Eric Zuesse – The Trump versus Zelensky Comedy Show, and Why I Still Expect Russia to Win and Take Ukraine From the US
The Trump versus Zelensky Comedy Show, and Why I Still Expect Russia to Win and Take Ukraine from the US
This is A commentary upon the Democratic Party S, or Liberal, Billionaires, Public Broadcasting System S (PBS) YouTube video of the dispute that took place in The White House on February 28th between Donald Trump and Volodmyr Zelensky, who knows that the 2014 Overthrow and Replacement of Ukraine S Democratically Elected President Viktor Yanukovych was Illegal and that all subsequent Ukrainian Leaders including himself are Illegal and even unConstitutional though he doesn T know how it happened, he doesn T know that the US Government arranged it.
Here is that Video.
“WATCH Zelenskyy Meeting Blows Up as Trump Suggests Ukrainian President Needs to Be More Grateful”
You see there Zelensky addressing Trump as if Trump is his Student who needs to be taught the History of this War, and as if this History is entirely Violations by “Putin,” who must therefore be stopped before “Putin” will be invading America too. Previous US Presidents, Barack Obama and Joe Biden, have, of course, been trumpeting the very same Propaganda line to whip up Hatred against Putin, and, so, ‘News’ Magazines all over the US Empire have published on their Front Covers Zelensky S Face along with Headlines such as “PERSON OF THE YEAR” and “Hero of Our Times”. It S George Orwell’ S 1984, all over again.
During the Coup in Ukraine on 20 – 26 February 2014, which US President Obama S Administration led brilliantly, the US Government took over A Neutralist Coutry, which has by-far the nearest-of-all border to blitz-attacking-and-destroying The Kremlin, which is less than 317 miles away, and Obama S designer and Leader of that Coup, who had been former Vice President Dick Cheney’s rabidly Neo Conservative Foreign-Affairs Advisor Victoria Nuland, brilliantly selected as Ukraine S new Leader A man she affectionately called “Yats,” who hated Russia so passionately he was hoping to destroy Russia.
This was A shocking turn-around from what had Previously Neen the, Post 1991, pre dominantly Democratic Ukraine, in which polls showed that overwhelmingly, Ukrainians regarded Russia as their Protector, and America and its NATO Anti Russian Military Alliance as being their Nation S Enemy. Almost immediately after the US Government took over Ukraine and its ‘News’-Media, that Public Perception by Ukrainians switched to Pro NATO and Anti Russian, because of the Enforced Propaganda.
So: Zelensky naturally offended Trump, and here are excerpts
00:00 ZELENSKY: Do you, and now I M talking with my friends in Poland, and they are,
00:03 they are worried that you align yourself too much with Putin.
00:08 What S your message for them? TRUMP Well, if I didn T align myself with
00:14 both of them, you D never have A deal. You want me to say
00:19 really terrible things about Putin and then say hi, Vladimir, how
00:22 are we doing on the deal? It doesn T work that way. I M not aligned
00:26 with Putin. I M not aligned with anybody. I M aligned with the United
00:29 States of America and for the good of the world. I M aligned with
00:33 the world, and I want to get this thing over with. [The camera view has now drawn back enough to show that Trump is looking actually NOT at Zelensky but at someone else. not being shown, in the room, and so he isn T even addressing Zelensky but is instead addressing someone else, in order to respond to Zelensky S accusation.] You see, the hatred
00:36 he S got for Putin, it S very tough for me to make A deal with that
00:39 kind of hatred. He S got tremendous hatred, and I understand that, but
00:43 I can tell you the other side isn T exactly in love with, you know,
00:47 him either. Uh, so it S not A question of alignment. I have to, I M
00:52 aligned with the world. I want to get the things set. I M aligned
00:56 with Europe. I want to see if we can get this thing done.
01:00 You want me to be tough? I could be tougher than any human being
01:03 you ve ever seen. I D be so tough. But you re never going to get
01:07 A Deal that way, so that S the way it goes. All right, one more question.
