Jim Stone – Covfefe: Is Donald Trump an Accomplice To the Most Sinister and Evil Genocide Ever Planned on Humanity?

Covfefe Unpresidented (foto NOS)
Auf einen Covfefe mit Donald Trump (foto W&V)

Covfefe: Is Donald Trump an Accomplice To the Most Sinister and Evil Genocide Ever Planned on Humanity?

Four years ago this week Donald Trump caused a Media Meltdown (as he usually can do) when he tweeted this single SentenceDespite the constant Negative Press Covfefe”. The Tweet went viral with everyone – who is not a Trump Fan – calling him out over the Use of a non WordCovfefe’. That was tweeted out on May 30th, 2017. The next day Trump Tweeted out: Who can figure out the true meaning of “Covfefe”???

As you will see in this video the Media have re visited this Tweet from May 30, 2017 several times in the past two Years. No one has figured out what Trump meant when he asked if anyone can figure out what the Meaning of “Covfefe” is? Since then Trump has gone from an Anti Vaxxer to the “Father of Vaccine” and several of us on the Internet now believe that ‘Covfefe’ is linked with the Covid Vaccinations and the recent Wave of Magnets sticking to the Arms of vaccinated Sheeple.

The only Question remaining is if Donald Trump was aware of the pending Wuhan Corona Virus Pandemic back in May of 2017. With this World being totally scripted and everything totally predicted it would not surprise me if Trump is behind the most evil Event ever planned on Humanity.

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