Imperator_Rex‏ @Imperator_Rex3

1. Here’s a tale of how America was almost destroyed by criminals.

17 okt. 2017 – 12:34

2. A warning – I am angry as hell & actually hope that I am wrong, but fear I’m not.

17 okt. 2017 – 12:35

3. Also – what follows is all researched, if you need clarification just ask in replies.

17 okt. 2017 – 12:36

4. So let’s start with a date – 4 May, 2016.

17 okt. 2017 – 12:36

5. Donald J Trump, against all the odds, wins the unofficial nomination as GOP candidate for the Presidential election.

17 okt. 2017 – 12:36

6. Who do you think was happiest at this news? Trump & his team? No. You may be surprised at the answer.

17 okt. 2017 – 12:37

7. The answer? Hillary Clinton & the DNC. But why?

17 okt. 2017 – 12:37

8. Their ‘Pied Piper’ strategy had worked. 👇

17 okt. 2017 – 12:42

9. Clinton had announced her candidacy on 12 April, 2015 & became the presumptive Democratic nominee on June 7, 2016.

17 okt. 2017 – 12:43

10. From the moment she announced, Clinton & her team had 2 objectives.

17 okt. 2017 – 12:43

11. Objective 1 – destroy Bernie Sanders.

17 okt. 2017 – 12:44

12. Objective 2 – weaken strong GOP rivals, strengthen weak ones.

17 okt. 2017 – 12:44

13. The DNC, Clinton & their media proxies disgracefully worked together to achieve both.

17 okt. 2017 – 12:45

14. It worked : the Sanders campaign was destroyed & the GOP nominated Trump.

17 okt. 2017 – 12:45

15. Be in no doubt. On 4 May, 2016, Hillary Clinton would have been ECSTATIC.

17 okt. 2017 – 12:46

16. The Clinton v Trump campaign had started.

17 okt. 2017 – 12:46

17. And HRC would have been CERTAIN that she was going to be POTUS 45 – that she could not lose.

17 okt. 2017 – 12:47

18. Let’s move to another date, just 2 weeks later: 22 May, 2016. Why is this significant?

17 okt. 2017 – 12:47

19. It was the first time in the campaign that Donald Trump won a national poll against Hillary Clinton, 43.4 to 43.2.

17 okt. 2017 – 12:47

20. A tiny margin on paper, but it must have sparked concern in the Clinton campaign & DNC. Why?

17 okt. 2017 – 12:48

21. It showed that their ‘Pied Piper’ strategy may be falling apart.

17 okt. 2017 – 12:48

22. The ‘outsider’ they had DELIBERATELY promoted – Donald J Trump, the joke candidate – was TAKING THE LEAD.

17 okt. 2017 – 12:49

23. Note – I said ‘concern’, not ‘panic’, in point 20, above.

17 okt. 2017 – 12:50

24. Clinton and her team would NEVER have doubted that victory over Trump was theirs.

17 okt. 2017 – 12:50

25. Their ARROGANCE was astounding. And the most arrogant of all was Hillary Rodham Clinton.

17 okt. 2017 – 12:50

26. We need to keep this in mind all the time when trying to understand what happened before the election.

17 okt. 2017 – 12:50

27. When it came to dealing with opponents, the MO of Clinton & her allies was already clear.

17 okt. 2017 – 12:51

28. Cheat, lie & collude – do whatever you have to do to destroy rivals. After all, they thought they were UNTOUCHABLE.

17 okt. 2017 – 12:52

29. So objective 3, if you will, would have been crystal clear – DESTROY Trump at all costs.

17 okt. 2017 – 12:53

30. That’s how the Trump – Russia LIE came into being.

17 okt. 2017 – 12:53

31. Oh, there’s no doubt it is a TOTAL fabrication. The greatest LIE in American political history.

17 okt. 2017 – 12:54

32. THAT is what will be PROVED in the coming days, in my opinion. And it will change everything.

17 okt. 2017 – 12:55

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