National Anthems and Songs – Netherlands National Anthem, Het Wilhelmus, Instrumental + Vocal + Netherlands National Anthem, Wien Neêrlands Bloed, 1815 – 1932, Instrumental + Vocal

Netherlands National Anthem, Het Wilhelmus, Instrumental

Published February 19, 2021

National Anthems and Songs

Wilhelmus van Nassouwe“, usually known just as “Wilhelmus” (Dutch Het Wilhelmus; English “The William“), is the National Anthem of The Netherlands. It dates back to at least 1572, making it the National Anthem with the Oldest Music. Although the “Wilhelmus” was not recognized as the Official National Anthem until 1932, it has always been popular.

English Lyrics | Translation

William of Nassau, Scion
Of a Dutch and Ancient Line,
I dedicate Undying
Faith to this Land of mine.
A Prince I am, Undaunted,
Of Orange, Ever Free,
To the King of Spain I’ve granted
A Lifelong Loyalty.

A Shield and my Reliance,
O God, Thou ever wert.
I will Trust unto Thy Guidance.
O, leave me not ungirt.
That I may stay a Pious
Servant of Thine for aye
And drive the Plagues that try us
And Tyranny away.

Nederlandse Volkslied | Dutch National Anthem | Volkslied van Nederland | Himno Nacional de los Países Bajos / l‘Hymne National des Pays-Bas | Hymn Holandii / Inno Nazionale dei Paesi Bassi | Nizozemska Himna | Himna Holandije | Гимн Нидерландов | Hino Nacional dos Países Baixos | Nizozemská Hym

Netherlands National Anthem, Het Wilhelmus, Vocal

Published February 19, 2021

National Anthems and Songs

Wilhelmus” (Dutch Het Wilhelmus, English the “Wilhelmus“), originated in the Dutch Revolt, the Nation’s Struggle to achieve Independence from the Spanish Empire. It tells of the Father of the Nation William of Orange who was Stadholder in the Netherlands under the King of Spain.
The “Wilhelmus” is Official National Anthem from 1932.

Dutch Lyrics | Song Text

Wilhelmus van Nassauwe
ben ik, van Duitsen Bloed,
den Vaderland getrouwe
blijf ik tot in den Dood.
Een Prinse van Oranje
ben ik, Vrij Onverveerd,
den Koning van Hispanje
heb ik altijd geëerd.

Mijn Schild ende Betrouwen
zijt Gij, o God mijn Heer,
op U zo wil ik bouwen,
Verlaat mij nimmer meer.
Dat ik doch Vroom mag blijven,
uw Dienaar t’aller stond,
de Tirannie verdrijven
die mij mijn Hart doorwondt.

Nederlandse Volkslied | Dutch National Anthem | Volkslied van Nederland | Himno Nacional de los Países Bajos | l’Hymne National des Pays Bas | Hymn Holandii | Inno Nazionale dei Paesi Bassi | Nizozemska Himna | Himna Holandije | Гимн Нидерландов | Hino Nacional dos Países Baixos | Nizozemská Hymna

Netherlands National Anthem, Wien Neêrlands Bloed, 1815 – 1932, Instrumental

Published February 19, 2021

National Anthems and Songs

At the Foundation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in 1815, it was decided that a new National Anthem was needed. The Hymn Het Wilhelmus – which is the National Anthem today – was already well known in the Time of the Dutch Republic.

English Lyrics | Translation

Whoever has Dutch Blood flowing in their Veins,
Whose Heart beats Proud and Free,
Who glows with Love for his Nation,
Rejoice in Song as we do!
He praises with everyone, Well Affected,
The Indissoluble Link
That binds the Netherlands to Orange,
To Queen and Country

Protect, Oh Lord, protect the Ground
Whereupon we breathe
This Place which held our Cradle
Where perhaps our Dying Hour will come
We beseech of Your Father Hand
With Joyful Childlike Mind
Protection for the Beloved Fatherland
For Queen and Country

Pervade loudly, from within our Festive roar
This Prayer unto Heaven
Watch over our Ancient House of Orange
The Nation for ever one Family
Queen and Prince praise our Song
And sound it all around
Protect the Royal Dynasty for ever
And the Beloved Fatherland

Dutch National Anthem | Volkslied van Nederland | Nizozemska Himna | Гимн Нидерландов | Hino Nacional dos Países Baixos | Inno Nazionale dei Paesi Bassi | Nederlands Nationaal Volkslied

Netherlands National Anthem, Wien Neêrlands Bloed, 1815 – 1932, Vocal

Published February 19, 2021

National Anthems and Songs

Wien Neêrlands Bloed, Those in whom Dutch Blood, was the National Anthem of The Netherlands between 1815 and 1932. It remained in use by the Royal Netherlands Navy and Army until 1939.

Dutch Lyrics | Song Text

Wien Nederlands Bloed door de Aderen vloeit,
Wien het Hart klopt Fier en Vrij,
Wie voor zijn Volk van Liefde gloeit,
Verhef den Zang als wij!
Hij roemt met allen, welgezind,
Den Onverbreekbare Band,
Die Nederland en Oranje bindt
Vorstin en Vaderland.

Bescherm, Oh, God! Bewaak de Grond,
Waarop onze Adem gaat,
De Plek, waar onze Wieg op stond,
Wellicht ons Sterfuur slaat.
Wij smeken van Uw Vaderhand,
Met Blijde Kinderzin,
Behoud voor het Lieve Vaderland,
Voor Land en Koningin!

Dringt luid, vanuit ons Feest gedruis
De Bede Uw’ Hemel in:
Blijf‘ met ons Oud Oranjehuis
Het Volk steeds één Gezin!
Vorstin en Prins prijzen onze Zang,
En het klinkt aan alle Kant
Bewaar het Vorstelijk Stamhuis lang
En het Lieve Vaderland!

Dutch National Anthem | Nederlandse Volkslied | Himno Nacionalde los Países Bajos | l’Hymne National des Pays Bas | Hymn Holandii | Nizozemská Hymna | Himna Holandije | Nederlands Nationaal Volkslied

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