Eric Zuesse – US Game Plan to Conquer Russia and China is Clarified

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US Game Plan to Conquer Russia and China is Clarified

On 27 September 2021, the brilliant geo strategic analyst Brian Berletic headlined US War Plans with China Taking Shape. He linked to and analyzed the then latest draft of the US Government S detailed plans to conquer China. The plan had been drawn up in 2016, but sounds like today. The objective of these plans is for the US Government to continue into the indefinite future the US Government S dominance over the entire world, and to do this by conquering first Russia, and then China, conquering both of the now rising superpowers, thereby not only extending its presently existing global dominance, but even increasing that, with the ultimate goal being for the US to become the world S first ever all encompassing Global Empire (by crippling both Russia and China).

I have personally checked and verified each one of Berletic S linked to sources there. All of them are authentic, and reflect accurately the US Government S actual decisions and actions, right up until today, which fact (the US Government S doing all of these things) suggests that those are the US Government S operative plans, until the present moment. These are the US Government S plans for China. Berletic excerpted from the draft plan it S most crucial passages, and all of them have been US foreign policies ever since 27 September 2021 (actually, even since 2016).

They accurately represent US foreign policies toward, in fact, both Russia and China, as of today. They describe the ways in which the US Government is hiring proxy forces throughout the world, in order to destroy China S Belt & Road Initiative before it can even become operative, and also the US Government S employing proxy forces and agents in order to defeat Russia in the opening battlefield of World War III, which is Ukraine. It S the function which Ukraine is serving for the US Government. Berletic makes clear that he does not believe that the US Government expects things to extend so far as getting into A direct Nuclear Conflict between the US and either Russia or China; however, I have published else where evidence that at least ever since 2006, the US Government has abandoned the prior (mutually shared, both US and Russia) “Mutually Assured Destruction” or “MAD” meta strategy, which formerly had guided both countries Nuclear Weapons strategy and designs. MAD was the meta strategy in order to prevent such A Nuclear War from ever occurring. In America, it has been replaced by what is unofficially called Nuclear Primacy, or the design and deployment of Nuclear Weapons so as to win A Nuclear War against Russia and or China: aiming for all out Nuclear War Victory by the US Government. Such ‘Victory’ would be defined as consisting of the United States being destroyed less than any of it S Nuclear War opponents would be destroyed (thereby maintaining, or even increasing, it S existing control over the entire planet). They say that The Benefits of Nuclear Primacy may Exceed the Risks (the destruction to the American side), and that among the possible “Benefitsmentioned would be to “Stave off the Emergence of A Peer Competitor,” and to be “Forcibly Exporting Democracy.” The US Government S Nuclear Primacy meta strategy says that there are ‘Acceptable’ levels of destruction of America in A Nuclear War against Russia and or China, so long as America ‘Comes Out On Top’ Globally, at the end. Berletic unfortunately just assumes that the US Government remains committed to the MAD meta strategy. To me, that is instead an open question. In fact, existing evidence (such as I have linked to) indicates that the US Government is now guided by the “Nuclear Primacy” meta strategy Arming to win A Nuclear WW III, Not to prevent One.

On 19 July 2022, Russia S RT News bannered Julia Melnikova | World War Three is off | why NATO can T afford to have Russia as it S Main Enemy, and basically seconded Berletic S view point (that America probably wouldn T go all the way to Nuclear War), without even mentioning Berletic S article. Her commentary alleged that the US Government had only recently been intending to conquer post communist Russia (and so might peaceably accept again, as if it did during the 1990 S in A “() What Others call Multi Polar World,” or at least A world that the US Government wasn T coercing.

“Naturally, NATO S new strategic document differs from previous entries in the series. The 1991 Concept noted A reduction in the security threat due to the change in the balance of power in Europe, but also noted the need to take the legacy of the Soviet Union S military potential into account. The 1999 edition characterized Russia, Ukraine, and the Republic of Moldova as partners for dialogue. The Installment from 2010 finally attached strategic importance to relations with Russia and was aimed at deepening them on issues of mutual interest.”

