Indian in the machine – Madonna’s Naked Corona Virus Bathtub Speech Explained!! Satanic Witch Showing Fear As Corona Psyops Bio weapon Event Is Failing!!

Madonna’s Naked Corona Virus Bathtub Speech

Madonna’s Naked Corona Virus Bathtub Speech Explained!! Satanic Witch Showing Fear As Corona Virus Psyops Bio weapon Event Is Failing!!

 Don’t miss the end of this page, for important info. Blessings dear hearts!

If the ship goes down, we’re all going down together

1. Madonna is speaking in code to her cult. Due to her travel schedule she must use social Media to communicate with them. Another example was Tom Hanks, in his award acceptance speech, just so happened to mention ‘3‘ and ‘11‘ and then he supposedly got the Corona Virus on March 11. Madonna does the same thing. Take “Like A Prayer” for example: a witch’s song of hunger for victims, and blow jobs.

2.  “Like A Prayer is another example of Madonna speaking in code. She sings that song all over the World including the Superbowl, and few know what it means.

Madonna Like A Prayer Witch’s Sacrifice Anthem Explained!! Her magic is that she leaves clues all over the place, that her fans and others, do not understand (’sAnthem-to-Babylon-and-sacrifice-explained-hermagicis-thatsheleavescluesallovertheplace-that-her-fans-and-others-do-not-understand/).

What is MDNA?  What is ‘like A prayer’ really about?

 Face it. The public sings lyrics that they do not know the meaning. No better example exists than “Like A Prayer.

Hmmmm. This image is intentionally put in Madonna’s Ghosttown video, like many of Madonna’s images they are hard to take in, hard to fathom, hard to conceive, hard to perceive, like a ‘preyer’  you do know what a ‘preyer’ is don’t you?????

Spliced image in Madonna’s Ghosttown video, 0:26 min. (foto

Here are a few comments.

It was Madonna’s way of telling the World she is a pedo.

Madonna likes to put things in plain view that the public has trouble digesting.

This is why she adopted two black children.

Babylon is based on pedophilia, poppies, human trafficking, cannibalism, War and so forth of course, a witch (material girl), would have to know.

An iLLUMiNATi Mother of Darkness, HAS to embrace the pedo agenda, no exceptions.

Here is another clue, is there a connection?

Image result for madonna pizza joke

Yes, I am expecting a Food Baby!! I‘m going to name her Pizza (foto odiarioideumet)

Let me put this more in context.


Organized Riots Planned For America And Counter Measures Are In Place, Says Q!!! What This Means!!!

Trump’s Upcoming Temporary Martial Law!! Dire Warnings And Loving Advice 

Hillary Clinton & Foundation Crimes Against Children Connection To Weiner Laptop, Suggests Q And Government Documents!!

Hint:  she joked about blowing up White House.

Madonna as bloodline insider (who is cousin to Hillary Clinton), made Ghosttown, as a witch guiding humanity to the planned destruction of America.

Madonna ain't no joke (foto odiariodeumet)

Madonna ain’t no joke (foto odiariodeumet)

The Cabal had planned a Helter Skelter event for august 23 27 (of 2015) which NEVER HAPPENED. It was the big event and why so many stars died at 27, they were sacrificed for a build up for a big event that never happened.

Image result for 27 movie

Jim Carrey, The number 23 (foto


When Madonna made Ghostown video, she thought the rest of us were completely fucked and that she as a witch would dance through the rubble and have an orgasm.

The black hat that Madonna keeps wearing, is her gloating, that she’s a head priestess who when she made this video, was creating witchcraft, that she as she would bring down America, she would be ‘two souls in a ghosttown with satan.

This is all why Madonna is now basically showing major signs of breakdown. Her entire career has been about the moment she would dance through the rubble of America and have an orgasm but instead she had to flee to Portugal.

In her Mind, she already tells you all of this. She has demonstrated prowess in propaganda.

The Queen already fucked in front of the masses.

She rubbed blood in her body in her movie.

She made a World tour about her vaginal secretions.

The Queen basically came out with her MDNA marketing  and, strange, no one seems to know what MDMA means and it is a big insider joke.

The Queen came out with a cosmetics company as a way to spread her HOLY WATER (AKA her vaginal secretions) to the masses. Look at the ingredients list for holy water”.

