Judy Byington – Bishops Disown Vatican for Child Rape, Sacrifices, Trafficking + His Excellency Carlo Maria Viganò, Titular Archbishop of Ulpiana, Apostolic Nuncio – TESTIMONY

Bishops Disown Vatican for Child Rape, Sacrifices, Trafficking

The proven murderous actions toward children by Pope Francis and senior Vatican officials prevent us from associating with them any longer,” said the dissident Catholic clergy from nine countries who recently separated from the Church of Rome over child abuse issues. The group, which included senior clergy and bishops who have operated within the Church since 2014, asked the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS, http://www.ITCCS.org) to help them publicize their plight. “We are not lobbying for change. We are separating ourselves from that which is not the Church of Christ” continued the Declaration of Non Cooperation released Sept. 23.

Pope Francis has refused to take steps to expose one predator or to punish one enablerSNAP (Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests) Executive Director David Clohessy said. “He could simply defrock, demote, discipline, or even clearly denounce just one complicit bishop. He refuses, not one ‘I’m sorry, we didn’t know, we’ll do better We’ve heard that for decades.”

In two trials six judges of the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels (ICLCJ) found that the Vatican not only regularly held systematic child pedophile, torture and murder rites, had repeatedly refused to allow excavation of 35 child mass grave sites suspected to contain mutilated bodies of over 65,000 native children buried on the grounds of mostly Catholic and government owned residential schools across Canada, were the owners of child mass grave sites in Ireland and Spain, plus were suspected of running an international Pedo-Satanic network with ties to the CIA and various mafias.

Recently Pope Francis and eleven other prominent figures were found guilty by the ICLCJ of criminal conspiracy to abduct, traffic, ritually torture and murder children, plus being co-conspirators in the disappearance of eight children from Catholic facilities in Switzerland, Belgium and Italy. On 10 August 2018 a EUropean Court issued a Summary Judgment including Bench Warrants for their immediate arrest.

The ICLCJ in Brussels had also found:

Pope Francis helped traffick over 300,000 children in Spain, many of whom were believed buried in a Catholic child mass gravesite that the Vatican refuses excavation.

Pope Francis made a direct order to conceal a mass grave of 400 dismembered baby corpses (believed to be ritually abused) in a Tuam, Ireland Catholic Nun septic tank.

Pope Francis regularly raped and killed children in Ninth Circle Satanic cult rites. Two adolescent women told the ICLCJ that Pope Francis raped them while participating in child sacrifices during the Springs of 2009 and 2010 in rural Holland and Belgium. According to a former employee of the Curia in Rome, rapes and murders of children also took place at the Carnarvon Castle in Wales and an undisclosed French Chateau. A Prosecutor introduced notarized affidavits by eight others claiming to witness these same crimes organized by the Vatican.

Another witness testified that they were present during meetings with the then Argentine priest and Bishop Francis and the military Junta during Argentine’s 1970′s Dirty War. According to the witness, Francis helped traffic at least 30,000 orphaned children of missing political prisoners into the Vatican Pedophile Ring (ICLCJ testimony of Witness No. 32 , http://www.ITCCS.org).

Eyewitness claimed they saw not only Pope Francis, but former Popes Joseph Ratzinger and John Paul II participate in Satanic rituals that tortured and murdered children. “Three eyewitnesses claimed former Pope Joseph Ratzinger was present during ritual torture and murder of children as part of the Ninth Circle” confirmed Kevin Annett of the ITCCS. “Murder rituals evidently took place in 1987 and 2002 at locations in France and Holland.”

“I saw Pope Emeritus Joseph Ratzinger murder a little girl″ stated Dutch therapist and eyewitness Toos Nijenhuis back on Oct. 28 2013. “It was at a French chateau in the fall of 1987. It was ugly, horrible and didn’t happen just once. Ratzinger, Dutch Cardinal Alfrink and Prince Bernhard were some of the more prominent men who took part.”

Nijenhuis claimed that as a child growing up in the Satanic Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult run by the Vatican she was repeatedly raped and forced to witness child sacrifices done by this cult that routinely kidnapped, drugged, raped, tortured and murdered children. Her experiences were at private estates in Holland, France and a military base in Australia according to this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-A1o1Egi20c

Informants have alleged that Catholic child sacrifice networks held regular monthly new moon child torture and killing sessions in Montreal and Dublin. The Ninth Circle was thought to be operating at Roman Catholic cathedrals in New York, Rome, London and dozens of other locations including military bases in Australia and the US. According to a deposition filed in March 2014 by a former member of the Ninth Circle, Satanic members practiced their child torture and murder rites at Catholic cathedrals and privately owned forest groves in the US, Canada, France, UK, Australia, Brussels and Zwolle, Holland.

