Eric Zuesse – US Government Now Goads India to Invade China

Panong Lake (gif

New Construction st Pangong Lake (gif

Panong Lake (gif India Today)

China Starts Fresh Build Up North of Pangong Lake (gif hequint.cvom)

Spangur TSO Overview (foto

Indian Army (gif The Daily Episode News Network)

Chinese Army (gif

US Government Now Goads India to Invade China

The United States Government is Now Actively backing the Indian Government S Demand that China Not Build A Bridge in China that would cross from One Side to the Other of A lake that is Half in China and Half in India. This Bridge would be crossing A portion of that lake that S around 20 miles or 30 kilometers from the China India Border and therefore Clearly within China.

New Dehli TeleVision, NDTV, headlined on 6 January 2022, “Chinese Bridge Over Pangong Lake In Illegally Held Territory | Government” and reported

India on Thursday came Down Strongly on China for Building A Bridge across the Pangong Lake in Eastern Ladakh, which the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) said was being constructed in Areas “that have been under Illegal Occupation by China for around 60 years now.”  () The Bridge is being built across A Part of the Lake that falls within Chinese Territory, but it connects Both Banks and gives China the Ability to move Soldiers and Heavy Weaponry into India at Pace.

That Phrase “Under Illegal Occupation by China for around 60 years Now” is from India S Government, Not from the UN or any other International Body that possesses Actual Authority to say What Is and Is Not “Legal” under International Law, and, in Fact, No such International Body has Ever Asserted that A Nation Possesses some Sort of Legal Right to Determine What Is and What is Not Legal within some Different Nation S Boundaries. In Other Words India S Government is Lying Here, Deceiving, to Say that China S creating A bridge in that place is “Illegal.” But the US Government is, Nonetheless, now Clearly Siding with India S Possessing such A Supposed Legal rRight to Contest what China is Doing inside China, and the US is Even Participating with India S Government in War Games against China regarding this Supposed Dispute about International Law.  but Really about International Power, and Totally Outside of Any International Law.

On June 8th, NDTV bannered “‘Alarming’ Top US General On Chinese Infra Build Up Near Ladakh”  and reported that

New Delhi | Chinese Activity near Ladakh is “Eye Opening” and some of the Infrastructure being Created is Alarming, A top US General has said.

General Charles A Flynn, Commanding General, US Army Pacific described it as “Destabilizing and Corrosive Behaviour” by China as he talked about the Chinese Infrastructure Build Up across the Himalayan Frontier.

I believe that the Activity Level is Eye Opening. I think some of the Infrastructure that is being Created in the Western Theatre Command is Alarming. So much, like across All of their Military Arsenal, one has to ask the Question, Why,” the General, who oversees the Asia Pacific Region, told A select Group of Journalists.

General Flynn said China S‘Incremental and Insidious Path, and Destabilising and Corrosive Behaviour” projected on to the Region was “Simply Not Helpful“.

‘I think it is Worthy of us Working Together as A counterweight to Some of those Corrosive and Corrupted Behaviours that the Chinese [demonstrate],” said the General.

On Chinese Military Expansion in the Ladakh region, US General Charles A Flynn said “One has to ask the Question, ‘Why?‘”

India and the US are set to conduct High Altitude Training Missions at an Altitude of between 9.000 – 10.000 feet in the Himalayas as Part of the Yuddh Abhyas eEercises this October. The Location has not been specified. Indian Forces will then train in Similar Extreme Cold Weather Conditions in Alaska.The Exercises are meant to be Extremely High Level Joint Operations across the Gamut of High Altitude Warfare. In order for India to carry out it S Asserted ‘Legal’ ‘Right’ against China S building A Bridge there, which is Located on the Chinese Side, around 20 Miles or 30 Kilometers away from the Closest Thing that Currently exists to There that would Constitute Alledgally Fixed Border between India and China, the “Line of Actual Control” as It is Formally Called.  India would need to invade China. The US Government now is Officially on Public Record as being Firmly Supportive of That Happening. iIt chooses Publicly to Back India S Claims in that Dispute against China. This is what an Empire does, and America is Now Clearly doing it in this Matter.

Also on June 8th, Türkiye S (Turkey S) Anadolu News Agency headlined US general calls China S actions on border with India ‘Eye Opening, Destabilizing’”; and noted that “India is part of the US Led Quad, A Security Alliance that also includes Australia and Japan.” In other words, this US Government Effort is actually A Part of its Effort now to create in the Pacific an Anti China equivalent to the US Government S Long Existing Anti Russia NATO Military Alliance in the Atlantic.<

Back on May 27th, the US Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) headlined The Quad Is Getting More Ambitious in the Indo Pacific and opened

What did the Latest Quad Summit accomplish?

In A Joint Statement from the Quad Summit Hosted by Japan in May 2022, the Leaders of the United States, Australia, India, and Japan reemphasized the Principles of A Free and Open Indo Pacific, Freedom, Rule of Law, Democratic Values, Sovereignty, and Territorial Integrity.

Investigative Historian Eric Zuesse S next book (soon to be published) will be AMERICA S EMPIRE OF EVIL Hitler S Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change. It S about how America took over the World after World War II in order to Enslave it to US and Allied Billionaires. Their Cartels extract the World S Wealth by Control of Not Only their ‘News’ Media but the Social ‘Sciences’, duping the Public.

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