Johan Oldenkamp | Pateo TV – Over de MH17 | MH370 connectie + On the MH17 | MH370 Connection + Futurist Trendcast | Lada Ray – War or Peace: Damning Eye-Witness Video of MH17 |

Pateo TV over de MH17 | MH370 connectie

Gepubliceerd op 16 jul. 2018

Om 00:41 uur op zaterdag 8 maart 2014 vertrok Malaysia Airlines vlucht MH370 vanaf Kuala Lumpur op weg naar Beijing. Ongeveer een uur later verdween deze Boeing 777 (2H6ER) met aan boord 12 bemanningsleden en 227 passagiers van de civiele radar. Tot op de dag van vandaag is het onduidelijk wat er met dit vliegtuig is gebeurd.

Op donderdag 17 juli 2014, om 12:13 uur lokale tijd, vertrok Malaysia Airlines vlucht MH17 vanaf Schiphol om non stop te vliegen naar Kuala Lumpur in Maleisië. Drie uur later stortte, naar verluidt, deze internationale passagiersvlucht neer in de buurt van Hrabove in Donetsk Oblast, Oekraïne, ongeveer 40 kilometer ten westen van de grens met Rusland. Het officiële verhaal beweert, dat alle 283 passagiers (waaronder 83 kinderen) en 15 bemanningsleden aan boord van dit vliegtuig van het type Boeing 777-200ER stierven in die vermeende crash.

In deze aflevering van Pateo TV, die precies vier jaar na het vermeende neerhalen van vlucht MH17 werd gepubliceerd, bewijst all round onderzoeker Johan Oldenkamp, dat er ten minste één MH370 wrakstuk aanwezig was op de MH17 crashlocatie. Deze MH17 | MH370 connectie laat duidelijk zien, dat het neerhalen van de MH17 in scène is gezet. In feite werden beide internationale passagiersvluchten gekaapt via afstandsbediening. Het plan achter dit alles is om een groot conflict te veroorzaken tussen de NAVO landen enerzijds en Rusland met haar bondgenoten anderzijds, resulterend in de Derde Wereldoorlog.

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Pateo TV on the MH17 | MH370 Connection

Gepubliceerd op 16 jul. 2018

At 00:41 a.m. on Saturday 2014 March 8, Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 departed from Kuala Lumpur Airport, heading for Beijing. About an hour later, this Boeing 777 (2H6ER) with on board 12 crew members and 227 passengers disappeared from civil radar. Until present day, its whereabouts are unclear.

On Thursday, July 17, 2014, at 12:13 p.m., Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 departed from Amsterdam Airport Schiphol in the Netherlands heading for Kuala Lumpur Airport in Malaysia. Three hours later, this international passenger flight allegedly crashed near Hrabove in Donetsk Oblast, Ukraine, about 40 kilometers (or 25 miles) from the Russian border. The official story claims, that all 283 passengers (including 83 children) and 15 crew members on board this Boeing 777-200ER airliner died in that crash.

In this episode of Pateo TV, released precisely four years after the alleged MH17 downing, all round researcher Johan Oldenkamp proves, that at least one MH370 wreck piece was present on the MH17 crash site. This MH17 | MH370 connection clearly shows that the MH17 downing was staged. In fact, both international passenger flights were hijacked via remote control. The plan behind all this is to trigger a major conflict between the NATO countries and Russia with her allies, resulting in the Third World War.

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War or Peace: Damning Eye-Witness Video of MH17 False Flag; Plus, Strange Failures of Russian Rockets

Link to video! Warning – GRAPHIC!

This has just been brougth to my attention. I believe it is necessary to post the translation of this very graphic and disturbing, but extremely damning video. Please keep in mind that the site that has posted this video, ‘AnnaNews,’ keeps being deleted by YouTube for their unbending drive to tell the truth. However, it keeps coming back up. Watch the video asap, to avoid missing out in case of deletion.

Incidentally, we have discussed the Boeing 777 #MH17 false flag in the Inaugural Episode of Lada Ray Live show: Crimea’s Scythian Gold; MH17; Russian Sanctions – Global Consequences.

Below, I have translated the main points of the commentary by the independent journalist Alena Kochkina, who was at the site of the MH17 crash 20 minutes after the event and who took the pictures in above video.

Translation of the main points:

These body parts, there was some kind of liquid coming out of them as shown – not blood. This is what it looked like by day; by night the liquid around bodies looked strangely green. Very little, or no blood. The bodies looked like they were stored somewhere. There was an odd concentration of bodies, seemed like they were concentrated in 2 parts of the plane. It was impossible to stand by one of the plane parts – the smell of chemicals was overwhelming, as if in a morgue. Body parts didn’t look like they came from living people. There were birds that got hit and died. I took their pictures – by contrast, their bodies looked like they were those of living things, a very different look compared to the human bodies. Again and again, stressing that there was no blood and people didn’t seem like they were just recently alive.

“Most passengers seemed of Asian look, so it is unclear how so many could have been Dutch. Only 20 bodies had clothes on, the rest were stark naked. Even though it can be that their clothes got blown off during the fall, but wouldn’t at least something like a sock, or a trace of a belt on their waste, be left? Only 7 were children, not half the plane as the West was saying.”

It was curious that so many passports were left absolutely intact, with no traces of any damage. Another curious thing was that passports were also concentrated in one or two spots.” (As was noted by other analysts, many Dutch and other passports collected from the plane had round holes, which is how inactive passports past their expiration date are marked in the US/EU – LR).

Electronics: mobile phones, notebooks were collected. We looked especially for dates. All private photos we found in victims’ phones were from 2013. None from 2014.” (This corroborates what so many have said that this Malaysia Airlines plane was in fact the same Boeing 777 that “was disappeared” earlier over the Indian Ocean and was believed to have been at the US Diego Garcia base – LR).

A word from Lada:

Why MH17 False Flag?

It is no secret that US and Ukraine desperately needed this false flag: 1. Kiev junta was losing on all fronts and it was necessary to stop the Donbass self-defence successful advance. 2. US was having trouble making EU go along with the third round of sanctions against Russia – as we know, after MH17 incident, EU immediately agreed to anti-Russian sanctions. 3. Both US and Kiev were (still are) desperate to drag Russia into an open war and to defame Putin. See more analysis in articles listed below.


Amsterdam-Kuala Lumpur was the second Boeing 777 belonging to Malaysian Airlines (the company I flew several times to Asia, and enjoyed it) that had a mysterious catastrophe in less than a year. The first one, flying from Kuala Lumpur to China, disappeared earlier with all passengers on board, mainly Asians.

Clearly, Malaysia is being targeted because of the 2013 Kuala Lumpur international tribunal that convicted of war crimes Bush, Cheney, Netanyahu, and others. Second Malaysian airliner in a row isn’t any accident. One of the organizers of the KL war crimes tribunal was the former PM of Malaysia, who just happens to also be the founder of Malaysia Airlines.

Futurist Trendcast, Aug 30 2014

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