Infowars | Alex Jones – The Netherlands PM Exposed Lying, Praising Klaus Schwab’s ‘Great Reset’ + ZeroHedge | Tyler Durden – Dutch MP Routs PM Mark Rutte, Truth To ‘Great Reset’

The Netherlands Prime Minister Exposed for Lying About Praising Klaus Schwab’s ‘Great Reset’ (foto Infowars)

The Netherlands Prime Minister Exposed for Lying About Praising Klaus Schwab’s ‘Great Reset Take Over Plan

Published January 16 2022


The Netherlands Member of Parliament Gideon van Meijeren Exposed Prime Minister Mark Rutte as a Globalist after Confronting his Lies about Not Knowing Klaus Schwab or Praising his Great Reset Take Over Plan for the Future.

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Watch! Rookie Dutch Member of Parlement Routs Prime Minister Mark Rutte, Speaks Truth To ‘Great ResetPower

Tyler Durden's Photo

Tyler Durden (foto ZeroHedge)

Authored by Andrea Widburg via

As with other European Union Countries, the Dutch Government has been Reveling in the Power COVID Bestowed on It. In ResponseThe Netherlands has seen Huge and Violent Protests against those Draconian Strictures. I’m betting that Some of those Protesters were among the People who Voted for Gideon van Meijeren, a Young Man Newly Elected to the Dutch Parliament. This Young Man, during his First Appearance on the Floor, Managed in just Two Minutes to Completely Humiliate Prime Minister Mark Rutte. Watching the Video will make your day!

For a Long Time, The Netherlands has had Some of the Most Restrictive COVID Measures in Europe. In November, The Netherlands was One of the Countries that Announced that the Unvaccinated were Banned from Most Public Places. The Restrictions Escalated when the Netherlands, a Country in which 85% of the Adult Population was Vaccinated, had an Upsurge in COVID Cases. These Restrictions included Putting a Curfew on all Bars, Restaurants, and Most Stores from 5 PM to 5 AM Immediately after the New Year, the Government also made it Clear that, within a Few Months, Vaccination Certificates will be Considered Void without a Booster.In Response to the Government Edicts, the Netherlands has been Roiled by Protests. There were Massive Protests in NovemberDecember, and (Already) in January. The January Protest made World Headlines when the Police Allowed (or Ordered?) their Dogs to Launch Brutal Attacks against the Protesters.

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