The public is dealing with someone who is a Rebel Heart, she makes up her own rules, in spite of God.

Madonna I’m Addicted Lyrics | Genius Lyrics’maddicted-Lyrics

Her magic is that she leaves clues all over the place, that her fans and others, do not understand. She has to do this. Otherwise she cannot exist. Thus, the double meaning of ‘addicted to your love’.


I'm ready to Get under Your Skin (foto

I‘m ready to Get under Your Skin (foto odiariodeumet)



MDMA Step 1 (foto
MDMA Step 1 (foto odiariodeumet)



MDMA Step 2 (foto
Step 2 (foto

"What's the secret of my succes? It's Adobe Photoshop Day Cream' (foto

What’s the secret of my succes? It’s Adobe Photoshop Day Cream (foto

Madonna Before & After (foto

Madonna Before & After (foto

MDNA VIDEO – The Rose Mist (contains Holy Water AKA you know what)

I created the rose mist spray, it allows me to exist in this World. 

Look at her face as these words are spoken, scary.

Another clue. First, follow this link to another link to a Truth Uncovered video that features the alleged Hillary Clinton snuff film
Graphic Content! Hillary Clinton Is Empress Level iLLUMiNATi Witch (includes Bloodshed and Abortions), says Whistleblower in Startling Testimony!


Then read Ghosttown with that video in Mind. See how you feel about this photo now?

Ghosttown (lyrics)

Maybe it was all too much
Too much for a man to take
Everything’s bound to break
Sooner or later, sooner or later

You’re all that I can trust
Facing the darkest days
Everyone ran away
But we’re gonna stay here, we’re gonna stay here

Ahhhhhh, ahhhhh
I know you’re scared tonight
Ahhhhhh, ahhhhh
I’ll never leave your side

When it all falls, when it all falls down
I’ll be your fire when the lights go out
When there’s no one, no one else around
We’ll be two souls in a ghosttown

When the World gets cold
I’ll be your cover
Let’s just hold
Onto each other
When it all falls, when it all falls down
We’ll be two souls in a ghosttown

Tell me how we got this far
Every man for himself
Everything’s gone to hell
We gotta stay strong, we’re gonna hold on

This World

Know that I enjoy Madonna’s presence on earth. However, we all know all satanism as it goes forever from this planet and that Creator has many mansions for those who wish to experience lower energies. Madonna sometime speaks of love and for that I thank her, for the rest, she will have to answer to many including Creator. I believe she may be one of those names on the over 50,000 indictments, set to be released any day.

Don’t you find it odd that someone who has real sex in her movies, allows herself to get her vagina sniffed on camera, has satanic World tours, sings about her vagina having Holy Water’, threatens to blow up the White House and admits she has insider info on the iLLUMiNATi. SINGS THIS SONG ON ALMOST EVERY WORLD TOUR?

Like A Prayer

Do you want to know why this song is sung on most if not all her tours?

It is code for:

Like A Preyer

Preyer. Noun (plural preyers). One who, or that which, preys; a plunderer; a waster; a devourer.

Like a preyer are the thoughts of someone who will seduce you, only to sacrifice you. You will have to watch Madonna’s first movie A Certain Sacrifice to see the end scene that, and the whole movie itself, but especially the last snuff film part, is the meaning of Like a preyer.

Anyways, that film made her not into a star, but an inverted star. I urge you with major viewer discretion to watch ‘A Certain Sacrifice’, which is highly connected to Like A Preyer, in fact, they are basically the same theme. If you can make all these connections you will have a good understanding of why Trump needed the email alert system, and why so many arrests are coming, and why there may be organized chaos AKA Helter Skelter.
Trump’s Upcoming Temporary Martial Law!! Dire Warnings And Loving Advice

Stephen Jon Lewicki – A Certain Sacrifice (1979)

Published on 27 aug. 2019

Starring Madonna A Certain Sacrifice (1979)
English, no subtitles.

Starring a pre famous Madonna in 1979 during her days as a homeless struggling dancer where she had no money, she got paid $ 100 for this B movie.

