Europe Reloaded – Who Staged the Videos of People Collapsing in Wuhan?
Wuhan Corona Virus Horror (1) (foto
Wuhan Corona Virus Horror (2) (foto
Wuhan Corona Virus Horror (3) (foto
Wuhan Corona Virus Horror Spraying (1) (foto Gfycat)
Wuhan Corona Virus Horror Spraying (2) (foto EZGif)
Wuhan Corona Virus Horror Hospital Construction (foto GeenStijl)
Wuhan Corona Virus Horror Lockdown (foto
Wuhan Corona Virus Horror People Collapsing (foto YouTube)
Who Staged the Videos of People Collapsing in Wuhan?
In a Country with a Population of around 1.5 billion and a Massive Surveillance System, it would actually be remarkably simple to harvest Video Footage of a few People keeling over. It’s noteworthy that Deep State Organs like The Guardian, mentioned below, would have picked up this Story.
Did China Stage the Videos of People Collapsing in Wuhan?
Already in mid March 2020, Swiss Policy Research argued that the Corona Virus Situation appeared to show aspects of a possibly serious Pandemic, a Mass Psychosis, and a Psychological (this is Propaganda) Operation (Psy Op).
Did China Stage the Videos of People Collapsing in Wuhan? (foto Before Its News)
Since the early days of the Pandemic, some people have been wondering if the notorious videos of “People Collapsing in Wuhan”, which emerged in late January 2020 (see above), had in fact been staged by the Chinese Government to frighten the West into Lockdowns and Self Destruction. After all, it is argued, such events haven’t been seen anywhere else later on during the Pandemic.
“Corona Virus has people keeling over in streets”
TomoNews US, February 3, 2020
For instance, on January 31, 2020, British Newspaper The Guardian titled “A man lies dead in the street: the image that captures the Wuhan Corona Virus Crisis”. A week before, the British Express titled “Corona Virus Horror: Social Media Footage shows infected Wuhan Residents ‘act like Zombies’”.
But an Analysis of these videos and their Context shows the following.
• Contrary to Claims that there were “dozens” or even “hundreds” of such videos, there were only about ten such videos, which were shown in various Places and in various Combinations.
• Most of these videos really had nothing to do with Covid 19. Rather, these videos showed Drunk People, Homeless People (even in other Chinese Cities), Road Accidents, unspecified Medical Emergencies, and even Training Exercises run by Chinese Authorities.
• Because of the Simultaneous Virus Outbreak, first Responders in Wuhan often already wore Protective Equipment (the famous white Bio Hazard Suits). Thus, to Bystanders and to People uploading and sharing the videos, it may have looked like actual “Sudden Corona Virus Deaths.”
• In many cases, video Titles, Captions, or Comments did suggest or claim the videos showed “Sudden Corona Virus Deaths”, but in no case was this confirmed or claimed by Chinese Authorities. In fact, several of these videos were quickly Debunked by Western “Fact Checkers”.
• It looks like most of these videos were shared internationally, not by People close to the Chinese Regime but by People and Groups opposed to the Chinese Regime (exempli gratia by ‘Voice of Hong Kong’ and ‘Badiucao’), who wanted to show that the Chinese Regime had lost control. The video Compilation, to be seen at the end of this Text for instance, was published by Taiwan based News Platform TomoNews US.
If any of these videos really showed someone collapsing due to the Corona Virus, it may have been due to a sudden Cardiac Arrest caused by Viral Myocarditis (Heart Muscle Inflammation), or a major Heart Attack, Stroke, or Embolism. Such Cases have been observed even in the US and in Germany.
Furthermore, it is noteworthy that the first English Language Mention of the alleged “Chinese Whistleblower Doctor” Li Wenliang (who later Died or Disappeared) came from “China Change”, an “NGO” funded by the US National Endowment for Democracy (NED), a US Government controlled (CIA linked) Entity that sponsors Opposition Groups in Adversarial Countries. In other words, the Western Deep State.
This again might indicate that Western State Actors either tried to leverage the Situation in China, or tried to “Frame” China (the real Origin of the Corona Virus remaining Unknown to this day). In contrast, the Chinese Government itself primarily tried to downplay the Situation, and continues to do so.
While Antibody Data indicates that by April 2020, Corona Virus Prevalence outside of Wuhan City and Hubei Province was Near Zero (despite Domestic Travel in January 2020), China has experienced repeated Local Outbreaks and continues to impose extreme Lockdown and Quarantine Measures.
In conclusion, there is currently no Evidence that the “Collapsing People” videos of January 2020 were a “Sun Tzu Style” Chinese Psy Op. Instead, they may have been part of the “Mass Psychosis” at the time, leveraged by Clickbaiters, Hoaxers and Western Media, or they may have been part of a Western Psy Op against China, the Western Population, or both.
Chinese Measures, such as Disinfection of Public Places, Construction of dedicated Field Hospitals and Quarantine Facilities, and early use of Ventilators, were based on Epidemic Response Plans developed after the 2003 SARS Epidemic and aimed at preventing Aerosol Transmission. Although extreme and partially ineffective, these Measures weren’t part of a Deception, either.
Video Compilation “Corona Virus has people keeling over in streets” (January 2020)
“Corona Virus has People keeling over in streets”
TomoNews US, February 3, 2020
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Published to The Liberty Beacon from
Saturday, June 5, 2021 5:33
2020年以降、世界で報道された映像。 #コロナ の影響らしいが…。意識を失ったようなこの倒れ方で、両手を出し受け身を取っている不自然さ。頭もギリ守っているように見えますね🤔
— モカちゃん (@t0s2iBX7rD5VoFd) February 13, 2023
Emlékszünk? Így indult a történet. Mire Olaszországba ért a virus, már nem így működött… Azóta is kussol mindenki róla. Kik rendezték a műsort?
— Nimród David (@Hunor138) February 13, 2023
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