God’s Roadmap to the End – New World Order Takeover Marked by Heavenly Signs | 8 -12 April | The End has Come!! + Did Trump confirm I, Pet Goat (2)? + Rapture | Blessed Hope | Passover!

Old depiction of the animals and birds leaving the Ark, but where are the dinosaurs?

Are these dragons flying away from the Ark of Noah? Apparently so.

Are these dragons flying away from the Ark of Noah? Apparently so

New World Order Takeover Marked by Heavenly Signs – April 8th to April 12th – The End has Come!!

In première gegaan op 1 apr. 2020

#PredictiveProgramming #NewWorldOrder #Rapture

Please LIKE, SHARE this with others and SUBSCRIBE so that this video can reach more people and wake them up! Your efforts could save many from what will soon be coming over the earth as we see the day approaching! Could the Rapture happen on Passover?

Much of what Israel had to go through in the days before they escaped from Egypt is happening again. We have seen unprecedented situations in the World with pestilence, locust plagues and economic collapse. The only aspect still required to complete the picture is a devastating War which is predicted by our enemy to kick off before April 8th, 2020.

God gave us many patterns in His Word to guide us to the day on which we need to be prepared to meet Him and for us to discover this, we have to watch what the Word of God says and what is happening in the World that point us to the Word of God.

A plan that our enemy, Satan, has been working on for centuries is also playing out in the World right now – just as shown to us through predictive programming – and this includes even the Corona Virus pandemic which is targeting China through a possible false flag attack. All of this forms part of a timeline that has been shown to us in the Word of God and which is now repeating. the correlations are pointed out in this video and they are too specific to be coincidental.

There are many who will hold to their dogmas and views without looking carefully at what the Word of God says in which we see how a Pre Tribulation Rapture is modelled after the harvest and Temple models that are given to us to understand this. If you have not considered these yet, you have very little time to do so and to be a Berean in this regard. A link is provided to a series below in which this is carefully laid out.

Resolving the Contention

We have a very small window of opportunity left, that I would consider the highest watch time of our lifetime approaching and this could really be it, given how much emphasis our enemy has placed on this window of time as well. I hope you will be watching with me and that we will all be falling before the feet of our Saviour with me over the next days and hours.

Keep looking up and may our Heavenly Father bless you for considering this information!

Some other videos that may be of interest

Media lying about the Pandemic

Media lies exposed by the Public

Elmhurst Hospital as reported by the Media

Elmhurst Hospital in Real Life
Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0z8NhxNTaU
Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNVTNNmurgA

Doctors in Germany looking at the deception

The same hospital footage used in reports from hospitals in different countries

Does the CoVid 19 Test provide reliable results?

Important video’s with more information

Series on the Resurrection of the Dead

Keep looking up! Our Redemption is right at the door and the Rapture is about to happen! We fly Soon!

Salvation video

I Pet Goat (2) video, the animation containing our enemys plan

#Rapture #NuclearWar #EndGame


Something strange is going on in the world and from what our enemy has shown us and has hinted to, it has to do with Death.

Tarot Card Death (foto Before It's News)

Tarot Card Death

In Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu is enforcing a strict lockdown or curfew for a very particular window of time, apparently in accordance with Exodus 12:22.

And ye shall take a bunch of hyssop, and dip it in the blood that is in the bason, and strike the lintel and the two side posts with the blood that is in the bason; and none of you shall go out at the door of his house until the morning.
Exodus 12:22

From Wednesday evening six PM until Thursday morning seven AM no Israeli will be allowed to leave their homes.

This would also seem to echo what was said by the Trump administration in yesterday’s Corona Virus briefing – that people should avoid leaving their dwellings for the next two weeks.

I have a very exciting feeling in my spirit about this window of time from the time of Passover to Resurrection Sunday and I have a feeling the World will see incredible events playing out over this period many of which will also be horrendous.

As you may or may not know, this takeover has been shown to us on many occasions especially through the I, Pet Goat (2) animation which is pointing to this window of time before us.

You may be asking: how is it possible that Satan could have known about this time before it arrived and have used the World leaders to bring about this situation where people would fear and agree to be confined to their homes over Passover, while many children of God continue to claim that nobody knows the day or the hour, not even the Son of God? If this Passover week is marked by a notable heavenly sign, then it would be a perfect application of Genesis 1:14 where God said that He created the heavenly bodies to act as markers for His appointed times and we already saw how He marked Passover when Jesus hung on the cross! There were three hours of darkness that came over the World which had to be caused by something else than the moon.

Gen 1:14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons (appointed times), and for days, and years

That same object may very well mark this Passover in some way and our enemy, having full access to God’s timepiece in the heavens, would have known about the timing of this event for many centuries after seeing how God marked His perfect sacrifice to for the world on Passover. So if some unexpected heavenly sign occurs between tomorrow and Sunday, understand that Jesus knew on which Day and Hour He would return for us as soon as He received His glorified body, after His resurrection. Satan has full access to the heavens and understands the movement of the heavenly bodies – even those we cannot see – perfectly and knows when the next “event” will be marked. this would be one way in which it would be possible for him to tell the World about what is coming, because he simply had to look at God’s timepiece in the heavens.

What better way to hide a World wide event of the Rapture, than to have every person confined to their home and only seeing what the Media is feeding them!

Keep looking up! Our Redemption is arriving and I expect it will also be marked by an unusual heavenly sign!!

Please watch the video’s below for more information and evidence.

