Komorusan – Lucky Are We to Witness the Cleansing and Transfer of the Dominion of the Earth No One Expected the Second Coming to Be Like This

Trump rescuing Babies fromn the Cabal (foto Before It’s News)

Lucky Are We to Witness the Cleansing and Transfer of the Dominion of the Earth: No One Expected the Second Coming to Be Like This

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Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of Sunday 24 October 2021

Compiled Sunday 24 Oct. 2021 12:01 AM EDT by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist Retired, Journalist, Author. “Twenty Two Faces: inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and her Twenty Two Multiple Personalities.

Prepare for a Week That Will Change History.”
President Trump

Trump “A Week That Will Change History

At The Precipice The Storm Has Arrived!”
s 37:29

Trump is Your President, I’m Not.”
Joseph Biden


Once a Vaccine has been Administered, it can Never Be Undone. Biden’s COVID 19 Vaccine Mandate is One of the Greatest Infringements upon Individual Llberty, Federalism and the Separation of Powers Our Nation has Ever Experienced.”
General Brnovich

Never Let Failure Get to your Heart and Never Let Success Get to your Head.”
Denzel Washington


Judy Byington – White Hat Military Alliance at War: the Storm of the Century

All Major Countries including the US were in the Midst of Coups on their Deep State Governments. In order for those 209 Countries to Participate in the Global Currency Reset and GESARA, they could Not be At War and had to be functioning as a Democracy.

To accomplish that, Q has said, “The Military is The Only Way.

According to Juan O Savin the “War was Now Commencing and would go through March 2022, and then on for a Couple of More Years.”

There would be Ten Days of Darkness while the World went into Full Martial Law. It was advised to have two to three weeks of Food and Necessities on Hand. Media, Internet, Phones and TV Programming could be Shut Down and People Asked to Remain Indoors so the US Military could Broadcast 10 days of 3 X8  Hour Sessions of Video Confessions, Military Tribunals and Evidence of Scandals as Military Across the Globe Removed Certain Governments and Made Arrests on 500,000 Indictments.

Sometime throughout it all the Global Currency Reset would Complete, GESARA | NESARA would be announced and Tier 4B (Us, the Internet Group who held Foreign Currencies and Zim Bonds) would Receive a Secured Website to Set Our Redemption | Exchange Appointments at Special Rates. The General Public would Follow in about Three Days.

(A) Possible Schedule of Upcoming Events

The below Compilation of Intel was from Charlie Ward, Bruce, MarkZ, Whiplash347, ShariRaye and Two Separate High Up Sources.

On Sunday 17 October 2021 the Cabal Defaulted. The Federal Reserve and Internal Revenue Service were No Longer Under their Control. This Opened the Door for the Global Currency Reset.

Sunday Night 17 October Tesla Free Energy Connected to the US Power Grid System, plus the New Rates of All Currencies in the First Basket to Revalue Appeared on Bank Screens.

On Friday Night 22 October President Trump was To Board Air Force One in Preparation for the Global Currency Reset and Return of 209 Countries to Gold | Asset Backed Currencies.

Saturday 23 October Tesla Free Energy kicked in To Prepare for Initiation of the Emergency Broadcast System.

Saturday Evening 23 October 2021 MarkZ “One Very Large Church Based Group Tied to Tier 3 was Expecting Release of their Funds Sometime Today Saturday 23 October All their People are In Place. I am getting a Whole Lot of Chatter about Groups over this Weekend and the Bonds Hitting Full Tilt Monday and Tuesday. I think we are In the Process Now and we have Started.”

Ten Days of Darkness To Start Sunday 24 October and Ends Tuesday November 2 with Beginning of Declass while the World went into Full Martial Law – which may Not Be the Window since Moscow Announced that Everything would Happen between Thursday 28 October to Sunday 7 November with a 10 Day Closure of their Non Essential Services.

Sunday 24 October was the End of the Final Countdown for Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) to Receive the Secured Website and obtain 800’s to make Exchange | Redemption Appointments. The General Public Tier 5 would Follow about Three Days after Tier 4B began.

Sunday, Monday 24, 25 October EBS Starlink Satellite will Use Project Odin to Knock Out Mossad Satellite Mass Media, Possibly on Sunday 24 October but Certainly This Week. President Trump would tweet “My Fellow Americans, the Storm is Upon Us” and then he would begin to Send Out on the Emergency Broadcast System, Seven Presidential Messages to Phones and TV Sets Worldwide.

Tuesday 26 October Possible JFK Jr Announcement.

