Jolande van der Graaf – Hoornse Schilderijen Jaren Lang in Handen Geheime Dienst: Voetbal Club Eigenaar achter Kunst Roof + De Telegraaf – Ukraine: Give Back Stolen Art!

Ad Geerdink, de Huidige Directeur van het Westfries Museum (foto YouTube)

Hoornse Schilderijen Jaren Lang in Handen Geheime Dienst: Voetbal Club Eigenaar achter Kunst Roof

Kiev – De in Oekraïne opgedoken schilderijen uit het Westfries Museum zijn elf jaar geleden uit ons land weggeroofd in opdracht van een steenrijke voetbalclubeigenaar in Kiev. Daarna waren de 24 Hollandse Meesters jaren in handen van corrupte Oekraïense politiemedewerkers en leden van de geheime dienst SBU.
Dat schrijft dagblad Vesti (Het Nieuws) in Kiev op gezag van een bron binnen de SBU. Het is een volgend hoofdstuk in het bizarre steekspel om de 17e eeuwse doeken die in 2005 tijdens een nachtelijke kraak uit het museum werden gestolen en sindsdien spoorloos zijn.
Volgens de SBU-bron liet de Oekraïense sportclubbaas – die niet bij naam genoemd wordt – de museumbuit naar zijn vaderland smokkelen. Daar bewaarde hij de werken in zijn appartement in Kiev.
Een antimaffia-brigade van de politie viel die woning later na een tip binnen en nam de doeken in beslag. “Deze agenten hielden de schilderijen voor zichzelf en wilden er dik aan verdienen”, zegt de SBU-bron.


De baas van de politieeenheid – evenmin bij naam aangeduid – reed volgens de SBU-medewerker jaren met de doeken in zijn auto rond. “Twee schilderijen deed hij cadeau aan zijn superieuren zodat zij hun mond hielden. Met de rest van zijn eenheid sprak hij af de kunstschat te verkopen en de opbrengst te verdelen.”
Zover kwam het niet. Diverse pogingen om de doeken in het illegale, internationale circuit te slijten, mislukten steevast.
De corrupte agent maakte ondertussen promotie en belandde bij de SBU. Ook daar zou hij collega’s hebben omgekocht, onder wie de toenmalige SBU-chef Valentyn Nalyvaichenko wiens naam al eerder met de zaak in verband werd gebracht.
Nadat in Oekraïne president Janoekovitsj was afgezet, verdween de politiebaas met schilderijen naar Lugansk. Opnieuw verwisselde de collectie van eigenaar: een ultranationalistische gevechtsmilitie viel het huis van de agent binnen en roofde de schilderijen mee.


Eind vorig jaar onthulde De Telegraaf dat de militie de 24 topwerken aanvankelijk aan het museum wilde retourneren. Toen kunstdetective Arthur Brand voor besprekingen naar Kiev afreisde, bleken de strijders ruim vijf miljoen euro te eisen.
Ondanks plechtige beloftes van Kiev voor diepgravend onderzoek zijn de schilderijen nog altijd zoek. “Er worden allerminst serieuze naspeuringen gedaan”, aldus de SBU. “Veel te veel ambtenaren, bewindslieden en politici zijn bij dit schandaal betrokken.”
Museumdirecteur Ad Geerdink: “Als dit klopt, is het schokkend. De bevindingen uit eerder onderzoek door Arthur Brand, in onze opdracht, lijken ermee te worden bevestigd. We gaan er vanuit dat de Oekraïense autoriteiten de media volgen en deze zaak snel oplossen, zoals zij ons keer op keer verzekeren.”

De Telegraaf, vrijdag 05 februari 2016

Ukraine: Give Back Stolen Art!

Published on Dec 6, 2015

href=””>De Telegraaf

Valuable paintings that were stolen from the Westfries Museum in The Netherlands in 2005, have turned up on the battlefield in Ukraine. The museum calls on anybody that knows where these paintings are, to return them to their rightful owners.



Mighty Mike
Mr. Geerdink, De Telegraaf:The title of this Youtube video is very offensive.99.99% (or even more) of Ukrainians have nothing to do with that museum robbery.
We do not condone museum robberies!
If you think you know the perpetrators – please name them publicly, and file documents requesting legal assistance.
Otherwise it looks as a smear campaign against Ukraine ahead of the Referendum in 2016 about Ukraine-EU Association Agreement…

Barsyk Kotjushenko
+Mighty Mike I support what you say with a small correction: 99.99% or more is not graphic enough, in worse scenario, supposing those criminals were Ukrainians (which remains to be proven yet), and supposing there were 3-4 of them (I doubt there would be more), out of 40+ million people, still 99.99999% (to the fifth digit after the decimal point) or 0.9999999 (to the 7th digit after the point) of Ukrainians would have nothing to do with that criminal activity. Or supposing there were more of them, say 7-8, that would make 99.99998% of Ukrainian people that would be innocent, big difference eh… 🙂

Edmundas Miezelis
Nederlands always can help Ukraine with ATO and take paintings from rebels hands and even avenge your citizen who dies in MH17 incident .