That “Partners for Dialogue” and “Deepening () Issues of Mutual Interestnever has reflected the US Government S real attitude toward Russia after the Soviet Union ended in 1991.

I have documented that the plan by America S Government was instead to fool Russia S Government to believe that America ended the Cold War on our side at the same time when Russia ended it S side of the Cold War in 1991, but that the US Government was actually planning instead to surround Russia by increasing NATO, right up to Russia S borders, and doing it in such A way so that by the time Russia recognized that this was the case, it would already be too late for Russia to be able to defend it self against the Fait Accompli, and so Russia would then become swallowed up by the US Government. That RT analysis remains deceived by the US plan, which didn T even start to become disclosed, even to America S vassal nations (such as the EU), until 24 February 1990. Russia S Government shouldn T continue to publish affirmations of lies that America S Government had privately admitted to it S own vassal nations are lies, as early as 24 February 1990. Why does it do that? Does it make any sense continuing to do that?

Consequently, the US game plan is, as Berletic documented, to defeat Russia before defeating China; and this is the reason why the US Government is so determined to win the opening battle of WWIII, which is on the battle fields of Ukraine. The US Government was, in fact, so bold in the planning of their 2014 coup that took Ukraine, that it had even included their replacing Russia S largest naval base, which was and still is in Crimea ever since 1783, and to turn it into another US naval base, but that part of the plan failed.

If Russia wins it S objectives in Ukraine, while the US fails to win it S objectives there (which are simply to defeat Russia there, so that this is A zero sum “Game”), this would, in and of it self, end the US Empire that had started on 25 July 1945, when US President Harry S Truman decided (on the basis of the advice that he had received from his hero, Dwight Eisenhower), that if the US wouldn T take over control of the world, then the Soviet Union would. So, America must take over control of the world. It was either “Us” or “Them,” Truman was told, and he decided that it WOULDN T be “Them” that will win this zero sum game. President GHW Bush secretly informed America ‘Allies’, starting on 24 February 1990, that it STILL wouldn T be “Them” to continue equally with “Us” in peace, meaning now Russia to be APartner” except as being A continuing adversary, because “To Hell with That!” (meaning real peace with Russia), “We Prevailed, They didn T” (and “Theystill need to be totally and humiliatingly defeated, byUs”, “They” need to become conquered). That is the reality (the US Government S pure zero sum game mentality), which Brian Berletic S article documents to be the case regarding the US Government S plan regarding China, and (as I have documented) it applies ALSO regarding Russia. Yet, Berletic seems to believe that it S not being applied in US thinking about the conflict in Ukraine. The Governments of both nations (Russia and China) would do well to publicize that it applies throughout the US Government S international affairs policies, instead of continuing to promote the US Government S lies to the contrary.

This is the reality. No myth. America S foreign policies are laser focused on crippling, if not destroying, all possible competitors.

Especially, all nations in Europe need to know this, and to reverse course because of it. Because, if they don T, then Europe S economies will be crushed this coming winter, in order to keep up the US Government S lies. It S their choice. Either continuing as American vassal nations, or else making A fundamental turn, toward freedom and justice, the breakup of the US Empire, and emergence of A real democracy and equal rights, in the relations among the world S nations. It S their choice, to make, one way or the other. Thus far, Europe S leaders have been virtually suiciding their nations. How, and how well, is the US Government bribing them to do that, to their nations? Or, are they actually that stupid, to be ignorant of what they are doing, or why, or whom the beneficiaries of it are? Of course, the press has also played A role, but it S serving the same group of ultimate masters. How can European publics ever wake up? Before it S too late?

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse S next book (soon to be published) will be AMERICA S EMPIRE OF EVIL Hitler S Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change. It S about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to US and allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world S wealth by control of not only their ‘News’ media but the social ‘Sciences’, duping the public.

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