Vatican ties to large pedophilia rings and millions of Priests have been caught molesting children, while Catholic authorities have regularly transferred the accused to other diocese, and then continued to block bills that would extend the statute of limitations for reporting sex abuse.

A report to the UN detailed ongoing crimes against aboriginal women and families via Canadian Government, Vatican and CIA sponsored child trafficking and terror. It had been verified that the Canadian native children had died through germ warfare, starvation and systemic violence in church and state run Indian Residential Schools between 1889 and 1966. The UN Report showed Vatican ongoing crimes against children were designed to eliminate Indian tribes and thus secure indigenous lands for resource-hungry American and Chinese corporations.

The 1.2 billion member Catholic faith was known to routinely cover up child sex abuse crimes, while for decades widespread child abuse by Catholic priests has been reported across the US, Canada, Ireland, Europe, Chile and Australia. Even though a Catholic Priest child sex abuse scandal was exposed back in 2002 by the Boston Globe, to this day the horrific abuse Catholic authorities have perpetrated on children has remained relatively unreported in the Main Stream Media. Only recently has the extensive cover up by religious authorities undercut the Church’s membership and coffers.

The Vatican has had to spend billions of dollars settling and dealing with pedophilia cases. As of last Nov 12 2013 (before the website was mysteriously erased) and with only an estimated 10 per cent of victims reporting, there was a documented 10,077,574 filed court cases of survivors of Catholic Priest abuse across the globe. With Catholic authorities refusing to cooperate in investigations and settling a few cases out of court, only a handful of Catholic perpetrators have seen the inside of a jail cell.

To understand why, take a hard look at the beginnings of the Catholic Church. It was three hundred years after Christ that the Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity on his death bed. He had began what was now known as the Roman Catholic Church by ordering that Christian and Pagan religious rites be combined, while tolerating the practice of Pagan child sacrifices.

The Roman Catholicism human sacrifice rites appeared to stem from a Pagan Mithraic Mystery Religion worship of an ancient Sun God born on Dec. 25. This Luciferian cult married male priests to (alter) boys and utilized temple prostitutes (nuns) to bear babies used for child rape and murder rites on Satanic holidays.

This tradition of child sacrifice to appease the gods dated back to Pagan traditions. Noted first century Jewish historian Flavius Josephus wrote of the Pagan Qenites tribe the first known to practice human sacrifice as they worshipped their Sun god Baal. The tribe claimed they were taught the rape and murder rites in a two fold worship of God and Satan by their forefathers – descendants of Biblical Eve’s first born son, Cain. Josephus found that they wore the Mark of Cain symbol on their forehead or hand to protect themselves from taking responsibility for their sins.

Evidently today those child rape and murder rites were still present in a Catholic Church two-fold worship of God and Satan. The Latin Mass, supposedly to honor Jesus Christ, appeared to be a version of the high Luciferian Black Mass that honored Satan. In the Black Mass a new-born baby was ritually murdered (meaning the child was tortured and raped before being killed), after which perpetrators consumed the innocent’s blood and ate their flesh in order to get a “high,” or feeling of power.
Victims of this worship have reported being present at Black Mass ceremonies that raped and killed children in catacombs beneath the Vatican. In this video ex Catholic nun whistleblower Keri Burnor gave her experiences of Sexual Abuse, Satanic worship, Vatican mass genocide cover up and a compromised US legal system regarding a Mass. Catholic monastery: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_fbB0dvVJUM Also see: http://www.murderbydecree.com and http://www.itccs.org

The breaking story on a major schism in the ranks of the Church of Rome providing evidence of Vatican crimes as surfaced by dissident priests would be discussed Sunday Sept. 30 at 6 pm EST on Here We Stand radio with Kevin Annett of the ITCCS: http://www.bbsradio.com/herewestand

Before It’s News, Friday, September 28, 2018 8:16


His Excellency Carlo Maria Viganò, Titular Archbishop of Ulpiana, Apostolic Nuncio – TESTIMONY

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