Operation Disclosure Official | Judy Byington – Restored Republic via A Global Currency Reset | Update as of Monday 12 December 2022

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Monday 12 December 2022

We The People Need A Miracle
You can Play an Important Part in A Miracle as Promised by GOD

If My People, which are Called by my Name, shall Humble Themselves, and Pray, and Seek my Face, and Turn from their Wicked Ways, then will I Hear from Heaven, and will Forgive their Sin, and will Heal their Land.

Click Here To Find Out How

The End of the World As We Know It
Parts 1 – 9
Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp: Global Elite Taken To Gitmo By Us Special Forces! Dec 2022 | Prophecy | Before It’s News, https://beforeitsnews.com.
Janet Ossebaard

The Times are Too Grave, the Challenge Too Urgent, and the Stakes Too High, to Permit the Customary Passions of Political Debate. We are Not Here to Curse the Darkness, but to Light the Candle that can Guide us through that Darkness to A Safe and Sane Future.” ()

If you Ask God to Move A Mountain, do Not be Surprised if He puts a Shovel in your Hand. Everyone needs to Work for their Miracles

A Heart Full of Christmas
Music and the Spoken Word, A Heart Full of Christmas, Church News https://thechurchnews.com

Judy Note

• Elon Musk says that Fauci lied to Congress and Funded Gain of Function Research on Covid-19 that killed millions of people.

• “Right  Now Senior Politicians and People in High Office were being Arrested, having Tribunals and Most of Them (In Excess of 90%) were being Executed. At the Start of This there were 450,000 Indictments. Now we are Getting at the Tail End of It.” ()
Charlie Ward on Friday,  9 December 2022

• The Brunson versus Adams Case at the Supreme Court Simply states the Obvious. Congress violated the Constitution.

• The US was Presently under Martial Law, it just has NOT Been Made Public.




• On Januari 6 2023 the Supreme Court was Set to Meet on A Petition by the Brunson Brothers that Congress Failed to Investigate over 100 Complaints of 2020 Election Fraud.

• Because of Congress’s Treasonous Act of Not Investigating Possible Election Fraud, A Ruling by the Supreme Court in Favor of the Brunson Petition could dissolve the Biden Administration and All of Congress.

• For the Last Couple of Years the Brunson Brothers have on their Own Dime, Taken like Cases through Utah State and Federal Courts. Now they need the Help of All Patriots to see it through the Supreme Court.

• Imagine if SCOTUS Received One Million Letters from Ordinary Americans. Would that Indicate the Pulse of the Mation? How about if Ten Million Students, Grandmas, Aunts, Moms and Dads Sent them A Note of Encouragement?


How do I write my Two Letters to the Supreme Court and Brunson Brothers?
Instructional Video https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vpq-CWbB7mAihrYbmFNVM0FDfIKKWWkg2Nt8HQSZ2oA/edit#


Get 2 Envelopes, 2 Stamps, 2 Pieces of Paper.


On Each Piece of Paper write Attention to the9 Supreme Court Justices“. Express Support of Brunson versus Alma S Adams et al, N° 22 – 380. You can Write More If you So Wish. Sign your Name and Date it.


You now have Either 2 Handwritten Copies or 2 Printed Copies.


One Copy goes into A Stamped Envelope Addressed to

Supreme Court of the United States,
1 First Street
NE Washington
DC 20543


One Copy goes into A Stamped Envelope Addressed to

Loy & Raland Brunson
4287 South Harrison Boulevard
Apartment 132
Utah 84403

They’re Counting your Letters!
Add $ 1 Dollar to Say Thanks.


URGENT, The Case is Slated for JANUARY 6th. Mail your Letters!


Share with Friends and Family.


Global Currency Reset

Anytime from November 2 to Tuesday 13 December Bond Holder, Sovereign Buyers, CMKX Adjudicated Settlements, Farm Claims, Tiers 3, 4 and the General Public were Expecting to have Access to GCR Funds. (…) A High Up Source

• On Sunday 11 December Tony Renfrow Sent Out A TweetToday I’ve Got Calls from the Banks Both Here and In Iraq. Things are Definitely Moving on Both Ends. Christmas is Coming.

• Saturday 10 December GoldilocksBanks are Preparing to Activate the New Digital Gold Backed Financial System. At this Time, Banks are Being Audited to Show Proof of Assets to Support Banking Transactions. When this is Complete, the Implementation of an International payment system will Come into Play.

• As of Thursday 8 December the Iraqi Dinar was Said to be Floating in Value on the Forex as Part of it’s Revaluation. That Float could Only be Seen on the Back Screens of Banks. When it became Public, it would be Published Here, 1,000,000 IQD to USD, Iraqi Dinars to US Dollars Exchange Rate

• Also on Thurday. 8 December Monies of the Global Currency began Flowing into Accounts.

• Thurs. 8 December Captain Kyle:”The Iraqi Dinar has Been Re Evaluated in Iraq at $11QFS XRP IS CLOSE! #Gesara YouTube
Knows the Coordinator for a QFS Redemption Center Training for Six States. That Person has been in A Room that had Pallets of the New USNote Called Rainbow Currency.
The Iraqi Dinar has revalued at $ 11+ In-Country Rate. Only Traded and Exchanged in Iraq, not yet International.

