Magnum Caseum @MagnumCaseum + WereldPijnCafé @WereldPijnCafe + Morpheus11M2004 💚🍀 T.I.A. @Morpheus11M2004 + Geni – Black Nobility Family Heads

Antony Fokker (foto Wikipedia)

Magnum Caseum @MagnumCaseum

Johns Hopkins University (foto Twitter)
Johns Hopkins University (foto Twitter)

I covered more or less that the Dutch #ErasmusMC control all the fake #COVID19 science, and the #Corona Virus patents, and thus the profits. See link below. Now, as some of you smart folks have probably noticed, the other big Corona Virus #psyop name is #JohnsHopkins.

Twitter, 21 apr.· 2020 12:36 a.m.

Magnum Caseum @MagnumCaseum

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (foto Twitter) Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (foto Twitter) Michael Bloomberg (1) (foto Twittter) Michael Bloomberg (1) (foto Twittter) Michael Bloomberg (2) (foto Twitter) Michael Bloomberg (2) (foto Twittter)  Michael Bloomberg (3) (foto Twitter) Michael Bloomberg (3) (foto Twittter)

Let’s get clear on the name first. Names are important. Names tell you a lot. Nomen est Omen. It’s Johns #Bloomberg Hopkins. Yes, the Media magnate. You gotta be suspicious already when an #ashkenazi elite #freemason Media tycoon donates $ 1.8 B to a public health university.

Twitter, 21 apr. 2020 · 12:51 a.m.

WereldPijnCafé @WereldPijnCafe

Als antwoord op @MagnumCaseum en @buddendorf

Names #Fokker is the same family as the Spanish #Marranos #Fuggar who were behind many #Holocausts

Twitter, 21 apr. 2020 · 5:09 a.m.  

Morpheus11M2004 💚🍀 T.I.A. @Morpheus11M2004

Christoph Amberger - Christoph Fuger (1520-1579) (foto Alte Pinakothek, Munich) Christoph Amberger – Christoph Fuger (15201579) (foto Alte Pinakothek, Munich) Albrecht Dürer - Jakob Fugger (Jacobo Fúcar) (1459-1525) & Anonymous - Anton Fugger (1493-1560) Albrecht Dürer – Jakob Fugger (Jacobo Fúcar) (1459 1525) & Anonymous – Anton Fugger (1493 1560)
Fugger County (foto Twitter)
Fugger County (foto Twitter)
Jacobus Fugger Senex (foto Twitter) Jacobus Fugger Senex (foto Twitter)

#Fuggar really #Fugger family was called #Fucar or #Fucares family in Spain #Fugger was a family of great lenders, the oldest in history, from the city of Augsburg previous to Rothschild During XV & XVI centuries they became bankers of the Sacro Empire, the Pope and other Kings – Morpheus11M2004 💚🍀 T.I.A. (@Morpheus11M2004)  

Twitter, 24 dec. 2019

Morpheus11M2004 💚🍀 T.I.A. @Morpheus11M2004

I‘m talking about #Fugger family Black Nobility (list added by @4AnonxTruther) but appears as #Fuggar in Spain was know as Fucar | “Fucares”
Created an enormous Debt for Spanish Empire which bankrupted in CXVI Majority of America’s treasures went for them

Twitter, Dec 24, 2019, 8:47 PM

Magnum Caseum @MagnumCaseum

The six pointed star of Moloch rarely lies (foto Twitter) The six pointed star of Moloch rarely lies (foto Twitter)

Als antwoord op @WereldPijnCafe en @buddendorf The six pointed star of Moloch rarely lies. #Fokker #Fuggar

Twitter, 21 apr. 2020 · 11:04 a.m. ·

Black Nobility Family Heads

House of Orsini – Domenico Napoleone Orsini
House of Chigi – Mario Chigi
House of Colonna – Marcantonio Colonna
House of Medici – Ottaviano de’ Medici
House of Gaetani – Bonifacio Gaetani
House of Pamphili – Jonathan Doria Pamphilj
House of Este – Lorenz Este
House of Aldobrandini – Giovanni Aldobrandini
House of Pallavicini – Maria Camilla Pallavicini
House of Savoy – Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia
House of Ruspoli – Francesco Ruspoli
House of Torlonia – Giovanni Torlonia
House of Borghese – Scipione Borghese
House of Massimo – Fabrizio Massimo
House of Sacchetti – Urbano Sacchetti
House of Farnese – Prince Carlo, Duke of Castro
House of Borromeo – Vitaliano Borromeo
House of Barberini – Urbano Barberini
House of Fuggar – Hubertus Fugger-Babenhausen
House of Giustiniani – Girolamo de Massa
House of Foscari – Lorenzo de Medici-Tornaquinci-Foscari
House of Odescalchi – Carlo Odescalchi
House of Corsini – Filippo Corsini
House of Crescenzi – Domenico Crescenzi
House of Borja – Francisco de Borja Soto
House of Breakspeare – Filippo Massimo-Lancellotti II
House of Sforza – Ascanio Sforza

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