Nine for News | Robin de Boer – Horror Beelden: De Bloed Proppen worden Steeds Tal Rijker en Groter + Front Nieuws – Horror Footage: Blood Clots are Getting More Numerous and Bigger

Op Social Media circuleert een Fragment uit de Documentaire Died Suddenly waar in een Balsemer Vreemde, Lange Bloed Stolsels uit Lichamen van Over Ledenen Haalt.

In het Filmpje haalt Balsemer en Uitvaart Ondernemer Richard Hirschman een
Hele Lange Bloed Prop uit de Bekken Slag Ader van een Over Ledene. “u zien we Geen Stolsels in een Slag Ader,” zegt hij. “Normaal Gesproken zitten ze in Bloed Vaten.”

(Video verwijderd? Klik hier…)

Dit is Niet Normaal

Ik krijg hem er Waarschijnlijk Niet Helemaal Uit,” vervolgt Hirschman. “Dit is Niet Normaal. Kijk Eens Hoe Lang deze is.”

Balsemer Nicky King zegt In de Film, dat de Stolsels Metter Tijd Steeds Erger zijn geworden. Ze trof Steeds Meer Stolsels aan in de Lichamen. “Ze werden Groter.


King vertelt, dat ze Vloeistof In Spoot in de Hals Slag Ader van een Over Ledene, maar dat Er Iets in de Weg Zat. De Slag Ader bleek Helemaal Vol te Zitten met Stolsels.

Dat is een Monster,” zegt Hirschman nog. Zo Dra hij de Rubber Achtige Prop heeft Verwijderd, Spuit Alles Er Uit.

Photo of Robin de Boer

Robin de Boer

Nine for News, 11 januari 2023, 18:00

Horror Footage The Blood Clots are Getting More Numerous and Bigger

On Social Media, A clip from the Documentary Died Suddenly is Circulating in which an Embalmer removes Strange, Long Clots of blood from the bodies of the deceased.

In the clip, embalmer and mortician Richard Hirschman removes a very long blood clot from the femoral artery of a deceased person. “Normally, we don’t see clots in an artery, ” he says. “Usually they are in veins.”

Balsamer Nicky King on the overwhelming amount of blood clots found in the deceased. These massive and excessive amounts of blood clots have an unnatural pull, making them difficult to remove.

I Probably Can’t Get it All Out,” Hirschman continued. “It is Not Normal. Look How long It Is.”

Embalmer Nicky King says in the Movie that the Clots Got Worse over Time. She found More and More cClots in the Bodies. “They became More and More Numerous.”

King says she Injected Fluid into A Deceased Person’s Carotid Artery, but Something Got in the Way. It Turned Out that the Artery was Completely Filled with Clots.

“This is an Example,” Hirschman adds. As Soon As he Removed the Rubbery Plug, Everything Gushed Out.



The Fictional Kaufman Institute For Coincidences is There to Make Sure No One Finds Out What Caused Your Sudden Medical Problem.

Prominent Virologist Covid 19 Pandemic is ‘Biggest Hoax Ever Perpetrated‘ and Face Masks, Social Distancing and LockdownsMust All Stop Tomorrow

Gepubliceerd 11 jan 2023


Watch this video to find out more about the new and innovative research done by the Kaufman Institute for Coincidence, and their contribution to the field of medicine. Warning: this video is satire. Back in the old days, I wouldn’t have to explain but because of the tremendous amount of deceit and gaslighting in the media in 2023, I feel compelled to specify. I’m trying to reach people with comedy, where logic has failed. Thank you to everyone who has shared this video. It’s already gotten more eyeballs than I would have ever expected. Thanks for your support!!!

Please consider supporting me with A Purchase at

Are you or a loved one suffering from a medical coincidence? You want proper medical care, but you don’t want people sniffing around asking a whole bunch of questions about what might be causing your problem. At the Kaufman Institute for Coincidence we won’t look into the cause of your heart or other problem, we’ll just fix it. That’s right, we promise to only look at your symptoms. We won’t get all curious looking for causes, because that could get your employer, or your doctor, into some legal hot water. And nobody wants that! At Kaufman, we understand that coincidence is now the leading cause of death. And if we want to operate at the speed of science, there’s no time for looking for causes. That’s right, no pesky questions about drugs or vaccines you might have been given. At Kaufman, we specialize in the effects and leave the causes to the conspiracy theorists. And let’s be honest, we know the cause anyway. It was a coincidence, right? For each new patient, Kaufman’s talented team of doctors strap on their blinders and look directly at the problem area, usually the heart, just like the CDC recommends. Our main campus now treats the following coincidences.

Blood Clots
Heart Arrhythmia
Heart Attack <
Magnetic Skin
Difficulty Breathing
Full Body Blisters and Burning
Kidney Failure
Memory Loss
Sudden Death
• and Much Much More

Give Your Coincidence the Attention it Deserves, but Not the Wrong Kind of Attention, at Kaufman. Schedule Your Appointment Today at and Receive A Doctor’s Note with RealSciencySounding Explanation to Provide to Your Anti Vax Friends, Proving to them it was Definitely Not the Vaccine that Caused your Coincidence.

Kaufman Because Coincidences Happen (…) Pretty Much All the Time.


Translation by Front Nieuws.
Permission to Reprint in Whole or In Part is Gladly Granted, Provided Full Credit and Direct Link is Given.


1 Comment

  1. Twee jaar geleden, hoorde ik een arts vertellen, dat van allen die gevaccineerd werden, de meerderheid binnen vijf jaar dood zal zijn.

    Heel wat minder mensen dan, die klakkeloos alle propaganda geloven.
    Wel spijtig, dat ook zoveel jonge mensen sterven, die nog bekeerd hadden kunnen worden van hun immorele bijgeloof.

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