Gerrit Rietveld Academie – Gerrit turns 50, Willem only 28

The Anniversary Show
Gerrit turns 50, Willem only 28

Official Opening
2 November 2018 at 4pm

3 – 25 November 2018
Wednesday – Sunday 1 pm – 7pm

Frederik Roeskestraat 96
1076 ED Amsterdam
Gerrit Rietveld Academie (1968) & Sandberg Instituut (1990)

Exhibition & Public Programme

Gerrit turns 50, Willem only 28 marks the anniversaries of the Gerrit Rietveld Academie and the Sandberg Instituut. An exhibition and public programme portray elements of the histories and communities of these educational institutes of fine arts, design and interior architecture.

Taking place in and around the buildings on the joint campus site in Amsterdam, a series of curated capsules include archival artefacts and a variety of works by students, alumni, tutors, directors and staff from the period 1968 to 2018.

Gerrit turns 50, Willem only 28 brings the past and present of the Bachelor’s at Gerrit Rietveld Academie and Master’s at Sandberg Instituut to the public, providing insights into progressive education and the pluriform collective of makers, writers and thinkers to which it gives rise.

‘Gerrit turns 50, Willem only 28’


Liesbeth Abbenes, Bas Jan Ader, Inghild Alsdorf, Christine Alberts, Natasja Alers, Erik Alkema, Nelleke Allersma, Julia Amelie, Carlos Amorales, Kasper Andreasen, Taco Anema, Marijke Annema, Hans Appenzeller, Line Arngaard-Sørensen, Arnar Ásgeirsson, Gijs Assmann

Bart de Baets, Thomas Gunnar Bagge, Christiaan Bakker, Gijs Bakker, Maria Barnas, Anthon Beeke, Boris de Beijer, Marie-Louise Beniers, Dýrfinna Benita, Jop van Bennekom, David Bennewith, Emma van den Berg, Merel van den Berg, Ben van Berkel, David Bernstein, Babette Bervoets, Dinie Besems, Helmie Bijleveld, Anuschka Blommers, Jet Boeke, Maze de Boer, Elki Boerdam, Melanie Bonajo, Julia Born, Jan Martens Bos, Jan Boterman, Jan des Bouvrie, Eelco Brand, Pieter Brattinga, Paulien Bremmer, Koos Breukel, Jasper van den Brink, Erwin Brinkers, Ian Brown, Laurenz Brunner, Nathalie Bruys, Francesca Burattelli, Liesbet Bussche, Jeroen Busscher, Koos Buster, Ruta Butkute, Selina Bütler

Luca Carboni, Julie Cetti, Yunie Chae, Sebastian Christoffel, Piet Cohen, Joost Conijn, Countess Malaise, Wim Crouwel

Brent Dahl, Avantia Damberg, Yael Davids, Eliott Déchamboux Florey, Aude Debout, De Jeugd Van Tegenwoordig, Aukje Dekker, Pinar Demirdag, Linda van Deursen, Frits Deys, Dianthus, Amie Dicke, Robbert Dijkgraaf, Rineke Dijkstra, Veronica Ditting, Fallon Does, Claudia Doms, Albine van Donkelaar, Dick Dooijes, Theo van Doorn, Janica Draisma, Yvonne Dröge Wendel, Kees van Drongelen, Constant Dullaart, Danny van Dungen, Clara Dutilleul

Amber van den Eeden, Willehad Eilers, Uta Eisenreich, Richard Elenbaas, Ger van Elk, Experimental Jetset

Carlijn Fransen

Martine Gabison, Joel Galvez, Paul Gangloff, Gartmalen, Guido van Gennep, Paul Girardeau, Marie Louise Gjerlev, Karl Grandin, Paul Christian van der Groen, Henk Groenendijk, Marie Grønkær, Mieke Groot, Styrmir Örn Guðmundsson, Ben Guntenaar

Harco Haagsma, Vere van Hal, Christina Hallström, Sophie Hardeman, Mikk Heinsoo, Marjanne van Helvert, Chantal Hendriksen, Leonie Hennicke, Leonor Hipólito, Jessie Hoefnagel, Anders Hofgaard, Arnoud Holleman, Nanette Hoogslag, Jos Houweling, Jesse Howard, Anne Huijnen

Vincent Icke, Nil Ilkbasaran, Iselin Iversby

Wooseok Jang, Tom Janssen, Anne Marie Jetten, Hewald Jongenelis, Sjoerd Jonkers, Elisa van Joolen