The film is a 1980 American drama film co written and directed by Stephen Jon Lewicki and starring Madonna, Jeremy Pattnosh and Charles Kurtz. It was Madonna’s first movie, filmed around September 1979, but not released until 1985. Capitalizing on Madonna’s Fame.

The film is an “oddball” independent film, shot on and off over two years in New York City for just $ 20,000. Madonna finished her scenes in the fall of 1980, Almost all of the cast were unpaid.

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Some of my other Madonna Playlists
Madonna Demos
Madonna Live!
Madonna Remixes

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Image result for madonna like a prayer super bowl gif
Madonna on stage during Superbowl (foto tenor)

Like A Prayer Lyrics, a song the preyer sings before the kill, as she makes her Holy water. This song that no one knows what it is really about, includes the seduction, the blowjob, the snuff orgasm and the kill. She sang this song at the Superbowl and the masses had no idea what she was singing, and she knew that.

Holy water is now available in packages across the World, literally and now you are ready to know the meaning of like a preyer. Imagine the preyer has found someone to seduce before the snuff and is singing her song.

Like a Prayer

 Life is a mystery, everyone must stand alone
I hear you call my name
And it feels like home
[The seduction has worked. think black widow here. First she mates then she kills. Her kill is calling for her She’s thinking Adrenochrome at this moment]
When you call my name it’s like a little prayer
I’m down on my knees, I wanna take you there
[But first a blowjob, because it completes the seduction]
In the midnight hour I can feel your power
Just like a prayer you know Ill take you there
[An orgasm timed for midnight, the preyer knows how to do it]
I hear your voice, it’s like an angel sighing
I have no choice, I hear your voice
Feels like flying
I close my eyes, oh God I think I’m falling
Out of the sky, I close my eyes
Heaven help me
[Adrenochrome sacrificial high?]
When you call my name it’s like a little prayer
I’m down on my knees, I wanna take you there
In the midnight hour I can feel your power
Just like a prayer you know I’ll take you there
Like a child you whisper softly to me
You’re in control just like a child
Now I’m dancing
It’s like
This is the black widow, allowing her future kill a few moments, while she builds herself into a frenzy.  Watch Madonna‘s first film to know all of this is true.


3Madonna says Madame X is a secret agent, yes, secret agent for her cult. Makes sense?

Madame X is a secret agent (foto YouTube)

Madame X is a secret agent (foto YouTube)

Madonna - World of Madame X

Madonna – World of Madame X

4.  To comprehend Madonna’s propaganda career, one has to examine her first movie, ‘A certain sacrifice to comprehend the matter. IT WAS A SNUFF FILM!!

Madonna's magician, New York, October 12, 1992

Madonna’s magician, New York, October 12, 1992

From the Madonna 'Sex' book (foto Steven Meisel)

From the Madonna Sex book (foto Steven Meisel)

From the Madonna 'Sex' book with Naomi Champbell & Big Daddy Kane (foto Steven Meisel)

From the Madonna Sex book with Naomi Champbell & Big Daddy Kane (foto Steven Meisel)

If the ship goes down, we’re all going down together

5Madonna has been an agent not of ‘controversy’, but instead, it’s always been about divide and conquer.

Bitch Please... I'm THE Madonna! (foto

Bitch Please… I‘m THE Madonna! (foto

6 “Material girl’ is really code for satanist.

This makes me laugh! (foto

This makes me laugh! (foto

7Madonna’s latest Corona Virus related crimes against the people, are probably the last straw.

If the ship goes down, we’re all going down together

8She will want to take as many down with her as possible.

Hell, Yeah! (foto

Hell… Yeah! (foto

If the ship goes down, were all going down together

Illuminati Card Game Pizza for Secret Meeting (foto
iLLUMiNATi Card Game Pizza for Secret Meeting (foto

9Madonna basically knows the gig is up.

Illuminati Card Game Immorality Serum (foto

iLLUMiNATi Card Game Immorality Serum (foto

10Madonna and her related group, will likely be tried for crimes against humanity, treason, murder, cannibalism and much more! Kindly refer to Madame X” song Killers who party, to see that she went too far, and has now exposed everything!

know Madonna’s first movie, and her daughter’s ‘Art’ orgy, have a common theme ”If the ship goes down, we’re all going down together. No more sacrifice orgies!