Capt. Kyle is Full of Knowledge on RV, GCR, XRP, XLM. Watch and Enjoy this Informative Podcast with Mel Carmine. Quantum Financial System is coming, XRP and XLM, Digital Assets are Here to Stay Whether you Like it or Not. The XRPQFS Manual is Intended for the New User Who knows Nothing about Nesara | Gesara, XRP and Digital Assets. Please Visit our Web Site for More Information http://www.qfs1776.com

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👉 Unifyd TV, Better than Netflix, https://unifyd.tv/?join=MelCarmine
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✅  Other Videos You Might Be Interested In Watching

👉 Liquidity is the Most Important and Powerful Word to #XRP | This is Extremely Misunderstood


👉 The Hidden Message in Water? | The Hydrogen Man explains 


👉 Business Opportunity Handheld Frequency Device | Dr Testimonial



👉 NESARA Everything is Going to Change


👉 Nesara Gesara will Create Heaven on Earth with Melissa Red Pill


We are Not Offering Financial Nor Medical Advice in this Podcast, we are Only Documenting Our Journey and Experiences. All Opinions Expressed by the Contributors are their Own Opinions and Not Necessarily Those of the XRPQFSTeam Creators.

Music from Scott van Zen


When we Go Through the Transition to Digital Assets and the EBS the Dinar will Be Available to the Rest of the World.
129 – 160 Countries were Now A Part of BRICS
Over Thanksgiving All Countries met in Geneva, Switzerland, and Approved GESARA | NESARA.

2020 Trump Enacted Emergency Act.
Med Beds have Been Built and will Soon Be Available to the General Public.
We are Under Martial Law that could Take Over at Any Time, so the Brunson Case at the Supreme Court was being Used to Educate the Public on What is Going On.
Iraq and Kuwait will Join Together in the Dinar Currency.
Everyone has A Very Secure Quantum Financial Account on the QFS System.
You will be Able to Access your Account and Do A Transition from  Anywhere at Anytime 24 | 7 that will take Only Seconds.

The Vatican was Cleaned Out in 2020. Over 660 Military Cargo Planes took Gold Assets and Spread them to the Countries of Origin. There are Like Operations around the World like in Switzerland and the Phillipines where the Gold was Being Confiscated that were Still Ongoing.


Restored Republic

• “Right Now Senior Politicians and People in High Office were Being Arrested, having Tribunals and Most of Them (In Excess of 90%) were Being Executed. At the Start of This there were 450,000 Indictments. Now we are Getting at the Tail End of it.” () Charlie Ward on Friday 9 Dec. 2022

• David Nino Rodriguez “Americans have been Watching A Massive, Controlled Military Operation who Strategically and Critically Planned and Successfully Trapped the Washington Establishment () Made them All Confess their Crimes and Play A Role in this Operation piece by piece () as Americans have had to Visually See and Witness AContinuation of Government’ in the Form of APresidential Administrationwhere These Corrupt and Evil People will, have, and will Continue to Destroy their System from Within, Spend All of Their Dirty Money Doing So, until it’s Time for the Military to Visually Step In.”

Time Lines and Time Stamps prove A Military Operation and Occupancy Along with Many More Laws, Codes, Orders, Statutes, Acts, Optics, and Communications.

• The National Guard has been Out of their State Militia Status and Operating as Active Duty Status Every Day Since they were Federalized in March 2020.

• There’s MORE than Enough Documentation and ‘Proof’ to Show Not Only the National Guard, but Also Thousands of World Alliance Aircrafts In and Out of the United States and National Guard Bases. There’s United States Coast Guards with the United States Navy at their Stations. USCG is the Department of Homeland Security during Peacetime and Transferred to the Department of the Navy during Wartime.

• The Brunson versus Adams Case Simply states the Obvious (…) Congress violated the Constitution.

Goldilocks I guess we Know what’s About to Happen with Saudi Arabia and their Meeting with China This Week. The Use of the Chinese Yuan is Being Called for in the Energy Exchange Process for the Gulf Nations. The De Dollarization and Fall of the Dollar is At Hand. As the Dollar Levels Off with Other Currencies around the World that Rise Due to the Backing of Gold Early Next Year, our Eastern Countries will have A Level Playing Field Going Forward in Trade. We have Gone over this Many Times. You Know What will Happen to Currencies around the World Due to Demand and the Increase of their Value under A Commodity Based Economy. https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/chinas-xi-tells-gulf-nations-use-shanghai-exchange-yuan-energy-deals-2022-12-09/


White Hat Intel, 9 December 2022

• The COLLAPSE of Banks through the EU, MIDDLE EAST, SOUTH AMERICA. CANADA. UK AUSTRALIA UNITED STATES is Going to Happen, is Happening and Began Last Year.


• The DEEP STATE is in PANIC AS [they] Try to Protect FTX [EXPOSURE] and the COMING COLLAPSE.

• The Federal Reserve WILL Now do after FULL Control over US DIGITAL CURRENCY and Try to hide the EXPOSURE of the COLLAPSE AND MONEY LAUNDERING SYSTEMS.

Deep State in US is going to Create Full AUTHORITARIAN Money Control by Implanting CENTRAL BANKING DIGITAL CURRENCY CBDC, but this operation WILL COLLAPSE in the first run and EXPOSE FULL CORRUPTION OF THE DEEP STATE SHADOW GOVERNMENT.

Several Congressmen and Senators () Cruz , Cotton, Paul including the Richest Man in the US are ALL going to EXPOSE  the CBDC SYSTEM.

