Eric Zuesse – When and How the Western Establishment came to Recognize It’s Doomed

When and How the Western Establishment Came to Recognize It’s Doomed

On 18 October 2023, merely 11 days after the 7 October 2023 Hamas attack in Israel, the Financial Times headlined Rush by West to Back Israel erodes Developing Countries’ Support for Ukraine, Diplomats warn Backing for Israeli Assault on Gaza has Poisoned Efforts to build Consensus against Russia’s War. That stunningly prescient news report from Henry Foy in Brussels, the Head Quarters of the US Government created NATO Military Alliance against Russia, and of the US Government created EU Economic Alliance against Russia, opened,

Western Support for Israel’s Assault on Gaza has Poisoned Efforts to Build Consensus with Significant Developing Countries on Condemning Russia’s War against Ukraine, Officials and Diplomats have Warned.

The Reaction to the October 7 Attack on Israel by Islamist Militant Group Hamas and to Israel’s Vow to Hit Back against Gaza has Undone Months of Work to Paint Moscow as A Global Pariah for Breaching International Law, they said, Exposing the US, EU and their Allies to Charges of Hypocrisy. ()

“We have Definitely Lost the Battle in the Global South,” said One Senior G7 Diplomat. “All the Work We have Done with the Global South [over Ukraine] has Been Lost (. . .) Forget about Rules, forget about World Order. They won’t Ever Listen to Us Again.”

On that same day, October 18th, I headlined US Israel Trapped Now by Jordan and Egypt Backing Hamas and explained why the handwriting was already clear that unless the US and its colonies, ‘Alllies’, would quickly separate itself from and condemn the Israeli Regime’s planned massive operation to empty out the 2.3 Million Gazan inhabitants, an Ethnic Cleansing if not ultimately a Genocide there, then it would be bonding itself to the largest Ethnic Cleansing and or Genocide ever since Germany’s Nazis led the biggest ever one during WWII, and it would consequently lose its Cold War against Russia, since 1945. The reason was that on October 16th, the Governments of both of the Countries that the US and Israel were trying to pressure, Egypt and Jordan, to allow the 2.3 Million Gazans to be forcibly expatriated into Egypt and Jordan, both of which Governments instead announced that they would never allow that to happen. The Israeli Government’s objective was that if the Gazans would no longet be living in Gaza, then legally their rights under International Law to return to the places in Israel where they had lived prior to their having been forcibly expelled from there by Jews in 1948 in order to start the State of Israel woud be diminished near to zero, it would be the ultimate defeat of the Palestinian Resistance to Israel. As I said then,

The Leaders of Egypt and Jordan are Not Willing to Be Reviled by their Countrymen and Perhaps become Assassinated in Ignominy, So as to Continue the US Empire over Them. They’ve Now Made Clear They won’t. ()

The Statements on October 16th and 17th, by Al Sisi and King Abdullah, Leave No Way that the US and Israeli Regimes can Leave this New Middle Eastern War as Being Anything but Pariah Nations. () The American Century, which Started on 25 July 1945, will Be Ended, in Ignominy, by this war.

Basically: the US Regime’s Continuing to support Israel even After it was Already clear, by at least the time of 17 October 2023, that it supports, and continues to arm, the biggest ever Ethnic Cleansing campaign since WWII, exposes so clearly the extreme hypocrisy of its claims to be representing ‘Democracy’, ‘Freedom’, and ‘Human Rights’ around the World, so that the majority of Nations, and the vast majority of all Mankind, have no other decent option, but to Abandon any and all unnecessary cooperation with the US Regime and its colonies. Could the “Boycott, Divest, and Sanction” (BDS) movement come to expand to target not Only Israel but Also its backers and enablers, the entire US Empire? But, after all, what’s happening now is an operation by Israel’s Troops and America’s weapons, the Israeli American clearing out of Gaza. How ironic it would then be, if the US Government’s efforts, ever since Obama’s 2012 Magnitsky Act and other US anti Russia Sanctions, turn out to have created an East West Wall, subsequently greatly increased by Joe Biden, by which The West itself becomes increasingly isolated from all the rest, and a new era, of joint World leadership, by Russia and by China, results, or becomes considerably expedited, from America’s participation in the Gaza clearing out operation, and thus might precipitate the collapse of America’s entire post 1945 Empire. Would that be poetic justice on a Global scale? Michael Hudson and increasingly many other serious analysts are increasingly presenting the argument that it would.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s latest book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL, Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the World’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.

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