Sergey Solomakhin
Don’t blame them too much. Ukrainian nationalists just love Dutch art.

yeah, yeah… now fuck off.

+atenrok yeah, yeah… now cuck off.

A Klochko
+Sergey Solomakhin Most likely russians stole those paintings :)))

Heraklion 94
+A.Klochko Hahahahahaaha.

you are an idiot and everybody knows that.

+A.Klochko Ukranian pigs know no honor.

A Klochko
+Aspartan68 Maybe, but our pigs are more honorable than many russain nazi like you.

+A.Klochko LOL. Funny to hear such lies from people who officialy praise NAZI ideology. Goebbels is you idol. Ukrain is country of bullshit, lies and history trampling.

A Klochko
+Aspartan68 Typical russian – to blame someone for your own sins.

Immortal Universe
+Sergey Solomakhin i like many of their women.
we can make a deal.
we solve this

Dennis C
If the Russians stole the paintings, you would hear it all over the news, but now the Ukrain governement is involved , it have to be kept in secret because the EU want Ukrain to be friends and become a member in the EU.

yeah. So what is your problem?

Aivo Ocra
+Dennis C. How come is the Ukrainian Government involved??

A Klochko
+Dennis C. Do you have any proof that Ukraine is involved? Or you are just another russian zombie?

+Aivo Ocra
says who?

Artjom Pavlov
+A Klochko The far right party Svoboda, of whom some people are leading in the Ukrainian government, stole the paintings.

A Klochko
+Artjom Pavlov Standard russain lies. There are no Svoboda party members in Ukrainan government. Also there are too much inconsistencies in article you posted – I’m 99% sure that is a fake.

Artjom Pavlov
+A.Klochko Wait, even the Ukrainian media is saying it! lol
Ukraine is even saying that they are in the government:

A Klochko
+Artjom Pavlov Svoboda party members were in our government less than a year in 2014. They failed to overcome the 5% threshold in recent parliamentary elections. And their involvement is most likely pure fiction – no proofs were provided. Even if some member of the same party was involved in some criminal affairs, it does not mean that whole government is responsible.
And please read Kyivpost article completely – that is real journalism when both sides can express the point of view.

Vitaliy Moroz
what a jerk! there is no such a country as “the Ukraine”. It is Ukraine.
how does one photo found in Internet can prove that paintings are in Ukraine, specifically in Eastern Ukraine, controlled by Russian militants?

Artjom Pavlov
+Vitaliy Moroz The Guardian, pro-western, pro-EU, news source: Svoboda has to do with the paintings
BBC, pro-western, pro-EU, news source: Svoboda is far-right and ultranationalist
In case you only believe your own holy Ukrainian news and not western:
BBC, pro-western, pro-EU, news source: Svoboda is far-right and ultranationalist
In case you only believe your own holy Ukrainian news and not western:
Ukrainian proof that they are in the government:

that nazi Porosjenko has to return OUR art
Mighty Mike 1 month ago
+FuckFaceThe3rd Wow, Russian trolls pretend they are Dutch ))

Sergey Tanich
Кругом агенты кгб мерещатся?) а не приходило в голову, что именно так о вас и думают в Европе?;)

+Mighty Mike en jij moet je achterlijke kutkop houden kerel

Artjom Pavlov
+Sergey Tanich Even een vertaling: “Zitten al die KGB agenten je in de weg? Is het ooit in je hoofd opgekomen, dat niet iedereen in Europa het eens is met de Oekraïners?”

Евгений Медведев
+Sergey Tanich Да, они всерьёз полагают, что Европа от них в восторге. Им никогда не придёт в голову, что их тупо используют. И так было всегда
И тут надо признать, что западный мир за всё это время гораздо лучше изучил их холопскую психологию, они знают, что за печеньки, лесть и пустые обещания украми можно вертеть как угодно. А нам не без успеха всё это время прививали миф о братском народе.

+A.Klochko please, open your eyes..are you realy that blind?..supporting an ultra nationalist?..says more about you then

A Klochko
+FuckFaceThe3rd Are you idiot? Why did you decide I’m supporting russian ultra nationalist?

Hahahah, Oekraïners beroepen zich alleen op Europese waarden wanneer het hun uitkomt en niet eerder.

