Front Nieuws – VIP Elite in Paniek als Neurenberg 2.0 Proces voor “Mis Daden tegen de Mensheid” Werkelijkheid wordt

VIP Elite in Paniek als Neurenberg 2.0 Proces voor “Mis Daden tegen de MensheidWerkelijkheid wordt

Er worden Voor Bereidingen Getroffen voor Processen voor Mis Daden tegen de Mensheid bij het Internationaal Straf Hof in Den Haag, volgens een Insider van het International Criminal Court (ICC), die onthult, dat Sleutel Figuren van het Globalistische Establishment zullen worden Geofferd op het Altaar van de Publieke Verontwaardiging voor hun Misdaden in de Mis Lukte Covid Plandemie van de Elite, schrijft Newspunch.

De Globalistische Elite heeft de Af Gelopen Drie Jaar voor de Meerderheid een Hel Gemaakt, maar wij hebben Stand Gehouden, onze Waardigheid Behouden en hun Leugens Één voor Één Ontmaskerd. Nu onze Mis Handelaars In het Nauw zijn Gedreven, worden ze Gedwongen hun Leugens Toe te Geven. Ze willen, dat wij Hen Vergeven en Vergeten.

Maar dat gaat Niet Gebeuren. Echt Niet. De Mensen worden Wakker en om dat ze Wakker Worden en Beseffen, dat de Nachtmerrie van de Af Gelopen Drie Jaar Op Zettelijk is Gecreëerd door de Globalistische Elite, Staan de Mensen Op, Eisen ze Gerechtigheid.

Dit heeft Er Toe Geleid, dat de Elite begrijpt, dat zij een Paar van haar Eigen Mensen onder de Bus moet Gooien om de Massa Te Vreden te Stellen. Hoe Wel het Verheugend zal zijn om Hoofd Rol Spelers van de Covid Plandemie Te Zien Te Recht Staan op Beschuldiging van Mis Daden tegen de Mensheid, is het Goed om In Gedachten te houden, dat we dit Al Eerder hebben Mee Gemaakt toen de Nazi Leiders van het Derde Rijk in Neurenberg werden Berecht.

In Totaal werden 199 Beklaagden Berecht, 161 Veroordeeld en 37 ter Dood Veroordeeld wegens Mis Daden tegen de Mensheid en Oorlogs Mis Daden. Maar de Dood van deze Hoofd Rol Spelers van het Derde Rijk betekende Niet het Einde van het Nazisme. Het was Gewoon een List voor de Elite om de Controle te Behouden. Uit Eindelijk hebben de Nazi’s het Gewoon Op Nieuw Geprobeerd onder een Nieuwe Vermomming.

Nazi Wetenschappers en Artsen werden Geëxporteerd naar de Verenigde Staten en Europa werd Over Spoeld door Globalistische Organisaties met Kinderen en Klein Kinderen van de Nazi Leiders. Klaus Schwab, George Soros en EU Commissie Voor Zitter Ursula von der Leyen zijn Slechts Enkele Voor Beelden van Globalistische Leiders met Recht Streekse Banden met het Nazi Leiderschap, dat Zo Genaamd in Neurenberg werd Uit Geroeid. Deze Globalistische Leiders zetten hun Werk Voort In een Nieuwe Vermomming.

Gezien de Mis Lukkingen van Neurenberg moeten we Leren van de Geschiedenis en Er Voor Zorgen, dat Deze Keer de Echte Mis Dadigers ter Verantwoording worden Geroepen voor Mis Daden tegen de Mensheid. Het Bewijs voor een Veroordeling is Er Al. Wij hebben onze Zaak tegen onze Mis Bruikers Methodisch Op Gebouwd, Dossiers Aan Gelegd van hun Mis Stappen en Bekentenissen, sinds zij Zo Arrogant Werden te Denken, dat zij ons Onze Vrijheden konden Ontnemen en het Hele Menselijke Ras konden Onderwerpen.

Griekse Vader dwong Zoon (32) COVID 19 Prik te Nemen, over leed de Volgende dag.Verdomd het Moment, dat ik hem zei Zich te Laten Vaccineren!

There is Plenty of Evidence that Key Players knew Exactly What they were Doing All Along. These include Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, Schwab and Big Pharma CEOs Including Stephane Bancel of Pfizer and Albert Bourla of Pfizer. These Figures will Not be Able to Defend Themselves in Nuremberg 2.0 with “I was Only Following Orders“.

There is Also Plenty of Evidence that Politicians in Every Country Infiltrated by the World Economic Forum knew Exactly What was Going On. And the Evidence continues to Emerge. This week, UK Journalist Isabel Oakeshott Passed On More than 100,000 Leaked Whatsapp Messages to The Telegraph, which Showed Senior Government Ministers Discussing when they would “Use” the Next Variant to “Scare the Hell Out of the Public.

Health Secretary Matt Hancock’s Private Messages Reveal that the UK Government isDeploying the New Variant to Intimidate People into Taking the Vaccine. Tell me How This differs from Terrorist Behavior?