Did Trump just use Predictive Programming to confirm the I, Pet Goat (2) Timeline and our Escape?

In première gegaan op 26 mrt. 2020

Please LIKE, SHARE this with others and SUBSCRIBE so that this video can reach more people and wake them up! Your efforts could save many from what will soon be coming over the earth as we see the day approaching! Could the Rapture happen on Passover?

Much of what Israel had to go through in the days before they escaped from Egypt is happening again. We have seen unprecedented situations in the World with pestilence, locust plagues and economic collapse. The only aspect still required to complete the picture is a devastating War which is predicted by our enemy to kick off before April 8th, 2020.

God gave us many patterns in His Word to guide us to the day on which we need to be prepared to meet Him and for us to discover this, we have to watch what the Word of God says and what is happening in the World that point us to the Word of God.

A plan that our enemy, Satan, has been working on for centuries is also playing out in the World right now – just as shown to us through predictive programming – and this includes even the Corona Virus pandemic which is targeting China through a possible false flag attack. All of this forms part of a timeline that has been shown to us in the Word of God and which is now repeating. the correlations are pointed out in this video and they are too specific to be coincidental.

There are many who will hold to their dogmas and views without looking carefully at what the Word of God says in which we see how a Pre Tribulation Rapture is modelled after the harvest and Temple models that are given to us to understand this. If you have not considered these yet, you have very little time to do so and to be a Berean in this regard. A link is provided to a series below in which this is carefully laid out.

Resolving the Contention

We have a very small window of opportunity left, that I would consider the highest watch time of our lifetime approaching and this could really be it, given how much emphasis our enemy has placed on this window of time as well. I hope you will be watching with me and that we will all be falling before the feet of our Saviour with me over the next days and hours.

Keep looking up and may our Heavenly Father bless you for considering this information!

Some other video’s that may be of interest

Video in which Angelina Jolie’s involvement in the upcoming events is exposed

Latest video looking at the time patterns associated with Jonah

Previous video looking at prophecy fulfilled during the Deal of the Century’s announcement

Previous video looking at how the Bible points to the Deal of the Century

Previous video looking at God’s indignation about the Middle East Peace Plan

Previous video looking at how Israel broke God’s covenant.

Previous video with additional information

Previous video on Trump’s Impeachment

Previous video about the sign of Jonah

What the Word of God has to say about the Resurrection of the Dead

Below is a video in which you can see what has been done to the economy and why the status is so critical at this point

Imminent Financial Collapse

Salvation video

I Pet Goat 2 Video, the animation containing our enemy’s plan

If you would like to contact me, you can do so at the email address below


The Rapture | Our Blessed Hope – A Passover Deliverance!

In première gegaan op 20 mrt. 2020

Please LIKE, SHARE this with others and SUBSCRIBE so that this video can reach more people and wake them up! Your efforts could save many from what will soon be coming over the earth as we see the day approaching! Could the Rapture happen on Passover?

Much of what Israel had to go through in the days before they escaped from Egypt is happening again. We have seen unprecedented situations in the World with pestilence, locust plagues and economic collapse. The only aspect still required to complete the picture is a devastating War which is predicted by our enemy to kick off before April 8th, 2020.

God gave us many patterns in His Word to guide us to the day on which we need to be prepared to meet Him and for us to discover this, we have to watch what the Word of God says and what is happening in the World that point us to the Word of God.

A plan that our enemy, Satan, has been working on for centuries is also playing out in the World right now – just as shown to us through predictive programming – and this includes even the Corona Virus pandemic which is targeting China through a possible false flag attack. All of this forms part of a timeline that has been shown to us in the Word of God and which is now repeating. the correlations are pointed out in this video and they are too specific to be coincidental.

There are many who will hold to their dogmas and views without looking carefully at what the Word of God says in which we see how a Pre Tribulation Rapture is modelled after the harvest and Temple models that are given to us to understand this. If you have not considered these yet, you have very little time to do so and to be a Berean in this regard. A link is provided to a series below in which this is carefully laid out.

Resolving the Contention

We have a very small window of opportunity left, that I would consider the highest watch time of our lifetime approaching and this could really be it, given how much emphasis our enemy has placed on this window of time as well. I hope you will be watching with me and that we will all be falling before the feet of our Saviour with me over the next days and hours.

Keep looking up and may our Heavenly Father bless you for considering this information!

Some videos of interest mentioned in this video
Disposition provided on 5G

Video on Dangers of 5G

5G Attack on a Chinese Security Guard (not for sensitive viewers)

NASA’s Official “Small Step” video

The “Small Step” Video NASA would not want you to see

NASA Astronaut Admissions

Some other video’s that may be of interest

Video in which Angelina Jolie’s involvement in the upcoming events is exposed

Latest video looking at the time patterns associated with Jonah

Previous video looking at prophecy fulfilled during the Deal of the Century’s announcement

Previous video looking at how the Bible points to the Deal of the Century

Previous video looking at God’s indignation about the Middle East Peace Plan

Previous video looking at how Israel broke God’s covenant.

Previous video with additional information

Previous video on Trump’s Impeachment

Previous video about the sign of Jonah

What the Word of God has to say about the Resurrection of the Dead

Below is a video in which you can see what has been done to the economy and why the status is so critical at this point

Imminent Financial Collapse

Salvation video

I Pet Goat (2) Video

If you would like to contact me, you can do so at the email address below



Before It’s News, Wednesday, April 1, 2020 12:39


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