TRUMP MILLITARY HAVE PLANS TO BUILD BACK AMERICA AFTER THE FAILURE OF THE FIRST CBDC LAUNCH () Trump has Plans to Bring Back A Working Country (…) Make America Great Again ()


Recent History of the Global Currency Reset

• On Thanksgiving Day Thursday 24 November in Geneva Switzerland Trump and Financial Representatives from Around the Globe Signed Off on NESARA | GESARA. That Officially put the New US Note on the Gold Standard. () Bruce

• Tuesday 29 November was the Last Day the Fiat US Dollar was Used Globally, Except for in the US, Canada and Mexico. The Fiat US Dollar would be Completely Gone from Those and Other Countries by the End of Januari 2023. () Bruce

• Starting Thursday 1 December the Fiat US Dollar began Converting to the Asset Backed USN. That would Continue in Stores and at Banks for 60 Days to the End of Januari 2023. () Bruce

• Thursday 1 December Mark Micelli, the Trustee of the St Germaine Trust, Released Some, but Not All, Funds from the Trust. On that Same Thurday 1 December Buyers Engaged Sellers with Contracts of German Bond Boxes () A High Up Source

• Friday 2 December through Monday 5 December Advances were Made to Sellers. (…) A High Up Source

• On Saturday 3 Dece,ber at 4 PM EST Bond Holders and Sellers Received their Monies, but would Not have Access to Them until the Shotgun Start. () Bruce

• On Monday 5 December Full Funds from the St Germaine Trust were Released as Dubai 1 Completed Their Payout and Dubai 2 was in the Process of Being Completed, According to A High Up Source. The Central Bank of Iraq said they had Begun the Process of Lowering the Value of the Iraqi Dinar to the US Dollar. They’re De Pegging, and Preparing the Dinar to Float. The Bank said that the Increase the Supply of Dollars through its Approved Outlets will Lead to A Return of Exchange Rates to their Rates Quickly.

• On Tues. 6 Dec. the Iraqi Dinar de-pegged from the US Dollar and Iraq stopped using the dollar in Iraq. Charlie Ward talked to the Quantum Financial System people, who told him they were blacked out until it’s time to go. A High Up Source said a small amount of monies was released to some in Tier 3, while a week later on Tues. 13 Dec. Tier 3 could be fully liquid.

• At 5pm EST Wed. 7 Dec. the new Iraqi Dinar rate was floating on the Forex. The new Iraqi Dinar and Vietnamese Dong rates have been on back screens of the banks while trading upward. The Iraqi banks were saying that the Iraqi Dinar was about to be activated for the public sector (us). They suspended all trading back and forth between the US dollar and the IQD pairing. In the US Re-sellers were picking up bonds at a fraction of the cost to resell later when the trigger was pulled. () Bruce


Military Takeover

• It has Started, But in Such a Way as it Doesn’t Look Like a Military Takeover. https://www.simonparkes.org/post/it-has-started-but-in-such-a-way-as-it-doesn-t-look-like-a-military-take-over

• A HUGE Crypto currency corruption scandal is going to hit with the COLLAPSE of a major U.S. bank and hundreds of small banks across the U.S.

• Brazil is a template as to what to happen worldwide. The Brazilian people were now on a 41 day protest against the Fraud that took place in their latest Election. The Military has taken over and told people to have a 15-30 day supply of food and essentials until they can restore their Republic.

• Joseph Biden was executed in 2018. He is being played by actors to help the Military Alliance take down the Illuminati/ Cabal.

• Shortly after Obama won a second time, Trump was contacted by Military Generals to run for US President in a Military Coup. During Trump’s campaign Admiral Mike Rogers told Trump that Clinton and Obama were planning on framing him for Treason and Sedition. Rogers was able to unrig the Election, though Dominion Voting Machines run by a CIA office in Germany were still able to flip 19% of the votes.

• On 17 Januari 2021 the US National Guard was Activated by President Trump One Million National Guardsmen in all 50 states were Put on A Fderalized Status.

• Jullian Assange through WikkiLeaks has Intel that could Result in98% of All Governments in the Entire World going Down. (…) SG Anon

• The Military Alliance through Space Force is In Control of Nuclear Weapons and Threats brought on by the Deep State. () SG Anon

(G) Introduction to Alliance

Steve Beckow https://operationdisclosureofficial.com/2022/12/11/steve-beckow-best-intro-to-the-alliance/

• Right now in the Pacific Rim & three other continents we are rescuing children and taking down pedophiles. The governments are asked to stand down.

• International Tribunals are scheduled for mid 2023.

The White House has been Used for Tribunals and Executions.

• Obama Set Up the World for A Holocaust and he may be Set Up for Last.


The Real News for Sun. 11 Dec. 2022:

Peru’s President Impeached and Arrested after he Attempts to Dissolve Congress

FBI Refuses Again to Share the Whole Truth About Seth Rich’s Murder | Experts Wonder If Deep State Is Trying to Protect Its Use of a Domestic Spying Database

• Germany German Journalist Alina Lipp is convinced that the raids on the “Right Wing Extremist ” group in Germany have been staged and that the government is likely to announce legislative changes to crack down on opponents and restrict freedom of expression.

• Sunday 11 December California: Pacific Storm knocks out power in California. Set to come Eastward across the US

UKRAINE Burning Out NATO | EU Weapon stock. US Stock Pile of Weapons at All Time Low as the Deep State has Sold US Defense Weapons to Hundred of Countries across the World. “ALMOST EMPTYThat’s What the European Union Foreign Policy Chief Joseph Borrell just stated on the EU’s Weapons and Stockpile. Real FEAR is setting in as RUSSIAN 700,000 Mobile Forces Start Artillery Strikes as the Ground Freezes. UKRAINE has No Money and No Ammunition and Relies on Western Nations for their Military Resources. Naturally there is A Limit The West can Keep Supporting UKRAINE and the Support can Not be Indefinitely as the EU. NATO. and US were Quickly Learning.