Monday. 1 November Predicted Stock Market Crash.

Tuesday 2 November Possible Revelation that JFK Jr was Alive and behind the Q Movement – that his Father President Kennedy, began as he was trying To Get Rid of the Federal Reserve (even had New US Notes Printed). The Announcement was Rumored Set to Take Place in Dallas Texas at what was known as the “Grassy Knoll” where Kennedy was “Killed?” 57 years ago on 22 November 1963.

Wednesday 3 November, Thursday. 4 November, Bombings of 34 Satanic Buildings

Friday 5 November Calendar will Flip Back to Julian Calendar.

Saturday 6 November Trump Presidency made Public!

Tuesday 9 November Early Christmas

Thursday 11 Nov. Celebration | Inauguration | Victory Day (the World is United).

Wednesday 24 November Rumored to be a New Election Day.

Mass Arrests in DC! All Internal Revenue Service Taxes Returned to You! Emergency Broadcasting System (EBS) Coming Soon!| BS Starlink Satellite will use Project Odin to Knock Out Mossad Satellite Mass Media, Possibly on Sunday 24 October but Certainly this Week. Thursday 2 November Transfer of Wealth. A Lot of Things were Going Down between Now and November 11. Stock Market Crash 29 October CCP and CIA ran Bitcoin – that has been Taken Down. 209 Countries in NESARA | GESARA. We are going to Common Law. Tall Fences have appeared around Capitol and Pentagon. For the past two weeks Blackhawks have been Taking Off and Landing at the Pentagon.
ShariRaye, Before It’s News


Event Tsunami warning for London: WWII Shipwreck packed with Explosives is ‘Ticking Time Bomb’. An American World War Two Shipwreck Packed with 1,400 tons of Explosives poses a Tsunami Threat to London.

Event Queen’s Death: Operation London Bridge would Commence with the Queen’s Death, along with a Planned Social Media Blackout Security Operation.

Event The United States was Preparing for the Strongest Storm in the History of the Northwest. There was also a Possibility of Tsunami’s Hitting the US Eastern and South Coasts, plus Europe as a Result of a La Palma island Collapse Resulting from Volcano Eruption.

Event Magnitude 4.9 Earthquake hits La Palma. La Palma was an Island off the Coast of Africa. Earlier, Part of the Volcano’s Main Cone Collapsed on the Island. Lava has Started to Overflow from a Secondary Opening. Hal Turner Warns La Palma Island Volcano Under Attack With Energy Weapons to Cause Mega-Tsunami. Earthquakes Repeated Over and Over at Exact Same Locations,

Hal Turner Claimed there was Evidence that the La Palma Island Volcano Eruption and Earthquakes were Artificially Produced. “It looks as though La Palma is Being Attacked.  It appears Some Type of Technology is Being Used to Specifically Target the Island and CAUSE Earthquakes, and the Attack Pattern indicates it is Intended to Deliberately Weaken the Same Southwest Flank Where the Unstable Land Mass is Located.

THERE ARE EVEN PRECISE SECONDARY EARTHQUAKES IN THE PRECISE LOCATION OF EARLIER EARTHQUAKES! This appears to be a Deliberate Effort to CAUSE the Flank to Slide into the Ocean and Generate a Tsunami to Wipe Out the US East Coast. Whoever is Doing This Appears to be TRYING to Cause the Destruction of the US East Coast. This may be an Actual Act of War! Whatever is Going on La Palma, may have begun naturally, but as of 11:45 PM Eastern US Time on Friday, October 22, 2021, It Now Clearly Looks as though Some Type of Man Made Attack is Taking Place. It LOOKS like Somebody Wants a Lot of Americans Dead.”

Q has said to “Watch the Water.” Another Event that has already Happened was Collapse of the Three Gorges Dam on Wednesday 20 October. There were 40,000 Houses Destroyed; 5 million People Displaced, 700,000 acres of Crops Destroyed, and 600,000 Chinese People in immediate Need of Care, with a $5.7 billion dollar Loss to the Chinese Communist Party. The Human, Physical and Economic Disaster had yet to make Headlines in the Mainstream Media, though the Floods and Expected Typhoon Heading Toward the US certainly would. Three Gorges Dam Collapse: No Warning Again in China; Severe Flooding Up To Two Meters Deep, China Flood. YouTube https://youtu.be/B_b9u8yKVdI

What would Never Make Headlines was the Destruction of the CCPs Main Lline of Funding that lay beneath Three Gorges: the CCPs Child SexTrafficking, Adrenichrome Production, Organ Harvesting, Gun and Drug Running Headquarters complete with Tunnels lLading to Wuhan and the Infamous Wuhan Lab that Produced the COVID Plandemic.

