Noticieros TV – Derriban estatua de traficante esclavos + @KTHopkins + @crimesofbrits + KJ Reports – Crimes Churchill + @RupertLowe + London 1945 + Bush Center – Art & Leadership + !

Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill, 1874 1965 (foto BBC)
Churchill was A rascist (foto Twitter)
Churchill was A rascist (foto Twitter)

Winston Churchill Banknote (foto Twitter)

Winston Churchill Banknote (foto Twitter)

Derriban estatua de traficante de esclavos en el Reino Unido

Published on 7 jun. 2020

En Reino Unido, en la ciudad de Bristol, cientos de manifestantes derribaron la estatua de Edward Colston, un traficante de esclavos, y luego la lanzaron al Río Avon.

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Katie Hopkins @KTHopkins

British police stepped aside and allowed #Churchill to be defaced.

London under @SadiqKhan. A sh*thole city.

Van Jack Dawkins

Twitter, 7 jun. 2020 · 6:19 p.m.

Crimes of Britain @crimesofbrits

The crimes of Winston Churchill voted greatest Briton of all time.

Twitter, 5. ruj 2017 · 01:50 PM

The Crimes of Winston Churchill

Published on 4 mei 2017

This video is A summary of an excellent article we came across from the website Crimes of Britain“.


Rupert Lowe @RupertLowe10

Enough is enough.

Burning our flag? Police need to get tough on these criminals and fast.

Twitter, 7 jun. 2020 · 10:50 p.m.

British MovietoneVE Day in London 1945

Gepubliceerd op 29 jun. 2015 VE Day began with Mr Churchill S broadcast officially announcing the end of War in EUrope. Londoners took to the streets in celebrations which continued for nearly two days. Outside Buckingham Palace the crowds chanted ‘We want the King and were rewarded by the Royal Family appearing on the balcony. At nine O clock in the evening the King broadcast to Britain and the Commonwealth.

Cut story – KS. Big Ben chiming three O clock. SCU & CU Churchill reading his address announcing end of hostilities in EUrope. LS elevated pan of Trafalgar Square crammed with people, Churchill S voice over same saying “Advance Britannia, Long Live the Cause of Freedom“. LS outside Houses of Parliament, crowds gather to watch MP S parade to St Margaret S Church. Elevated shot of them leaving House. Mr Greenwood walks with Churchill. Procession led by the Speaker, Mr Clifton Brown (in robes). LS various shots of West End, Piccadilly, Trafalgar Square crowded with rejoicing people. People dancing in streets, et cetera. At Lambeth, small crowds sing Lambeth Walk“, one fellow said Lambeth people would fight anybody, anywhere“. Back in Trafalgar Square ambulance makes way through crowds. Two sailors dance in street, amid crowds with A Naval Captain. People climbing lamp posts. Mall crowded, background Buckingham Palace. Crowds shout “We want the King“. King, Queen & Princesses appear on balcony. Cut ins of the crowd. Royal party on balcony again, now with Churchill. Various shots of same, pan to crowd in front of Palace. Night shots of London, crowds dancing, singing, cheering, et cetera. in Piccadilly & Trafalgar Square. Man on top of lamp post waves Norwegian flag. Sailors in fountains at Trafalgar Square (slightly out of focus). Various cut ins of bonfires burning. Dusk shot of Royal party on balcony. Pan of Buckingham Palace floodlit. Interior – SCU & CU of King speaking to Nation. see story number 45748/2, 45748/3, 45748/4, 45748/5, 45748/6, 45748/7, 45748/8

VE Day in London.

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The Art & Leadership of Winston Churchill

Live gestreamd op 26 jun. 2018 Engage at the Bush Center, presented by Highland Capital Management – The Art & Leadership of Winston Churchill discusses what made Churchill an effective leader and how those lessons can be applied to today S most pressing issues.

Opening Remarks by President George W Bush
Allen Packwood, director of the Churchill Archives Centre at Cambridge
David Reynolds, noted British historian and documentary filmmaker
David Woolner, senior fellow and resident historian of the Roosevelt Institute and author of the acclaimed new book, The Last 100 Days: FDR at War and at Peace


BasedPoland @BasedPoland

This is nothing but A violent mob. How many year in prison do you think the British man will get? All I M saying is, that situation could never happen in Poland. Never.

Van Keith Miller Mort

Twitter, 8 jun. 2020 · 3:47 a.m.

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