Thursday 8 December SG Anon. SG Anon Drops Bombshell: Military IS Ready!!!!!
| Alternative | Before It’s News

2012 Donald Trump Agreed to Run in Military Operation Coup.

• September 11, 2016 Hillary TakenDown Prior to the Election

2017 Trump on World Tour

2018 Hillary Taken to GITMO

2019 Tom Hanks Executed for Child Sex Trafficking


Saturday 10 December SG Anon New SG Anon Christmas Bombshell Intel Amazing Show for December 10th 2022 | Prophecy | Before It’s News


A Trump Announcement on Sunday 11 December was Likely about Election Fraud.

Q said that Martial Law was Coming on Sunday 11 December.

• There was a large scale Military Operation going on right now.

• Hillary Clinton died at 9:05 pm 31 Dec. 2018 at GITMO Camp Delta Execution Center 45 witnessed the execution.

• Michael Baxter of Real Raw News is an excellent reporter.

• If Hillary Clinton got elected the Cabal, wanting to create chaos, had targeted 17 major cities with nuclear bombs. Trump took care of that Nuclear Threat before he entered office.

• Shortly after Obama won a second time, Trump was among three Patriot billionaires contacted by Military Generals to run for US President. It was to be a Military Coup.

• Admiral Mike Rogers went to Trump and told him Clinton and Obama were planning on framing him for Treason and Sedition.

• Rogers was able to unrig the Election, though Dominion Voting Machines run by the CIA in an office in Germany were still able to flip 19% of the votes.

• US National Guard activated by President Trump on 17 Jan. 2021. One million National Guardsmen in all 50 states were put on a federalized status.

• The Covid Scheme was part of the New World Order plan to eliminate mankind.

• Deep Underground facilities are very real and part of a global network that the Dark Side has used to get away with their crimes. The Alliance is in the process of destroying their underground avenues so they have nowhere to go but to the surface.

• We will see around five more years of Military Action after the lawful return of Trump.


International Child Sex Trafficking, Organ and Adrenochrome Harvesting Ring

• “Epstein Must See” Documentary: https://rumble.com/v1zvevm-in-the-storm-news-presents-epstein-must-see.html


Global Food, Fuel and Goods Shortages

Blackrock | Prepare for Recession unlike Any Other

• France: Saturdsy 10 Decembrt 2022 Paris Blackout. No electricity and no internet. Dark Cold Winter Great Reset Started. Get Ready!



FBI Agent’s Testimony implicates Headquarters Brass in Social Media Censorship


Election Fraud

Yes, the 2020 Election was Stolen.

FBI Agent Elvis Chan Deposition on 2020 Election Fraud. FBI Meetings with Social Media Companies Ahead of the 2020 Election. Chan’s Supervision of the 2016 DNCHack“. DOJ Instructions to Curb Election Misinformation Ahead of 2020.


Twitter Files

• Twitter Files Part (1) The Removal of Donald Trump October 2020 to Januari 6

Fox News Carlsen Part Two of the #Twitter Files confirms the Company was Shadow Banning Conservatives and COVID Lockdown Critics.

• The Biggest Thing to Come Out of the Twitter Targeting Hoax is that the Presidential Election was RIGGED. And that’s as Big as iI Can Get!!! () Donald Trump

A Clip of Lara Logan on Fox News Comparing Fauci to Nazi Doctor Joseph Mengele is Aging like Fine Wine. The World will Soon Learn the Truth on an Uncensored Twitter.


Global Protests and Demonstrations

• Brazil: For 41 days Briazilian citizens have been demonstrating against fraud in Election. Jair Bolsonaro has confirmed that he is the Supreme Chief of the Armed Forces, and they will back the Brazilian citizens
Q. Covid/ Monkey Pox/ Vax/Drugs Hoax:

• “Anthony Fauci blocked early Treatment to create a $98 Billion Vaccine Industry” … Robert Kennedy Jr.

• Doctors and Victims Detail Massive Death & Adverse Reactions From COVID Vaccines

• Fri. 9 Dec, Belle Carter Financial analyst and self-help entrepreneur Dr. David Martin has slammed public health authorities around the world for forcing roughly four billion people to take the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) mRNA “kill shots,” turning them into biological weapons in the process. “The reason why [the mRNA injections] are important and distinct is that they turn your body into being what I refer to as the bioweapons factory,” Martin told “Man in America” host Seth Holehouse. “Because legally, when you actually create a thing that manufactures a known pathogen, that is actually biological weapon manufacturing and the fact that your body is doing it means you’re a bioweapons factory.” https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-12-09-david-martin-blasts-authorities-people-bioweapons-factories.html



Sun 11 Dec. 2022 JFK Jr.: Since many of the fake channels named John F. Kennedy Jr. and Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy have been made, I officially declare that the only reliable and related channels are @HSRetoucher17, @JFKRed and @CBKNEWS This is just the beginning. Any attack on us will be futile and ineffective, ‌ the light of Christ will shine on who is anxious for her and Someone has faith in heart.


Here’s What Going to Happen, The Storm Rider

THE NEXT HUGE Crypto currency corruption scandal is going to hit with the COLLAPSE of a major US bank and hundreds of small banks across the US.

• At the same time the military ALLIANCE through MUSK is going to DROP on the CIA, DOJ, DHS, BIDEN, CLINTONS. These 2023 DROPS from MUSK is going to open doors to pedophilia networks in collusion with Facebook, Google, YouTube and the three letter agencies.

• At the same time Congressional hearings is going to EXPOSE big tech, operations inside collusion with DNC, FBI, CIA, DOJ.

• The storm of evidence from WHISTLEBLOWERS in 3 LETTER agencies coming forward will be phenomenal and more hearings will connect FAUCI Gain Of Function to bio-weapons Deep State Military Operations and DARPA control of big tech financed by the Rockefellers.

• SCOTUS IS GOING TO GO AFTER 2020 ELECTION FRAUD. This means a Deep State Military coup took place with foreign adversaries and agents inside CONUS and domestic countries.

