, and global drug cartels. The truth cannot remain hidden!
• Behind closed doors, stunning alliances are forming. Not only has Germany struck a deal with China and Russia, but Poland has also clandestinely entered into agreements with both superpowers. Italy, France, Austria, Hungary, and others have forged a secret pact, paving the way for their banks to join a subsidiary system under the umbrella of the EU BRICS alliance. Poland’s seemingly contradictory actions, like sending jets to Ukraine, actually serve to expose the corrupt EU system and bring down the NATO and UN powers. The truth will be captured on film.
• Embrace the plan, for the banking collapse serves a purpose—to dismantle world banks, including the IMF, WHO, Gates Foundation, and CDC, thereby toppling the very foundations of their control. The Great Awakening unfolds in stages, from declassification to covert operations, overt operations, military intervention, tribunals, and ultimately, A global housecleaning.
• They can no longer hide. The truth shall prevail. Trust the plan. Q


White Hat Intel: Ukraine

• Unveiling the Truth: CIA’s Ukraine War Failure Sparks Global Turmoil and Unprecedented African Showdown!
• Prepare to have your mind blown as the shocking reality behind the CIA’s disastrous proxy war in Ukraine comes crashing down. Brace yourself for the explosive revelations that will send shockwaves across the globe!
• After years of meticulous planning, the CIA’s audacious mission to control Russia’s vast resources through Ukraine has backfired spectacularly. Military experts and strategists now admit that the war is on the verge of collapse, leaving the CIA, Obama Biden administration, and the Rockefellers scrambling to salvage their grand scheme.
A group of valiant individuals known as the White Hats have been silently working to thwart the CIA’s wicked ambitions. Get ready for a riveting rollercoaster ride as the action shifts to Africa, where an unprecedented showdown is set to unfold at a breathtaking pace.
• The looming confrontation between the United States and Russia in Africa holds the key to unveiling the true face of the CIA’s global manipulation. Prepare to witness a meticulously planned exposé, where the heroic trio of Trump, Musk, and JFK Jr, joined by Congress, will lift the veil on the CIA’s covert operations within their own borders.
• Africa, long plagued by corruption and poverty, will finally break free from the shackles of the military-industrial complex and the deep state’s stranglehold. The time has come to restore power to the people and reclaim the stolen wealth that has perpetuated their suffering.
• As the world braces for the final war that will reshape our destiny, Africa takes center stage in the fight for true liberation. It’s A clash of epic proportions, where nations rise and fall, and the fate of humanity hangs in the balance.
• These extraordinary events, carefully orchestrated behind the scenes, mark the turning point in our struggle for freedom. Embrace the magnitude of this pivotal moment, as the dark secrets of the CIA’s reign of terror are exposed and dismantled. It’s A journey towards A world where truth and justice prevail, and the malevolent grip of the CIA, responsible for the assassination of JFK and countless wars, is forever shattered.
• Get ready to witness history in the making, as the world hurtles towards A cataclysmic transformation. The battle lines are drawn, the storm is brewing, and a new era of enlightenment is within our grasp. Hold on tight as the truth sets us free!


Must Watch Videos

• Wednesday 24 May Situation Update Judy Byington: It’s Show Time Something Big is Coming Justice Will Be Served, Q Intel and Situation Update For Wednesday 24 May 2023 Video | Alternative | Before It’s News https://beforeitsnews.com
• Tuesday 23 May Situation Update Situation Update: JPM Chase Bank Freezing Accounts! Ukraine Attacks Russian Residential Area! NATO Invades Inside Russia! Senate Satellite Phones Indicate A Major Threat Is Near!  We The People News | Opinion  Conservative | Before It’s News https://beforeitsnews.com
• Tuesday 23 May X22 ReportX22 Report: Deep State Distraction Failed! 25th In Play! Patriots ILS Approach Looks Good! Must Video | Opinion | Conservative | Before It’s News  https://beforeitsnews.com
• Wednesday 24 May NESARA | GESARA, NESARA | GESARA Muted IRS, Credit Cards Wiped, Credit Scores Increased, Bank Accounts Changing! Gretchen K, Warren Armour, Michelle Moore VIDEO | Resources | Before It’s News https://beforeitsnews.com
• Monday 22 May SGAnon: Patriot Underground SG Anon Interview: NATO Dissolution! Military Division and Defection! Banking Collapse Commentary! Debt Default! CB Digital Currency! QFS Intel and Disinformation! | Opinion ? Conservative | https://beforeitsnews.com
• Tuesday 23 May Currency Revaluation, QFS Derek Johnson: Critical Intel: Want Proof of the Re Evaluation? QFS, USMCA Video| Alternative | Before It’s News https://beforeitsnews.com
• Monday 22 May SGAnon https://m.beforeitsnews.com/prophecy/2023/05/new-sganon-file-51-2541742.html


