Jan Fabre | Troubleyn – Prometheus Landscape II | Excerpt 3 (2012)

The two performers of ‘Prometheus Landscape II’ are Ivana Jozic and Gilles Polet. Concept, direction, scenography Jan Fabre text I am the all-giver Jeroen Olyslaegers (based on Aeschylos’ Prometheus Bound) & We need heroes now Jan Fabre music Dag Taeldeman assistance, dramaturgy Miet Martens.

On September 12, 2001 a group of people in front of Ground Zero, New York are photographed holding up a banner on which was painted: WE NEED HEROES NOW. This performance shows what has become of Prometheus’ fire: it was robbed of its enchantment and promise. A desert landscape extends itself in front of us, and the light starts to dim.


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