• This will connect Five Eye Agencies, Davos, UN, NATO.

• DURHAM 4th (UNKNOWN) case is COMING and will hit the TARGET. DURHAM IS GOING AFTER THE BIGGEST FISH SO FAR COMING UP. Congress will back him with evidence/ TWITTERGATE 2023 Will CONNECT gateways.

• APPLE WILL be caught inside the storm of Corruption. Military COUP. Human Trafficking. MUSK is suppressing information on APPLE on purpose. It all leads back to GATES, DARPA, DURHAM, FISA Deep State Military Coup of the Trump Administration.


• The world is connected Q in the mean time…. Drip drip drip drip. THE DRIP WILL OPEN UP THE FLOOD GATES AND THE FLOOD IS GOING TO DRAIN THE WORLD WIDE SWAMP

• In 2023 APPLE will start to FALL. Plans are in place. In 2024 MUSK WILL AQUIRE APPLE at a much lower price after after Exposure – just like Twitter.


NEWS Quick reads BY QTSR

• WHO converging on Dec. 5-7 to discuss new “Pandemic Treaty” that would unleash a global medical dictatorship: http://www.naturalnews.com/2022-12-06-who-converging-dec-5-discuss-pandemic-treaty.html

• Alex Jones Interviews Wuhan Whistleblower: Proves Fauci Ran COVID Gain Of Function Operation: https://www.infowars.com/posts/alex-jones-interviews-wuhan-whistleblower-proves-fauci-ran-covid-gain-of-function-operation/

• Fauci Admits His Daughter Worked for Twitter During Pandemic: https://newspunch.com/fauci-admits-his-daughter-worked-for-twitter-during-pandemic/

• Sen. Ron Johnson: FBI ‘Preplanned’ Sabotage of Hunter Laptop Story: https://newspunch.com/sen-ron-johnson-fbi-preplanned-sabotage-of-hunter-laptop-story/

• Planned Famine: Germany Orders Farms To ‘Cease Operating’ As WEF Demands ‘END of Farming’: https://newspunch.com/planned-famine-germany-orders-farms-to-cease-operating-as-wef-demands-end-of-farming/

• BREAKING: Transcript of Fauci’s testimony in lawsuit against Joe Biden was released yesterday: https://expose-news.com/2022/12/06/breaking-transcript-of-faucis-testimony/

• Scientists world-wide debate discovery of Nanotech. found in COVID Jabs & strange Structures found in Blood: https://expose-news.com/2022/12/06/researchers-discuss-nanotechnology-and-structures/

• Netherlands Land Grab: State now threatens to seize 3,000 farms: https://expose-news.com/2022/12/05/netherlands-land-grab-state-to-seize-3000-farms/

• Chinese Agents Carried Out Large TikTok Campaign to Help Elect Democrats During Midterms: https://bigleaguepolitics.com/chinese-agents-carried-out-large-tiktok-campaign-to-help-elect-democrats-during-midterms/

• Ukrainian drone strikes deep within Russia could spark a bigger war involving the US http://www.naturalnews.com/2022-12-09-ukraine-drone-strikes-inside-russia-bigger-war.html

• Twitter Files Unveil More FBI Collusion: https://www.infowars.com/posts/twitter-files-unveil-more-fbi-collusion/

• THE TWITTER FILES: The Removal Of Donald Trump, Part 1: https://www.infowars.com/posts/the-twitter-files-the-removal-of-donald-trump-part-1/

• EU chooses digital ID contractor associated with the UK’s Covid trace system: https://www.infowars.com/posts/eu-chooses-digital-id-contractor-associated-with-the-uks-covid-trace-system/

• Brazilian Military Declare Bolsonaro ‘Supreme Commander of Brazil’ As Troops Execute ‘Treasonous’ Lula da Silva. https://newspunch.com/brazilian-military-declare-bolsonaro-supreme-commander-of-brazil-as-troops-execute-treasonous-lula-da-silva-officials/

• WEF Activists Caught Destroying America’s Power Plants – Media Blackout: https://newspunch.com/wef-activists-caught-destroying-americas-power-plants-media-blackout/

• World Renowned Cardiologist Warns Public To Avoid ‘DEADLY COVID Vaccine’ After It Kills His Father: https://newspunch.com/world-renowned-cardiologist-warns-public-to-avoid-deadly-covid-vaccine-after-it-kills-his-father/

• Bolsonaro Says He’s Ready To Take Command Of Brazil’s Military In Disputed Election: https://newspunch.com/bolsonaro-says-hes-ready-to-take-command-of-brazils-military-in-disputed-election/

• BlackRock and Vanguard come under fire from 19 US States over ESG ideology: https://expose-news.com/2022/12/10/blackrock-and-vanguard-come-under-fire/

• Dr. Peter McCullough: Covid “vaccines” are a US military program: https://expose-news.com/2022/12/10/mccullough-covid-vaccines-are-a-us-military-program/

• Sen. Ron Johnson’s latest COVID conference shows why we must warn others about the dangerous jabs: https://lifesitenews.com/blogs/sen-ron-johnsons-latest-covid-conference-shows-why-we-must-warn-others-about-the-dangerous-jabs/?utm_source=top_news&utm_campaign=usa

• DAMNING DOCUMENTS UNCOVERED: CDC directly colluded with Twitter, Facebook to censor free speech: https://dcclothesline.com/2022/12/10/damning-documents-uncovered-cdc-directly-colluded-with-twitter-facebook-to-censor-free-speech/

• DON’T SHED ON ME: The covid “vaccinated” are a health threat to the unvaccinated, warns Dr. McCullough: https://dcclothesline.com/2022/12/09/dont-shed-on-me-the-covid-vaccinated-are-a-health-threat-to-the-unvaccinated-warns-dr-mccullough/

• BREAKING: John Podesta’s niece QUITS Twitter Trust & Safety Council as Elon Musk takes on child exploitation: https://thepostmillennial.com/breaking-john-podestas-niece-quits-twitter-trust-safety-council-as-elon-musk-takes-on-child-exploitation

• The U.S. Space Force traces its roots to the beginning of the Cold War, with the first Army Air Forces space programs starting in 1945. In 1954, the Western Development Division, under General Bernard Schriever, was established as the first dedicated space organization within the U.S. Armed Forces.

