Giuseppe Ferrara – CIA Secret Story (1975) (Full)

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CIA Secret Story (1975) (Full Film)

Author Christos Papachristopoulos

TO ΠΡΟΣΩΠΟ ΤΗΣ ΚΑΤΑΣΚΟΠΕΙΑΣ | Τα Εγκλήματα της ΣΙΑ | Η Μυστική Ιστορία της CIA, ENGLISH,  Francisco Rabal, Lou Castel, Claudio Camaso

An Italian Political and Prophetic Film, A ShockingExpose” about the Dall of the Twin Towers and focused on CIA Documents about the Most Important, International Political Events (including the Che Guevara and Salvador Allende Cases). Written and Directed by Giuseppe Ferrara, with the Intention it S Graphic Violence to direct the World against War, Conspiracies and Brute Violence. His Other Films include Secret Dossier of the Mafia (1970), The Moro Affair (1978), Panagulis Lives (A Man, 1980), One Hundred Days in Palermo (1984), Narcos (1992), Giovanni Falcone (1993), State Secret (1995), The Bankers of God (2002), The Guy who Challenged the Red Brigades (2007) and Many Political Documentaries. Music by Manos Hadjidakes.


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1 Comment

  1. Als jullie deze film presenteren, kun je misschien ook overwegen om van Pino Solanas, La hora de los hornos (the Hour of the Furnaces) te presenteren, en ook Osvaldo Bayer’s Patagonia rebelde, en niet te vergeten, de beste ALtijnsamerikaanse film aller tijden: Memorias del subdesarrollo (Menories of underdevelopment) van Gutierrez Alea…

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