Arne Kaiser, Roos Kalff, Johann Kauth, Marjon Keller, Niels Klavers, André Klein, Micha Klein, Wouter Klein Velderman, Jan van der Kleijn, Laura Klinkenberg, Inna Kochkina, Kodi, Job Koelewijn, Veronique de Koning, Joey Kops, Johanna Kotlaris, Friso Kramer, Karlis Krecers, Moritz Küng, Edith Kuyvenhoven

Lieven Lahaye, Inez van Lamsweerde, Ola Lanko, Susan Lanting, Duran Lantink, Lucas Lenglet, Alexandra Leykauf, Harmen Liemburg, Mira Liimatainen, Henrik Linnet, Dora Lionstone, Hanne Lippard, Dana Lixenberg, Alina Lupu

Daniël Maarleveld, Christine Maas, Kees Maas, Martin Majoor, Frank Mandersloot, Henk Marseille, Renzo Martens, Silvia Martes, Anja Masling, Kalle Mattsson, Lyubov Matyunina, Luna Maurer, Ief van Meegeren, Lauritz Meier Andersen, Hellen van Meene, Hilde Meeus, Tine Melzer, Julia Metger-Grame, Armand Mevis, Alberto de Michele, Abel Minnée, Moon & Sun, Martino Morandi, Coen Mulder, Medeina Musteikyte

Maria Naidich, Anna Navndrup Pedersen, Necronomicon, Richard Niessen, Kees Nieuwenhuijzen, Aapo Nikkanen, Arno Nollen, Kristine Nørgaard Andersen, Ted Noten, Caroline Nugteren

Sonia Oet, One and Poli, Frans Oosterhof, Erica Overmeer, Ibrahim Öztaş

Laura Pappa, Ruud van der Peijl, Loris Pernoux, Ruudt Peters, Alet Pilon, Cyril Pitet, Maarten Ploeg, Rogier van der Ploeg, Liza May Post

Rop Ranzijn, Uli Rapp, Adriaan Rees, Devon Rees, Arnold Reijndorp, Mirjam Reili, Lotte Reimann, Kotscha Reist, Viola Renate, Rabea Ridlhammer, Gerrit Thomas Rietveld, Nerijus Rimkus, RPS–Rietveld Preservation Society, P.J. Roggeband, Willem de Rooij, Jan Rothuizen, Christoph Ruys

Willem Sandberg, Peter Sattler, Alban Schelbert, Mart van Schijndel, Rob Scholte, Robin Scholz, Rob Schröder, Niels Schumm, Johannes Schwartz, Kaspar Sellin, Simone Simons, Erwin Slegers, Annette van de Sluis, Soviet Sex, Daphne Spellier, Dima Stefanova, Gideon van der Stelt, Marieke Stolk, Velina Stoykova, Vincka Struben, Robert Swart

Kees Tabak, Akiko Takahashi, Fiona Tan, Jennifer Tee, Anna Teuber, Tony Thijssen, Gonnie Tijs, Anne-Sophie Thomsen, Tinkebell, Moniek Toebosch, Jan van Toorn, Tunç Topçuoglu, Monica Tormell, Freddy Tratlehner, Nora Turato, Christopher Tym

Gerard Unger, Marjan Unger

Jan van der Vaart, Sybren Valkema, Eva Vasileiou, Claire Verkoyen, Marianne Vierø, Barbara Visser, Edgar Vos, Esther de Vries

Robin Waart, Akiko Wakabayashi, Jonas Wandeler, Alex van Warmerdam, WEEK!, Robbert Weide, Judith van Werkhoven, Tanguy Wermelinger, Guido van der Werve, Koen Wessing, Christopher West, Emma Westenberg, Jólan van der Wiel, Wild Plakken, Hans de Wolf, Lam de Wolf, Erik Wong, Job Wouters

Qiu Yang

ZaZaZoZo, Vincent Zedelius, Ben Zegers, Aimée Zito Lema, Frans Zwartjes, Diek Zweegman, Ton Zwerver

Disclaimer: This list does not include names of graphic designers or artists that have worked collectively on a book design, neither editors nor editorial groups that have published a book with the Rietveld Academie or the Sandberg Instituut.

The Anniversary Show is curated by alumnus and curator Moritz Küng in collaboration with 12 guest curators. We asked the curators to tell us a little something about their experiences during the selection process for the exhibition.