• Military Space Forces were organized under several different Air Force major commands until they were unified when Air Force Space Command was established on 1 September 1982. U.S. space forces first began conducting combat support operations in the Vietnam War and continued to provide satellite communications, weather, and navigation support during the 1982 Falklands War, 1983 United States invasion of Grenada, 1986 United States bombing of Libya, and 1989 United States invasion of Panama. The first major employment of space forces culminated in the Gulf War, where they proved so critical to the U.S.-led coalition that it is sometimes referred to as the first “space war”.

• The first discussions of creating a military space service occurred in 1958, and the idea was also being considered in 1982 by President Ronald Reagan. The 2001 Space Commission argued for the creation of a Space Corps between 2007 and 2011, and a bipartisan proposal in the U.S. Congress would have created a U.S. Space Corps in 2017.

• On 20 December 2019, the United States Space Force Act was signed into law as part of the National Defense Authorization Act,

• The United States Space Force (USSF) is the space service branch of the U.S. Armed Forces, one of the eight U.S. uniformed services, and THE WORLD’S ONLY INDEPENDENT SPACE FORCE.

• Michael S. Rogers (born October 31, 1959) is a former United States Navy admiral who served as the second commander of the United States Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM). He served as the 17th director of the National Security Agency (NSA) and as chief of the Central Security Service (CSS) from April 3, 2014. Rogers served as the Commander of the Tenth Fleet and Commander of the United States Fleet Cyber Command.

• In 1991 it had become clear to Military Intelligence inside U.S. Air Force ( predawn USFF) /Inside Q military clearance Programs and MOLES/plants inside 3 letter agencies that 911 was being planned by DICK CHENEY

• Secretary of Defense Deep State Operative: The plan to invade the Middle East for oil had been a long plan since the late 60s. The 911 EVENT could cover for multiple Agendas including DARPA technology to control news cycles ( internet mass censorship and tracking opposition )

• Upon the early discovery of 911 planned AGENDA several Whites created a plan to ROB THE PENTAGON. Two months leading up to 911 SPACE FORCE had the Quantum technology to steal the money from CIA & PENTAGON and leave FALSE money trails of PENTAGON corruption to the missing money.

• Multiple files were uploaded into the Pentagon SERVERS including REAL stolen money from U.S. citizens/ corporations/ and their connection to Wall Street operations . Inside the placed files were videos of Dick Cheney pedophilia ring Connected to ELITES and the Rumored/videos and evidence of Homan/children Elite hunting parties that connected the ROTHSCHILDS, (Austria forest human huntings) Uk majesty ( British elite hunting parties ) Cheney’s hunting parties.

• On the EVE of 911 Donald Rumsfeld announced 2.3 Trillion was missing… And the next day a supposed plane flew into the Pentagon where there servers and data was infiltrated by what’s HATS.

• What really happened was White HATS stole the money over 4 trillion and went to the FULL CREATION OF SPACE FORCE White HATS ALLIANCE creation military OPERATIONS.

• AFTER this ROBBING of the PENTAGON CIA 3 letter agencies..The silent WAR ERUPTED inside the Military Intelligence Agencies.

• BUSH CREATED WARS / went after the oil.

• Obama created wars/ funneled money to Ukraine IRAN

• After the Robbery of the PENTAGON (actually 4 trillion over) by White HATS that knew 911 was g going to take place, counter measures were placed with letting the 3 letter agencies. The white HATS had evidence on human trafficking/ weapons trade/911 agenda ect. This would secure the lives of White Hat operators and secure investigation by Deep State Bush/Obama administration into a collective IMILI. ALLIANCE Inside the 3 letter agencies would not take place…… In short SPACE FORCE/& Alliance secured themselves from arrest…as they held World Evidence of CORRUPTION/ killings,/ CIA OPERATIONS over throwing world leaders and their governments connected to world money laundering.

• This was a Standoff and Silent War inside the U.S. government Elites. Generals and commands continued as OBAMA/ROCKEFELLERS/ world CABAL planned the PANDEMIC and virus release…. That would lead to full control of the internet and full communication grids (they had hoped the data mining of all humans on earth would EXPOSE all the White Hats and Infiltrators through the governments……. This data control and Digital technology control would lead to other agendas that could bring in the age of FULL WORLD CONTROL BY THE DS ROCKEFELLERS ROTHSCHILDS OBAMA CLINTONS Deep State Cabal.

• UNFORTUNATELY SPACE FORCE HAD OTHER PLANS and super advanced technology in Cheyenne mountains and USSF began their operations in 2014 With help of OTHER white Hats and WORLD ALLIANCE The operation to save the world went forward and TRUMP WAS PLACED.

• Today with the destruction of the Georgia Guidestones, EXPOSURE of the PLANDEMIC world wide/ VACCINE EXPOSURE/ EXPOSURE OF WORLD PEDOPHILIA CONNECTED TO ELITES… The EXPOSURE and waking of civilization had began and continues.



