Gemma O’Doherty – Mary Boyle: The Untold Story + Patricia McCafferty – Sean McEniff Statement on Mary Boyle (with Subtitles)

 Mary Boyle: The Untold Story (foto Gemma O’Doherty)

Mary Boyle, Missing Little Girl in Donegal (foto Irish Central)

Gemma O’Doherty – Mary Boyle The Untold Story (foto IMDb)

The derelict house at Cashelard where Mary Boyle’s grandparents lived (foto Donegal Live)
Mary Boyle, Six Years Old in 1977 as she disappeared (foto Wikipedia)

Mary Boyle, her Brother and Twin Sister (foto Village Magazine)

Mary (right) and her Twin Sister in Present Days (foto CrimeBlogger1983)

Mary Boyle, Ireland’s Oldest Missing Child Case (foto CrimeBlogger1983)
Ireland’s Swamp (foto Life Is Just A Game)

Garda Whistleblower Gemma Doherty (foto AltNewsMedia)

Gemma O’Doherty Tweet on the Garda role in the Mary Boyle Disappearance (foto CrimeBlogger1983)

Gold Award Winner Spotlight Documentary Film Awards 2016 (foto Donegal Daily)

Another Honour for Gemma O’Doherty IndieFEST Award of Merit 2016.(foto IndieFEST Film Award)

Statement of Gemma O’Doherty’s Laywer Darragh Mackin from KRW Law LLP (foto

Mary Boyle: The Untold Story

First published at 22:53 UTC on July 21st, 2019.

A Documentary on the Abduction and Murder of a Six Year Old Girl in Donegal, Ireland. On a March day in 1977 a little Girl vanished on her Grandparents remote Farm in Donegal. Mary Boyle was Six Years Old. Her Body has never been found. She is Ireland’s youngest Missing Person.

Sean McEniff Statement on Mary Boyle (with Subtitles)

27 jul. 2016

Here is better Sound Quality of his Statement unfortunately he hadn`t Microphone near him as he spent most of time Reading from Page.


Meer informatie’Doherty

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