Here ’s Matt Hancock Appearing on Live Television Days after Sending these Messages, Lying to the Nation in the Most Blatant, Psychopathic Way Imaginable.

Matt Hancock also said that Bill Gates Owes me SomethingConsidering How Many People I Let Inject his Chips.”

Of Course the MainStream Media is In Full Damage Control Mode Trying to Explain that Hancock was “Joking“.

Our Torturers and Tormentors want us to Forget This and Much More. But Millions are Unwilling, Not to Say Unable, To Do So. But that Won’t Happen. We Know their Game. And we are Better Prepared than Ever to Hold them Accountable for their Crimes.

Former Pfizer Employee
Everyone knew that the COVID 19 Vaccine was A Criminal Bio Weapon.
Make No Mistake, People are Waking Up.”
The Biden Administration Paid Influencers to Promote the Vaccine during the Covid Years as Part of the Elite’s Brainwashing Campaign, but Those Lies have Not Stood the Test of Time.
Russell Brand Appeared on Joe Rogan’s Podcast This Week and Together they have Informed Millions of the Evils of Bill Gates, Including Truth Bombs about his Work in Africa.

Damaging Things that we at the People’s Voice have been Reporting on For Years. But Rogan and Brand aren’t Done with Gates Just Yet. Don’t Forget that Millions and Millions of People Watch this Content. Gates’ Bad Work is Slowly but Surely Being Shown to the Whole World.

Gates is Only One Player in the Game. Don’t forget the CEO’s of the Big Pharmaceutical Companies.

Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel was Caught Admitting to his Friends at the World Economic Forum that his Company Produced 100,000 Doses of Covid 19 Vaccine in 2019, Before the Pandemic Started.

In the Revealing Footage from the World Economic Forum, Bancel Also Let Slip that he had Insider Knowledge of Something Called the Covid Pandemic. Make No Mistake, this is Proof, From the Horse’s Mouth, that Moderna and the Big Pharma Cartel were Complicit in Planning the Pandemic so they could Foist the Depopulation Serum of the World’s Elite on the Masses.

And you may Remember that Dr Ugur Sahin , the CEO of BioNTech, the Bio Technology Company that Partnered with Pfizer to Develop their Covid Vaccine, Admitted on Camera that he has Not Taken A Covid Vaccine.

All is Not Well in the World of Big Pharma. A Top Scientist Responsible for Developing the World’s First Registered Combination Vaccine against Covid 19 in 2020 was Found Strangled to Death in his Apartment this Week. As the People continue to Wake Up and Demand the Truth, did the Elite view him as A Risk?

The People who Suffered the Most, Whose Lives have been Damaged beyond Repair by the Plandemic, will Never Forget This. And they are Even Less Likely to Forgive.

Australian Epidemiologist and WHO Adviser Who Called the UnvaccinatedSelfish“, Brain Tumor Detected,

Of Course, the Most Vulnerable in Society have Suffered the Most. Our Elders and Children.

As if Common Core, Created by Barack Obama and Bill Gates, wasn’t Bad Enough for our Kids, the Covid Restrictions Imposed by our Abusers have Driven Student Test Scores to Historic Declines, Especially in Key Subjects, and Even More So for Students Who Initially Lagged Behind.

And we will Never Forget How Much suffering Loved Ones, Thinking they had been Abandoned, Many Not Getting the Treatment they needed, Injected Needlessly and Dangerously with A Toxic Experimental Injection, Many Euthanized with Morphine and Midazolam as Used  to Execute Death Row Inmates in Some US States All under the Guise of Preventing A Disease Whose Existence has Never Been Proven.

Thousands were Brutally Killed in End of LifeCarePrograms and their Deaths were Written Off as “CovidDeaths by Hospitals Determined to Maximize their Profits.

And the Deaths continue to This Day. Excess Deaths at All Levels of the Vaccinated Society, including the Young, Healthy and Fit, like Elite Athletes in their Prime, Dropping like Flies from Heart Attacks and Strokes, in Numbers we’ve Never Seen Before. This is A Genocide, A Crime against Humanity, and the Elite must Be Held Accountable.

Here at the People’s Voice, we are Determined to Continue Reporting on the Crimes of the Globalist Elite and we are Happy that More and More People are Waking Up Every Day. Subscribe to the Channel and feel Free to Join the People’s Voice Locals Community for Exclusive Content. I Hope to See you There.


VIP Elite Panic As Nuremberg 2.0 Trials for ‘Crimes against Humanity‘ becomes Reality

2023 Translation by Front Nieuws. Permission to Reprint in Whole or In Part is Gladly Granted, Provided Full Credit and Direct Link is Given.


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COVID 19 Vaccine

Front News

My Body is Not Owned by the State. I have Sole and Exclusive Autonomy over My Body and No Politician, Official or Doctor has the Legal or Moral Right to Force me to Undergo an Unlicensed, Experimental Vaccine or Any Other Medical Treatment or Procedure without my Specific and Informed Consent. The Decision is Mine and Mine Alone and I will Not Submit to Blackmail by the Government or Emotional Manipulation by the Media, So Called Celebrity Influencers or Rutte.

Front Nieuws, maart 8, 2023

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