Add the Three Gorges Dam Collapse to Hundreds of Ships Filled with Chinese Goods stalled in the Eastern and Western US Harbors – that were Not Allowed to Unload because of an Executive Order Prohibiting Trade with any Country that Interfered with the US Elections (And, the Chinese Communist Party did, Big Time) – and you have the Makings of a Worldwide Economic Disaster.

The Chinese Communist Party Military was Highly iInfiltrated by White Hats in China who want To Free their Fellow Country People from Communist Rule. They were in the Midst of Pulling a Coup in China.

(C) International Child Sex Trafficking Crisis

New Dark Outpost. Delta Force Raids Adrenochrome Warehouse
Delta Force Operators
have Raided an Adrenochrome Storage Facility and Seized 600 liters of a Substance that Deep State Despots believe Extends Life, Prevents Illness, and Enhances the Libido, According to a High Ranking official in the Office of Military Commissions under Condition of Anonymity. Adrenochrome was Obtained by Terrorizing, Killing Young Children and then Taking their Blood.

Moscow Investigators have Charged Ilya Belostotsky, the Director of the Children’s Humorous Newsreel Yeralash, with Corrupting Minors. He is Currently in Jail. Belostotsky was Detained for Indecent Acts against Minors, but later the Charge was Tightened to Part 3 of Article 134 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Sexual Intercourse and Other Sexual Acts with a Person under the Age of Sixteen”), which Provides for a Penalty of up to 10 years in Prison. In addition, a Collection of Child Porn was found at the Director’s House.

The News Spread All Over Social Networks and TV Channels. Many People are Shocked, they say, how so, a Mess, Children, a Famous Director and a Pedophile. Gradual Disclosure of Information is What Happens. The Arrests of Pedophiles began Immediately after Trump Won the 2016 Election and Signed the Relevant Law. Many Channels of Human Traffic were Destroyed, Thousands of People Accused Pedophilia were Caught and Arrested (Representatives of Various Professions, Employees of Companies with Big Names, Civil Servants) – there were Many Publications about This on the Channel.

And These Monsters Llve Not Only in the USA or Europe, they are Everywhere, in Every Country. And for the Most Part, these are Not Suspicious Looking Types with the Faces of Maniacs Walking Around in Parks with Sweets Bait. Pedophiles are among Priests, Teachers, World Music and Film Stars, Politicians, Businessmen, Oligarchs. Indictments for Many of Them are Ready and Waiting in the Wings, Epstein is Alive and continues To Cooperate with the investigation, as well as his Accomplice Gilane Maxwell (that’s Why the Process was DelayedMany Participants, Many Testimonies, Testimony). A Pedophile may be Your Neighbor, Colleague, Friend. These People seem Nice and Nice at First Glance, None of Them, of course, Gives Themselves Away.The Problem is Much Broader, More Global Than it Seems.

Caution Viewer Beware

Out of the Shadows, Fall of the Cabal, Pizzagate, Child Abuse, Hollyweird, Slavery, Human Trafficking. Jared Kushner.
https://t.me/JaredCoreyKushner/129  https://docs.google.com/document/d/10rhS0nPTBclitG3PJB20ei0Rbr05WzeOsjjYz1-zo2A/

(1) OUT OF SHADOWS (US) https://www.bitchute.com/video/l8nuHIlmugbY/

(2) OUT OF SHADOWS (UK) https://youtu.be/Fi_x090LGO8

(3) FALL CABAL (1) (10) https://www.bitchute.com/video/MYHTpUW9KAXQ/

(4) PEDOGATE (1) https://www.bitchute.com/video/m4uPgLMVI_g/

(5) PEDOGATE (2) https://www.bitchute.com/video/SvAUa1FcvDk/

(6) PEDOGATE (3) https://www.bitchute.com/video/kftvQhTH08U/


(8) GHISLAINE MAXWELL TERRAMAR PROJECT (NEW MOUTHY BUDDHA VIDEO) https://www.bitchute.com/video/v0dsbPnTdlwH/

