Indies Musicians Collective – Ach, Lief Indië, Song about Dutch East Indies (wIth Lyrics) + Vaar Wel, Mijn Dromen Land, Song about Dutch East Indies (with Lyrics)

Ach, Lief Indië, Song about Dutch East Indies (with Lyrics)

Published n 9 dec 2020

Second Kamerad RAR

The SongLief Indië” is A Song Played by “Indisch Muzikanten Collectief” | “Indies Musicians Collective“. This Song Tells about the Dutch East Indies | Indonesia during the Dutch Colonial Era.

I don’t Know More about This “Vaar Wel, Mijn Dromen Land” Song. However, if I Read the Lyrics. This Song Tells of A Dutch Person Who Missed his “Jewel”. That is Now Known in Indonesia.

In My Opinion, Many Dutch Songs Tell about Indonesia, Which They Consider to BeThe Jewel on the Equator“. That is Due to the Beautiful Beauty of Indonesia for Leisure and Recreation At That Time.

This Video is Equipped with Dutch, English and Indonesian Lyrics
This Content is Only Historical Education. Not Meant to Be Political.

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LaguLief Indië” adalah Lagu Yang Dimainkan oleh “Indisch Muzikanten Collectief” “Indies Musicians Collective”. Lagu ini Mnceritakan Tentang Hindia Belanda | Indonesia Diwaktu Kolonial Belanda.

Video ini Dilengkapi dengan lirik Bahasa Belanda, Inggris Dan Indonesia.
Konten ini Hanya Edukasi Sejarah Saja. Tidak Bermaksud Berhaluan Politik.

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Diwajibkan Bagi para Penonton Untuk Melihat Kolom Komunitas Supaya Mngetahui ada Onformasi apa Saja Dari Channel Second KameradRAR

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Vaar Wel, Mijn Dromen Land, Song about Dutch East Indies (with Lyrics)

Published 9 dec 2020

Second Kamerad RAR

I don’t Know More about This “Vaar Wel, Mijn Dromen Land” Song. However, if I Read the Lyrics. This Song Tells of A Dutch Person Who Missed his “Jewel”. That is Now Known in Indonesia.

In My Opinion, Many Dutch Songs Tell about Indonesia, Which They Consider to BeThe Jewel on the Equator“. That is Due to the Beautiful Beauty of Indonesia for Leisure and Recreation At That Time.

This Video is Equipped with Dutch, English and Indonesian Lyrics
This Content is Only Historical Education. Not Meant to Be Political.

Please Follow this Channel Instagram Account

It is Required for Viewers to See the Community Column In Order to Find Out Any Information from Second Kamerad RAR Channel‘s.

Don’t Forget to Like, Share and Subscribe.

Lagu “Lief Indië” adalah Lagu Yang Dimainkan oleh “Indisch Muzikanten Collectief” “Indies Musicians Collective“. Lagu ini Mnceritakan Tentang Hindia Belanda | Indonesia Diwaktu Kolonial Belanda.

Video ini Dilengkapi dengan lirik Bahasa Belanda, Inggris Dan Indonesia.
Konten ini Hanya Edukasi Sejarah Saja. Tidak Bermaksud Berhaluan Politik.

Mohon untuk Follow akun Instagram Channel ini

Diwajibkan Bagi para Penonton Untuk Melihat Kolom Komunitas Supaya Mngetahui ada Onformasi apa Saja Dari Channel Second Kamerad RAR

Jangan Lupa Like, Share, dan Subscribe.


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