Je Google translate vertaling zuigt

Ik weet, Nederlandse taal is erg moeilijk voor mij

Ramon Loeffen
De Oekrainse Nazi/NATO maffia lacht hierom…misschien kan Rutte even bellen met Joe Biden, die schijnt nogal invloed te hebben bij de Kiev oorlogsmisdadigers Porozwendel en Jatzunbroek.

nazi/nato? je kan wel veel roepen maar met sterke argumenten komen mensen als jij niet, zegt veel over jullie inteligentie

Ramon Loeffen
Roep jij anders eens wat steekhoudende argumenten Igor.

+IgorPetrovich96 wat ik bedoel is dat de pro-Russen dat mogen blijven als ze maar niet voor afscheiding zijn

Oles Kit
Without disputing the problems with the rule of law in Ukraine – did the Netherlands return Scythian Gold from Ukrainian Crimea back to its rightful owner which is the Government of Ukraine? Why is Ukrainian art still held hostage in the Netherlands?

+Oles Kit Ales, Crimea is not ukrainian and neither were the Scythians.

Oles Kit
+zhelmd Crimea is a temporary occupied Ukrainian peninsula, and the act of armed aggression of Russian Federation against Ukraine has been condemned by the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 68/262

+Oles Kit Again, there are no ties between Crimea and Ukraine. Crimea was under Kiev administration for a couple of decades (Ukraine didnt even exist until 1991) Good for you but Crimean artifacts belong to Crimea and not to some 3rd world country which clearly steals and sells art.

Oles Kit
+zhelmd Irrespective of that, Russian Federation broke the UN Charta, the Budapest Memorandum and a lot of other international agreements by performing military occupation of Crimea and starting a war in another part of Ukraine. This is why the occupation of Crimea is void and illegal, just as the establishment of ‘Reichskommissariat Niederlande’ was.

+Oles Kit Ukraine not only has connections to stolen art, but demands even more art to steal. Thats very “respective”.
The artifacts that actually belonged to Ukraine, were already returned. Does that answer your question?
And sorry, but the the few troops stationed in Crimea had all the right to be there, being part of the Russian military base, Followed by a Crimean referendum on the basis of self-determination. And, as you know, they decided to join Russia.

Oles Kit
+zhelmd The theatre piece under illegal Russian military control has nothing to do with a free and fair referendum and must not be called that way. The occupation of Crimea is illegal and temporary.
The Allar Pierson Museum in Amsterdam has borrowed some ancient Scythian artifacts from Ukraine, and did not return it back to Ukraine yet. It’s that simple.

+Oles Kit I already answered your question, the artifacts belonging to Ukraine were already returned. Your opinion on what else is Ukraine or Ukrainian is funny but not important.

Alexander Gromov
+Oles Kit The Crimea belongs to Russia!

Oles Kit
+Alexander Gromov No, Crimea is a part of Ukraine that is currently illegally occupied by Russian Federation as the result of an act of armed aggression that was condemned by the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 68/262.

Alexander Gromov
+Oles Kit Иди и убейся об стену, древний укр.

Alfred Schutz
+Oles Kit Haha, stupid ukraine patriots)) That was part of Russia in Soviet Union. It is ok when country returned it back. Ukrain zombies)) You dont know your own history)) Greetings from Germany, idiots. You have no future

Oles Kit
+Alfred Schutz The issue is not about history, but about respecting neighbours and own obligations under various international agreements. Russia had no right to militarily intervene in Crimea or in Donbass, and this is the reason why the art from Crimea must be returned to Kyiv.

stayout ofourairspace
+zhelmd crimea was not Russian,They migrated there

+Alexander Gromov
да да, уёбывай уже, клоун.

+Alfred Schutz
for a long time most of people knew you are an idiot, but when you started your comment with “ha ha”, nobody has any doubts left.

+zhelmd well, all of this is a clear bullshit, and now everyone here know you are an idiot. Congratulations.

+Oles Kit To this day we can say Crimea won’t be in Ukraine in this step of history, good or bad. The question is now about other south-eastern territories.

+atenrok You are just jumping around comments calling woth whom you disagree “idiot” without any grounding.

Oles Kit
+skywillfindyou Quite a few people are working hard on making sure this step of history ends soon, and the next step materializes where Russian Federation pays appropriate compensation for the illegal occupation of Ukrainian Crimea and the loss of life and infrastructure in the east of the country.

stayout ofourairspace
+zhelmd”Ukraine didn’t exist until 1991″ what google did you use? Ukraine soviet socialist republic 1922-1990 Ukraine independence 1917 before that Cossack hetnate , go back to wiki and learn to read

+Alexander Gromov govna poesh, kacap

yeah, yeah… and you are the one jumping around, filling up the thread with “ukraine does not exist” bullshit, always using reliable references and such.

Volodymyr L
Stop blaming whole country instead of few men. Our you is part of kremlin troll army?

Віталій Бондарчук
“Up in smoke” – Netherland version.

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