(9) PERVYWOOD (1) https://www.bitchute.com/video/Cek3l1BoJ7eu/

(10) PERVYWOOD (2) https://www.bitchute.com/video/PHWJZ40ZqS59/

(11) PERVYWOOD (3) https://www.bitchute.com/video/6eGqJmBwtT8S/

(12) PERVYWOOD (4) https://www.bitchute.com/video/rttKlLMD2WiM/

(13) PERVYWOOD (5) https://www.bitchute.com/video/fBPeUURsOP23/

(14) PERVYWOOD (6) https://www.bitchute.com/video/zsmjQzGkDVV1/

(15) PERVYWOOD (7) https://www.bitchute.com/video/VRgYRGrrYwOn/

(16) PERVYWOOD (8) https://www.goodlion.tv/

(17) FRAZZLEDRIPTHE DAVE TODESCHINI STORY https://www.bitchute.com/video/M6Ejqj-uPc8/

(18) BURNT PIZZA(1) https://www.darkdox.com/burnt-pizza-part-1/

(19) PIZZAGATE & BEYOND https://www.bitchute.com/video/g13Fxb0pmgrB/

(20) PIZZAGATE: DEBUNKING THE DEBUNKERS http://www.gatheringspot.net/topic/pizzagate-debunking-debunkers

(21) ENTER THE PIZZAGATE: SHATTERING THE ILLUSION https://www.bitchute.com/video/AEwAFxUdByoc/

(22) HAMPSTEAD COVER UP: ALICIA TESTIMONY https://youtu.be/OefWGmZn7fk

(23) HAMPSTEAD COVER UP: TESTIMONIES https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ke5Q719myzk

(24) DC PIZZAGATE INFORMATION OVERLOAD! https://dcpizzagate.wordpress.com


(D) COVID | Vax Hoax Crisis


An Analysis from the US shows More Deaths from COVID in 2021 than in 2020, with a Large Percentage of those who died in 2021 Fully Vaccinated.

Israeli Hospital Director Dr Kobi Haviv Interview (Herzog Hospital, Jerusalem “Vax Effectiveness Fading. 95% Of the Severe Patients Are Vaccinated. 85 – 90% Of the Hospitalizations Are in Fully Vaccinated People.”

Data showed that the Probability of Death from Covid 19 was 16 Times Higher for Children if they were Vaccinated, while Children Under Military Escort were Secretly Vaccinated at US Middle Schools. Children Under Military Escort Secrety Vaccinated at US Middle Schools. Over 300 Children Killed??

(E) Global Financial Collapse Crisis

ATTENTION FELLOW PATRIOTS It’s Happening! USA Financial System Collapse Is Imminent! History will be Repeated, only This Time it Will Be 10 Times Worse. Donald Trump is Right! Unemployment Rate is Actually Much Closer to an Astonishing 40%. https://bit.ly/takeoverusanow
Now, Inflation Rates are Calculated WITHOUT including Food and Gas – the two Largest Areas of all in our Economy. The Real Inflation Rate Today, including Gas and Food, is Actually Much cCoser to a Sky Hh 12%. This Video will show you How to Prepare for the Coming Financial System Collapse. https://bit.ly/takeoverusanow

(F) 2020 Election Fraud Crisis

Wisconsin Audit Report Released. Here Are The Results.

(G) The Real News of Saturday 23 October

Central America, Mexico. JUST IN. Large Migrant Caravan has left Tapachula, Mexico for the US. The Migrants, Mostly from Central America, are Carrying Banners that read such as “We Come in Peace” and “Joe Biden is for Everyone”.

Earliest Gospel of Q, Charlie Ward: Deepstate Madness,The Earliest Gospel Of Q With Underground Patriot & Charlie Ward

Afghanistan At LEAST 363 American Citizens STILL Trapped in Afghanistan! This is the Link https://usafirstreporting.com/state-department-confirms-at-least-363-american-citizens-still-trapped-in-afghanistan/

Poland Out in Support of Trieste against Covid Passports.

Italy, Milan Packed to the Rafters against Covid Passports, as Italy Rises. Livorno Out in Force as Italian Towns and Cities filled the Streets against Covid Passports. Turin Protest against Green Passes. Milan Protest against Green Passes. Genova Protest against Green Passes.

Switzerland: Huge Protest outside the Federal Palace in Bern, Switzerland, Today against Covid Passports, Flags of Many Nations Facing the Same Battle can be seen Flying amongst the Crowds.

The Biden White House is Delaying the Declassification of the Second Batch of Files on the Assassination of President Kennedy until December 2022, citing the “Significant Impact” of the Pandemic.

The US intelligence Agencies have Released a New Report on the Dangers of Global Warming just a few weeks after Afghanistan was Handed over to the Taliban.