• This current meeting that happened is to insure the USSF WILL turn over Power to the PEOPLE after the world EVENTS END GAME THEORY. The main discussion behind the talks of is funding USSF with Trillions to conquer Space exploration and lead the world into Space civilization expedition and living creations ventures. What ELON MUSK HAS IS NOTHING COMPARED TO WHAT HIS HANDLERS USSF HAVE.

• It’s known the COLLAPSE is currently happening around the world and the imminent. Dark days are coming at the world will be left speechless in anger, Pain, confusion, World rebellion, Riots. DEEP STATES FINAL PUSH TO CREATE CHAOS.

• But things are almost at and END my friends. Like many have said, the world experiences what RUSSIA experienced in 1991 collapse. But after everything will super grow quickly to a better society that most will never have thought possible.

• Europe was unraveling, as the UNION begins a witch hunt against each other. Before the COLLAPSE becomes more evident and Banks closing slowly in the EU and several countries inside the Union have issued Warnings of a massive Economic crises incoming

• ANONS, Freedom fighters and World Patriots were well aware of this fact 18 months before hand through several channels…. How is it that we know about the ECONOMIC COLLAPSE. The vaccine bio-weapons made to KILL people – blood clots. Blood to sludge- , from election fraud in many countries to human trafficking – BIDEN to central banks money laundering systems. How did WE become the News before it’s News? Whos working behind the SCENES?

• Now the EU is attacking their own as a Big scandal is hitting their parliament and their vice president Eva Kaili office was raided by police and seized were her computers phone and servers, and two other high ranking socialist leaders in the Union are under investigation in the incident of corruption and bribes and were part of the Friday round up by police and Intelligence agencies.

• The investigation alleges direct bribes (it’s expected money laundering will be added in the next week’s) from Qatar middle east money buying influence inside the EUROPEAN UNION.

• What’s not known or reported is several European leaders inside the Parliament are connected directly to Chinese CCP money laundering operations in EU and this current
Dog eat dog, witch hunt is basically a distraction to keep the EXPOSURE of half Trillion in money laundering connected to CRYPTO inside the EUROPEAN EU connected to the Top leaders.

• As the COLLAPSE is happening, EU countries are going to continue to attack each other and blame each other. With this will come major INTEL LEAKS from several EU .mil Intel agencies to back up their countries and Leaders inside the fight and COLLAPSE.

• As the MUSK is EXPOSING the U.S. DEMOCRATIC REGIME FBI. PENTAGON. BIG TECH for ELECTION inferences. EXPOSING CDC for controlling TWITTER. and a host of several other agencies connected to the corrupted DNC Obama Biden CIA regimen.

• The EU has now come into the KILL BOX as thousands of Elite politicians begin dumping information on TWITTER and attacking each other. As more and more information Comes out in TWITTER of the vaccines and their effects on blood clots and Miocarditis , the EU is PANIC as the blame game intensifies and EU is trying desperately to shut off TWITTER.

• Twitter has began a wrecking ball as country after country were exposing the UN, DAVOS, WEF and their connections to funding the Ukraine War.
• Several countries and divided governments and leaders are now publicly denying to fund UKRAINE and see an AGENDA unfolding and blame the U.S. BIDEN regimen for inciting the war).

• The final cards the EU [ DS] members want to play and ordered from the KAZARIAN, CIA, DAVOS WEF US ROCKEFELLERS is to create false flag events in EU and blame misinformation, conspiracy as their scapegoats as they are being l EXPOSED]. The FINAL plan to Censor free speech (information EXPOSING them) and put in place new laws that connect hate speech, misinformation to Censor ship of freedom of speech.


Apple has Flipped. The Military Alliance through Musk gave Information Directly to Apple CEO Tim Cook that his Involvement in the Military Coup against Trump is Fully Documented and MILITARY Tribunals Coming, Can Mean DEATH.

Inside Sources report that Apple Human Trafficking, Money Laundering and the MASSIVE First Beginnings of Child Pedophilia rings Software designed for World Elites and Back Doors Channels to Apple Pedophilia Ring is Connected to EPSTEIN CIA Triangle. MUSK is withholding MAJOR information uncovered on APPLE for a reason.





President Putin I spoke with the Minister of Education Sergey Kravtsov Yesterday. He was in Donetsk and Other Territories in East Ukraine. He told me Students didn’t Even Know that there was A Crimean Bridge. They didn’t Even Know that Ukraine and Russia were Part of A Single State, the Soviet Union. That’s how they were taught it all. And not only children, even adults, many, apparently, do not know that Ukraine never had its own statehood before the Soviet era. No one knows it there. Everyone believes that some kind of Russian aggression is happening today. No one understands or knows that after the coup in Ukraine in 2014, the residents of Donetsk, Lugansk and Crimea did not want to recognize the results of this coup.





President Putin: A war was actually waged against them for 8 years. And our task, our mission, the mission of our soldiers, the militia of Donbass is to stop this war, to protect people. And, of course, to protect Russia itself, because an anti-Russian enclave was created on the territory of today’s Ukraine, which threatens our country, so our guys protect the residents of Donbass and protect Russia itself. Of course, this deserves every support from society as the guys who are fighting there are risking their health, some are dying. They need to understand what they are giving their lives for. For Russia and for the people who live in Donbass!
X. Must Watch Videos:

• Russophobia: History of Hate / DOKU 2022: https://rumble.com/v1kdadz-russophobia-history-of-hate-doku-2022.html

• Sat. 10 Dec. Situation Update: Situation Update: White Hat Military Destroying Covid Vax Contaminated Blood Supplies! National Guard On Active Duty! Biden Prisoner Swap, AZ Lawsuit! Bank Collapse! – We The People News | Opinion – Conservative | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)

