Rapid = the motion
Of the humming bird
Listen to a story
That you never heard
I was walking through the jungle
Upon request
Playing Spanish guitar
Smoking Cuban cigar
Me was doing my best

I ‘m a big black nigger
With my dick in my hand
There is four women dancing
Where do I stand

Got a wife and a kid
Burning under my skin
So my first class software
Needs some discipline

Give a broad to Simon
Give a queen to Jake
Give a witch to Harry
Giving me a break

Wachting thirty perform
Behave like a god
Watching radical chic
Playing disko duck
Aint no mistaking
False blood sucks!

Rapid is the motion
Of the humming bird
Listen to a story
That you never heard

See four women dancing
Where do you stand
Aint no romancing
In the promised land

Give a broad to Simon
Get a queen to shake
Get a witch to whisper
Giving me a break

For radical chic
Dances disko duck
Good luck false blood good luck!

The servant = the master
You have got to do it faster
Simple, hot and deep
You button and you beep

The lady = the gene machine
A cookie in the traffic jam
Quick reactions, instant speed
Put the buzzer on its feet

Take me to the river
Spirit in the sky
Light my fire
Dont ask me why

From masterrape to slave escape
Driven by the fear
What o what would the president say
If he could hear

The melody, the beat, the plot
The rhytm, the tune, it gets you hot
All we do is check the sound
All hands on deck
Don’t clown around

See no evil do no harm
When you dinky toy gets warm

Snake into snake
Slang into slang
Her hips and my lips
Will never bang

Two times twelf , be yourself
Six times four, what’s the score
Heh baby what’s the story
Gold victory, glory

Go find the perfect lover
Judge cupid by his cover

To get this straight
Out of sight is out of faith

So to get this straight
Out of site = out of fate

The melody, the beat the plot
The rhytm the tune, it gets you hot
That’s where you want to be
The higher forms of energy

No danger of arms
He is the dagger of charm

It is a rubbing movement
When we strike a match
You are just a beginner
The winner gets the badge

If you would fix the mix
My hot line rings at six
The time tonight = dynamite
But what we miss = this!

We rap about the tricks of trade
The Isle of Man, the queen of spade
There is no way the price you pay
= equal to the debt you owe

You must let go you must let go
A long hello
Women never fail
When man is on the trail

The hero of a comic book
Took her off the hook
So get your Davidson to go
And hit the Fashion expo show
So get your Davidson to go
& hit the show

The fashion Davidson to go show
Sure get hit
& hit the show



Just when you want to star
The girl comes in
The girl comes in

Just when you want to start to write
The girl comes in
The girl comes in

Just when you want to start the song
The girl comes in
To clean the house

Logic has no life
Reason has no sound
Kitchens have no girls
Women are the door

Just when you want to come with me
The girl comes in
To clean the floor
The girl comes in
To clean the floor

You are what you are
You close the door
You forget the song

Just when you want to star
The girl comes through
The kitchen door
Just when you want to close the door
The girl’s no more

Please, pretty please
The kitchen floor



A lovely looking through
The glass has broken way 2 soon
4 every time we dissapoint her grace
She = transparent like
A queen of ace
That cries 4
All them devils
In these guys

A summer rain
A liquid without wings
Springs from the eyes of heaven
Coming softly coming gently
Ticking in twin tones
Splattered drops annoy
The windows faint
A frame of almond
Radiates a saint

Here U R
3 women in
The crown domain of
Mother Blood
Sister Sweat
& Virgin Tears
Cross your heart
With all the power
Of a 100 generals

A seventh seal has opened up
Its lashes
It splashes spit
In mourning

Contracted muscles twist
A parralel canal of gaze
When a view keeps breathing
Sadness washes from her face

Here beloved Ariadne
Naxos on a wave of hope
There Eurydice in practice
Lifting glory 4 a pope
Yonder vaguely Clio
Like a fallen leaf

In deserted state
The shutters of her mind
R closed
1 by 1, 2 of a kind

In the fountainhead of shades
All R angels
When a greenish grey pervades

Spears of light have pierced
The solid darkness of
Her fear
My anger
& His pain

A third eye wets
Me well
The summer rain



The sea of camera’s:
Can one build a ship at sea
Do U C an image
When U turn the camera around

When the sea = dancing
The camera explodes
Like a bleeding dove
A signature of particles
Existing 4 a moment

In the bushes of my memory
Lord Byron = clinging 2 a cloud
U can tell
By the way he smiles

Dialogue with Diderot
Raining names all over Europe

The spirit tells U
Who she =
In a shadow on the chimney
On a flowered wall

Up 2 date
According 2 anatomy of laughter
= it not as if this reconstruction
Of the universe
= the force attracting U

Seduce the key
U R the first & last
2 set me free


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