The curators

Read the interviews here of Moritz Küng (below), José Vonk (, Henk Groenendijk ( and Jeroen Vermandere (

Curator Moritz Küng (foto Gerrit Rietveld Academie)

Curator Moritz Küng (foto Gerrit Rietveld Academie)

What is the concept of the exhibition?

The anniversary show “Gerrit turns 50, Willem only 28” captures the history and the creative output of the two art and design universities: the Gerrit Rietveld Academie and the Willem Sandberg Instituut over the past fifty, respectively twenty-eight years. In order to illustrate the academies history and output of more than 10.000 related persons, so-called Time-Capsules have been established.

How did you come up with the concept?

The idea of the Time-Capsule is inspired by two eminent references: Egyptologist / photographer Harry Burton and visual artist Andy Warhol. Harry Burton is known for documenting in 1922 the excavation of Tutankhamun’s tomb with its artefacts. Far more than dry scientific records, Burton’s photographs also inspire a sense of wonder because of his ability to tell a story among the found objects (wheels, barrels, jars, crates, tools etc.). For his part, Andy Warhol was not only a seminal protagonist of the pop art movement but as well an obsessive collector. Starting in 1974, he assembled until his death more than 600 so-called Time Capsules, putting together all sorts of stuff –fanzines, newspaper clippings, souvenirs, even food– into cardboard boxes and sending them to storage, to be opened at a later date. Remarkable for both these references is the fact, that the ‘found’ items were organised in a non-hierarchical and eclectic way, more or less coincidental. Excavation, discovery and surprise became the leitmotiv of the exhibition, which ultimately consists of eighteen different and independent rooms, all defined as time capsules.

How did you make the selection/decisions?

This is a question that I have asking myself since the very beginning: how to select works out of 10.000 makers (artists and designers, students and teachers). Researching thousands of works by artists and designers on websites, in public or private collections and in dossiers that the academy’s department coordinators kindly provided, resulted in an exhausting long-list that included books, magazines, fanzines, pamphlets, caricatures, posters, letters, diplomas, T-shirts, stickers, signage systems, typefaces, corporate identities, audio documents, sound-bits, sound works, songs, chairs, cupboards, club tables, benches, lamps, house-hold objects, mugs, home textiles, carpets, curtains, perfumes, wine, cloths, textiles, accessories, jewelleries, spectacles, board games, and obviously paintings, collages, sculptures, video films, performances, photographs and in-situ installations. The question that remained was, how to bring all that ‘stuff’ together in order to draw a ‘picture’ about the academy’s creative capital. Here, three steps were taken; first by establishing two categories: History capsules (with documents related to the past, policy and practice of the academies) and Meta capsules (showing a large diversity of art and design works); second by introducing some relevant topics (as for example architecture, library and graduation or portrait, symmetry and protest); in a third and most decisive step the items have been chosen based on their potential to connect with one or another item in order to establish a narrative, whatsoever. This approach allowed to avoid conventional ways of author classifications –unknown, established, emerging, young, old, brilliant, awkward– and to create an eclectic but adequate content frame. In order to channel all the research results, 12 fellow curators have been asked to define the content of nine from the eighteen time capsules.

What did you notice during the process?

Well: the sheer mass of output over the past fifty years, the diversity of works and individuals, and how many of the alumni established a yearlong professional career. In view that the exhibition finally presents nearly 600 items by some 480 artists and designers, the enthusiasm of the organisers, the academy staff and notably the lenders (artists, designers and institutions) was overwhelming. Proof, that the Rietveld Academie and the Sandberg Instituut not only are highly respected but as well alive and kicking, may be more than ever.


Moritz Küng, alumnus of the Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam, studied interior architecture under Frans Bevers and graduated in 1988. He initiated, together with Erica Overmeer, the Rietveld Studium Generale and coordinated until 1991 the graduate exhibitions, including the 65th anniversary show of Rietveld in the RAI. Thereafter he started to organise exhibitions, both as a freelance and in positions at institutions in Zurich (Archiekturforum), Grenoble (Le Magasin), Brussels (Fondation pour l’Architecture), Utrecht (Festival a/d Werf), Antwerp (deSingel) and Barcelona (El Canodromo). Among others, he curated exhibitions for the Biennials in Sao Paulo (2002), Venice (2008), Kortrijk (2014) and Brno (2016). He lives in Barcelona and works as an independent curator, critic and editor at the intersection with visual arts, architecture and artists’ book publishing.

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