• Sat. 10 Dec. SGAnon: New SGAnon Christmas Bombshell Intel: Amazing Show for December 10th 2022 | Prophecy | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)

• Sat. 10 Dec. SGAnon: SG Anon MOAB Intel DROP! What’s Coming Will SHAKE The World! They’re DONE! Tribunals Early 2023! Hillary Planned To Kill JFK Jr, Obama Being Held At GITMO?! Absolutely MUST See! | Politics | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)

• Sat. 10 Dec. SGAnon: New SGAnon: They Will All Go To GITMO! | Prophecy | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)

• Sat. 10 Dec. The End of the World As We Know It, Parts 1-9: Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp: Global Elite Taken To Gitmo By Us Special Forces! Dec 2022 | Prophecy | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)

• Sat. 10 Dec. It’s Finally Habbening! The Storm Has Begun! | Prophecy | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)


Judy Note on the Satanic Ritual Abuse of Children in Your Neighborhood

Since 1990 I have been doing investigations on the Satanic Ritual Abuse of children at the request of brave SRA Survivor-victims who were witnesses to and victims of pedophile, torture and murder crimes of Satanic leaders and their covens. During this time I have found Satanists implanted in law offices, local police, county sheriff’s offices and all the way up to the Attorney General Offices in my state and others and then the carnage went on to the internationally organized Ninth Circle Satanic Cult that runs out of the Vatican.
There’s certainly no help from US or other nation’s government agencies, including the FBI or CIA perpetrators. These legal entities successfully negate even the opening of cases of the ritual abuse and murder of children, let alone do valid investigations.
To be honest and to my knowledge there was no safe place on either a local, national or international level that has been set up to report Satanic Crime – likely the main reason why local, national and international Satanic Covens so easily and on a regular basis, get away with the torture and murder of thousands of children – many times bred for the purpose without birth certificates, or identification.


Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities”

“Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities” by Judy Byington, Foreword by Dr. Colin A. Ross, M.D. RAW: Dr. Colin Ross – Robert David Steele
Jenny Hill’s witness to a Satanic Child Sacrifice Rite: Woman Sees Human Sacrifice – YouTube  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F626Lsrdwg4
WARNING: Jenny gave a graphic description about how she at the tender age of five, was raped, tortured, forced to view a Child Sacrifice and save for Divine intervention, was almost killed herself – not unlike the sordid experiences of thousands of other child victims of Satanic Worshippers. Perpetrators giving homage to Satan were organized from the US Inc’s CIA, Queen Elizabeth’s, Illuminati Banking families’ and Vatican’s Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult on down to the Clintons, Hollywood, Pizzagate and local teenage covens. They were funded by this same Cabal that ran our global monetary system – the very organization that was in the process of being brought down by activation of the Global Currency Reset and Restored Republics of the world. It’s no wonder that President Trump has stated, “These people are sick.”


The Global Currency Reset, Restored Republic and NESARA/GESARA were all about the Children

It’s not about the money. It’s about the children – the thousands of malnourished and traumatized children who, in honor of Satan, were being raped and murdered so their Elite Perpetrators could supposedly gain power and rule the world.
The first official act President Trump made the morning before he was sworn into office was to pay a visit to CIA Headquarters and declare a war on an international Child Sex Trafficking Ring run by these global elites.
Let us fast and pray for these millions of little ones who right now, were being rescued from Cabal underground tunnels across the globe, and tortured and killed by Satanic Covens right next door. Let us also pray for those Military Troops worldwide who were risking their own lives to save them. The ancient doctrine of Fasting and Prayer was explained here at the 10:30:32 mark: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Mb9gU6DmKs


Judy Note

Judy Note: I do not now, nor have I ever, received monies for writing my Updates and articles. The compensation has been in having outlets to help Save the Children by exposing truths about the very secretive Satanic Ritual Abuse, Pedophilia and Child Sacrifice that was rampant in our international society.
The above was a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it was valid.
I will send the Safe Link Website out when I find out what it is, plus it will be posted on several Dinar Websites and continue the Updates until they are no longer needed. I expect to be working with many of you in the near future. I can’t tell you how much I have enjoyed getting to know you. You will remain in my heart forever.
A huge Thank You to those dedicated and brave Intel providers who wished to remain unknown; to our Angel Martha who worked 24/7 to expose what’s really going on; to humble Wildfire Lady who is adept at exposing the truth; to Brad who does great research; to Bonni B who exposes the underlying causes of what is really happening and to Ken who uncovers almost unlimited Intel on pedophilia to help us Save the Children.
Let us Thank Q that the reset has finally come to be. I wish you well in your humanitarian efforts and look forward to seeing you on the other side where together, we will make life better for all.
Patience is A Virtue. Having Virtue is A Sign of A Good Moral Being. Good Moral Beings have the Power to Overcome Evil and Change the World. And, We Will!!! ()


Updates for the Week Prior
Restored Republic via a GCR as of December 10, 2022 | Operation Disclosure Official
Restored Republic via a GCR as of December 9, 2022 | Operation Disclosure Official
Restored Republic via a GCR as of December 8, 2022 | Operation Disclosure Official
Restored Republic via a GCR as of December 7, 2022 | Operation Disclosure Official
Tuesday 6 December Special Restored Republic via A GCR Report
Restored Republic via a GCR as of December 6, 2022 | Operation Disclosure Official
Restored Republic via a GCR as of December 5, 2022 | Operation Disclosure Official

Compiled Monday 12 Dec. 2022 12:01 AM EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist retired, Journalist, Author “Twenty Two Faces: inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and her Twenty Two Multiple Personalities.”

Mail to R, 12 december 2022, 14:12

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