Image result for madonna a certain sacrifice

Image result for madonna orgy

Urine Drinker Madonna Drinks Someone’s Urine On Camera, Then Gets Pain, And Cancels Tour Dates!!‘s-Urine-on-camera-then-gets-pain-and-cancels-tour-dates/

Folks, as has been said before by people like Svali. These ones eat Shit and drink piss all the time. Now folks, I reported a few years ago, that she was putting her Holy Water vaginal secretions in her skin care line, but few believed. Meanwhile Madonna was

Joe Rogan, Cardi B, Madonna, Will Smith Damage doers & Whami Givers

Shocking Reasons Madonna Cannot Stop

Shocking Reasons Madonna Cannot Stop, here at EUrovision (foto Before It’s News)

madx s secret agent but fr wh? why adpt blak chdren whle d satanc sacrfce black f man n musc vde? why threaten t blw up whte huse? f she stps she wuld abdecate her satanc Thrne. f she stps she wud be sacrfced 2 and mre f she stps t s a sign f the fall f satan Meanwhle the

Madonna Hidden Occult Symbolism Of MDNA!! DNA From The Queen Witch’s Privates!!’s-Privates/

Madonna Hidden Occult Symbolism Of MDNA!! DNA From the Witch’s Privates!!

The following info will make more sense if you read this first.

Extreme Witchcraft Warning! Madonna Vaginal Mucus Face Mask And The Upcoming WIFI Network Sinister Connections Exposed!!

Fact 1Madonna’s skin care brand is called MDNA SKIN.
Fact 2.   Madonna album is called MDNA (and even a WORLD TOUR) THUS IT IS.

Madonna face mask ingredients


Iron Oxide (CI77499), Glycerin, Water, PEG 7 Glyceryl Cocoate, Triethylhexanoin, Cyclopentasiloxane, Titanium Dioxide, Squalane, Citrus Aurantium Dulcis (Orange) Oil, Sodium Acetyl Hyaluronate, Olea Europaea (Olive) Fruit Oil, Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate, Helianthus Annuus (Sunflower) Seed Oil, Calcium Pantothenate, Polyglyceryl 10.

When Black Royalty Dies Madonna Satanic Queen Delivers Speech!

Madonna age 60 on cover New York Magazine (foto NY Magazine)

Madonna at age 60 on cover New York Magazine (foto NY Magazine)

It is chilling. I feel we are witnessing one of the main players in one of the greatest crime syndicates the World has ever known basically having a slow but sure public breakdown. Still, she cannot stop. First there was Michael Jackson (King of Pop).

Associated Press – Raw Video: Madonna’s Tribute to Michael Jackson

Published on 5 jul. 2009

Madonna paid tribute to Michael Jackson in the same arena where he was to stage his comeback, dancing along with an impersonator doing Jackson’s distinctive moves (July 5 2009).


EUrovision Song Contest 2019Madonna LIVE: Like A Prayer (Recorded Live From The Venue)

Published on 19 mei 2019


Epstein Island Celebs Become Frontline Corona Virus Agents!! Corona Virus The Psyops Bioweapon Double Whammy To Bring In New World Order, As William Becomes King!!

Here's the list of all the celebraties that went to Epstein Island (foto Reddit)

Here’s the list of all the celebraties that went to Epstein Island (foto Reddit)

1. It is very very interesting that many celebs on the list of having visited Epstein Island, are also frontline propaganda agents for the official story for Corona Virus.

2. Prime Creator talk about Corona Virus!!

3. Corona Virus, the psyops to…

Before It’s News, March 23, 2020‘s-naked-CoronaVirus-speech-explained-SatanicWitch-showing-Fear-as-CoronaVirusPsyopsBioweapon-event-is-failing-3718618.html

Meer informatie’s+Sacrifice

1 Comment

  1. I really empathize with the illuminati victim because I was an underage prostitute myself, however, I’m highly conflicted because Trump has done so much for sex-trafficking victims and she sounds like she’s really overanalyzing his life. We see life through the lens of our experience, and trauma, especially in severe cases, can warp that sense of perception. There were things that I thought were great, but there’s also things that she doesn’t understand, misinformation that she’s interpreting from her own experience. I understand her, however, I’ve spent years digging and digging for the truth and she still views people through her emotional baggage.


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