FLAT EARTH BRITISH PHOTO DUMP – Tartarian Magic! Flying Carpets! and Parabolic Mirrors!
Flying Carpet (gif
The Flying Carpet (gif archive.org)

Flying Carpet (foto )
Magic Carpet.(gif)
Magic Carpet (gif Pinterest)
Flying Carpet (gif
Douglas Fairbanks Flying Carpet (gif
Vliegend Tapijt | Flying Carpet (gif GfycatI
Flying Carpet! gif Giphy)
Tapis (gif)
Vliegend Tapijt (foto
Vliegend Tapijt (foto
Vliegend Tappijt (gif Pinterest)
Tartarian Magic! Flying Carpets! and Parabolic Mirrors!
Live gestreamd op 22 jun. 2019
Oi! Firstly Thanks So Much as FEB think tank hits 27K! So for Tonight S Flaterday Event A Juicy Discovery concerning the Tartars and the Use of Tartar Magic (Technology) on the Battle Field with the Ability to produce Violent Storms through the Waving of A Flag. We have Corroborating Evidence concerning the Old World of America and the Phoenician Take Over. With Napoleon S Omen, and More on Resets All described in the Mind Blowing Astra Castra! We also look into the Technology that could Possibly have made Flying Carpets fly. Then Parabolic Mirrors that can destroy so were they used in Antiquity? We investigate. We view Quality Vintage HD Photography of Old World America 1890 S. Et cetera. So Guys A Massive Thanks of Appreciation Peace and Love to All!
And I hope to see You All in the Live Events Chat Feed do have Fun and Enjoy!
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Thanks! And martinliedtke7@gmail.com
Oi! All the Juice of Today!
Astra Castra https://www.e-rara.ch/zut/content/pageview/4224258?query=Depuis+Delcourt
Alchemy Books
For Info https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv1b69505140/f1.item
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