Psaki admits that Biden Lied about Visiting the Southern Border. “According to Reports, The last time He Drove Across the Border Was In 2008.” Biden says he “Didn’t Have Time” to Visit the Open US Border, Despite 70 Days of Rest in Delaware, and then insists that His Wife Jill was There.

Why was I Handed a Loaded Gun?Upset Alec Baldwin Released a Statement in Connection with the Murder he Committed on the Set. He says His Heart is Broken. Meanwhile, Social Media Users believe that Baldwin should be Arrested.

The National Association of School Boards of the United States apologizes for a Letter from the Biden Administration Which they Call Parents who Disagree with Critical Racial Theory and Masks in Schools Domestic Terrorists.

YouTube bans Rapper Bryson Gray’s hit “Let’s Go Brandon”; Targets other Accounts that use the EuphemismF( …,) ck Joe Biden!»

An Afghan Man is in Custody for Raping a Teenager after Biden’s State Department did Not Fully Check Afghan Citizens entering the Country.

Biden Confuses the Congressman with the Mayor in CNN’s “Town Hall” and says that he has Been an American Senator for 370 years.

Biden’s Attorney General Merrick Garland Claims that he “Did Not Suspect” about More than $ 400 million from Mark Zuckerberg Given to Interfere in the 2020 Presidential Election and Seize Polling sSations.

I will put a Bullet in the Heads of these Americans”  the Leader of a Haitian Gang threatens To Kill 17 Kidnapped American Missionaries.

Saakashvili needed a Blood Transfusion Due to Poor Health amid a Hunger Strike. This was Reported by his Personal Doctor.

The United States is Preparing for the Strongest Storm in the History of the Northwest.

The Intelligence Agency warns that China is Creating a Global Genetic Database that could give it Dominance over the American Healthcare Industry and a Decisive Military Advantage (Daily Mail)

The Test of Hypersonic Weapons in the United States Failed Due to a Malfunction of the Accelerator.

Erdogan Declared the Ambassadors of the United States, Germany and a Number of other Countries “Persona Non GrataAfter they Called for the Release of the Imprisoned Oppositionist.

Congress Woman Marjorie Taylor Green proposed to Impeach Biden, including for Abuse of Power as Vice President in the Interests of his Son Hunter.

The Chinese Media claim that the People’s Liberation Army of China will Destroy US Troops If They decide to Side with Taiwan.

Migrants to the United States, coming Mainly from Central America, Carry Posters with the WordsWe Came in Peace” and “Joe Biden – For All.”

The UK Designated AY.4.2 as a Variant of COVID, which is Being Investigated, Referring to Evidence that it may be More Transmissible than the Delta Variant.

For More News go to https://operationdisclosureofficial.com/2021/10/01/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-as-of-october-1-2021/


The Sons of God Fell at the Beginning of Time due to the Worthless Concepts of Spirituality that the Hybrid Human Serpent Seed Bloodlines Created for Us. We are Born in our Father’s Love Genetically Encoded with His Righteousness we have a Moral Compass and know Right from Wrong. Trump was Born to Complete the Task that Jesus Started. He knew the Time Would Come to Answer his Calling to Stand Up and Step in at this Time in Human Hstory. Trump is Not Bound to any Religious Indoctrination and therefore he’s Totally Receptive to what has to be done so that Our Heavenly Father’s Will is Done on Earth As It is in Heaven. Unless We Understand How we Surrendered Our Discernment to the Doctrines of Vipers, We will Fall Again. United we Stand, Divided we Fall.

The Nephilim Used Religion To Divide And Conquer The Sons Of God

The Pagan Gospel Of The Church Replaced The Gospel Of Jesus The Irrefutible History Behind Roman Emperor Constentine’s Ability To Implement his Pagan Practices into the Bible Canons that Begun at the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD and Ended at the Council Of Carthage in 397 AD when the Official Bible Rolled Out. Revelation’s Doom And Gloom Is Part Of The Programing The Irrefutable History behind the Book of Revelation.

The Nephilim Used Religion To Divide And Conquer The Sons Of God https://www.bitchute.com/channel/d1urdmz7GL1P/

The Pagan Gospel Of The Church Replaced The Gospel Of Jesus The Irrefutible History Behind Roman Emperor Constentine’s Ability To Implement his Pagan Practices into the Bible Canons that Begun at the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD and Ended at the Council Of Carthage in 397 AD when the Official Bible Rolled Out.

Revelation’s Doom And Gloom Is Part Of The Programing The Irrefutable History Behind the Book of Revelation.

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