Judy Note on the Satanic Ritual Abuse of Children in Your Neighborhood

Since 1990 I have been doing investigations on the Satanic Ritual Abuse of children at the request of brave SRA Survivor-victims who were witnesses to and victims of pedophile, torture and murder crimes of Satanic leaders and their covens. During this time I have found Satanists implanted in law offices, local police, county sheriff’s offices and all the way up to the Attorney General Offices in my state and others and then the carnage went on to the internationally organized Ninth Circle Satanic Cult that runs out of the Vatican.
There’s certainly no help from US or other nation’s government agencies, including the FBI or CIA perpetrators. These legal entities successfully negate even the opening of cases of the ritual abuse and murder of children, let alone do valid investigations.
To be honest and to my knowledge there was no safe place on either a local, national or international level that has been set up to report Satanic Crime – likely the main reason why local, national and international Satanic Covens so easily and on a regular basis, get away with the torture and murder of thousands of children – many times bred for the purpose without birth certificates, or identification.


Twenty Two Faces: inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and her Twenty Two Multiple Personalities

Judy Byington, Foreword by Dr. Colin A. Ross, M.D. RAW: Dr. Colin Ross – Robert David Steele
Jenny Hill’s witness to a Satanic Child Sacrifice Rite: Woman Sees Human Sacrifice – YouTube  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F626Lsrdwg4
WARNING: Jenny gave a graphic description about how she at the tender age of five, was raped, tortured, forced to view a Child Sacrifice and save for Divine intervention, was almost killed herself – not unlike the sordid experiences of thousands of other child victims of Satanic Worshippers. Perpetrators giving homage to Satan were organized from the US Inc’s CIA, Queen Elizabeth’s, Illuminati Banking families’ and Vatican’s Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult on down to the Clintons, Hollywood, Pizzagate and local teenage covens. They were funded by this same Cabal that ran our global monetary system – the very organization that was in the process of being brought down by activation of the Global Currency Reset and Restored Republics of the world. It’s no wonder that President Trump has stated, “These people are sick.”


The Global Currency Reset

Restored Republic and NESARA/GESARA were all about the Children
It’s not about the money. It’s about the children – the thousands of malnourished and traumatized children who, in honor of Satan, were being raped and murdered so their Elite Perpetrators could supposedly gain power and rule the world.
The first official act President Trump made the morning before he was sworn into office was to pay a visit to CIA Headquarters and declare a war on an international Child Sex Trafficking Ring run by these global elites.
Let us fast and pray for these millions of little ones who right now, were being rescued from Cabal underground tunnels across the globe, and tortured and killed by Satanic Covens right next door. Let us also pray for those Military Troops worldwide who were risking their own lives to save them. The ancient doctrine of Fasting and Prayer was explained here at the 10:30:32 mark: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Mb9gU6DmKs


Judy Note

I do not now, nor have I ever, received monies for writing my Updates and articles. The compensation has been in having outlets to help Save the Children by exposing truths about the very secretive Satanic Ritual Abuse, Pedophilia and Child Sacrifice that was rampant in our international society.
The above was a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it was valid.
I will send the Safe Link Website out when I find out what it is, plus it will be posted on several Dinar Websites and continue the Updates until they are no longer needed. I expect to be working with many of you in the near future. I can’t tell you how much I have enjoyed getting to know you. You will remain in my heart forever.
A huge Thank You to those dedicated and brave Intel providers who wished to remain unknown; to our Angel Martha who worked 24/7 to expose what’s really going on; to humble Wildfire Lady who is adept at exposing the truth; to Brad who does great research; to Bonni B who exposes the underlying causes of what is really happening and to Ken who uncovers almost unlimited Intel on pedophilia to help us Save the Children.

Let us Thank Q that the reset has finally come to be. I wish you well in your humanitarian efforts and look forward to seeing you on the other side where together, we will make life better for all.
Patience is a Virtue. Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being. Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world. And, we will!!! (. . .)


Updates for the Week Prior

Restored Republic via A GCR as of May 24, 2023 | Operation Disclosure Official Restored Republic via A GCR Update as of Wednesday 24 May 2023 https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=223132
Restored Republic via A GCR as of May 23, 2023 | Operation Disclosure Official Restored Republic via A GCR: Update as of Tuesday 23 May 2023 https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=223080
Restored Republic via A GCR as of May 22, 2023 | Operation Disclosure Official Restored Republic via A GCR Update as of Monday 22 May 2023 https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=223040
Extra, Extra Special Restored Republic via A GCR Report as of May 21, 2023 | Operation Disclosure Official Extra, Extra Special Restored Republic via A GCR Update as of Sunday 21 May 2023 https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=223014
Restored Republic via A GCR as of May 20, 2023 | Operation Disclosure Official Restored Republic via A GCR Update as of Saturday 20 May 2023 https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=222900
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Restored Republic via A GCR 25-5-2023

Operation Disclosure Official,


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