01:10 VP. VANCE BREAKS IN I will respond to this. So look,
01:14 for 4 years in the United States of America, we had A president who
01:17 stood up at Press Conferences and talked tough about Vladimir Putin
01:20 and then Putin invaded Ukraine and destroyed A significant chunk
01:24 of the Country. The path to peace and the path to prosperity is maybe
01:29 engaging in Diplomacy. We tried the pathway of Joe Biden of thumping
01:35 our chest and pretending that the President of the United States S
01:38 words mattered more than the President of the United States S actions.
01:42 What makes America A good Country is America engaging in Diplomacy.
01:46 That S what President Trump is doing. ZELENSKY Can I ask you? VANCE Sure, yeah,
01:51 yeah. OK. ZELENSKY So, He occupied it, uh, our parts, big parts of Ukraine,
01:58 parts of the East and Crimea, so he occupied it in 2014.
02:05 So,
02:07 during A lot of years, I M not speaking about just Biden, but those
02:10 times was Obama, then President Obama, then President Trump, then
02:15 President Biden. Now the President Trump, and God bless now President
02:19 Trump, will stop him, but during 2014, nobody stopped him. He just
02:24 occupied and took. He killed People, you know what the (…) TRUMP 2015.
02:29 ZELENSKY 2014 2014. TRUMP 2014. ZELENSKY Yeah, Yeah. TRUMP So I was, I was not here. Yeah, but,
02:34 ZELENSKY That S exactly right. Yes, but during 2014 until 2022,
02:40 you what the situation the same People are been dying on the contact
02:45 line. Nobody stopped him, you know that we had Conversations with
02:49 him, A lot of Conversation, my Bi Lateral conversation
02:52 and we signed with him, me, like A new President in 2019, I signed
02:58 with him the Deal. I signed with him, Macron and Merkel was signed
03:04 Ceasefire, Ceasefire, all of them told me that he will never go we
03:10 signed him Gas Contract, Gas Contract.
03:14 Yes, but after that he broken the Ceasefire. He killed our People,
03:19 and he didn T Exchange Prisoners. We signed the Exchange of Prisoners,
03:23 but he didn T do it. What kind of Diplomacy, JD,
03:27 you are speaking about what, what, what do you mean? VANCE I M talking
03:31 about the kind of Diplomacy that S going to end the Destruction of
03:34 your Country, Mr President. [ZELENSKY tries to break in.] Mr President, with respect, I think
03:37 it S disrespectful for you to come to the Oval Office to try to litigate
03:40 this in front of the American Media. Right now, you guys are going
03:43 around and forcing Conscripts to the Front Lines because you have
03:47 Man Power Problems. You should be thanking the President for trying
03:50 to bring an end to this Conflict, ZELENSKY breaks in, To Ukraine, you say what Problems
|03:54 we have. VANCE I have been to
03:56 I have actually, I ve actually watched and seen the Stories, and
04:00 I know what happens is you bring People, you bring them on A Propaganda
04:00 tour, Mr President. Do you disagree that you ve had Problems like
04:08 bringing people into your Military, and do you think that it S respectful
04:11 to come to the Oval Office of the United States of America and attack
04:15 the Administration that is trying to, trying to prevent the Destruction
04:18 of your Country? ZELENSKY A lot of, A lot of questions, let S start from the
04:21 beginning. Sure. First of all, during the War, everybody has problems,
04:25 even you, but you have nice Ocean and don T feel now, but you will
04:30 feel it in the future. TRUMP God bless, you don T know that. God bless.
04:34 ZELENSKY You re not blessed. You will not have War. TRUMP Don T tell us what we re
04:37 going to feel. We re trying to solve A problem. Don T tell us what
04:40 we re going to feel. [ZELENSKY repeatedly tries to interrup Trump in this entire passage.] I M not telling you, you re in no Position to
04:43 dictate that. That S what you re doing. You re in no Position to
04:47 dictate what we re going to feel. We re going to feel very good.
04:51 We re going to feel very good and very strong.
04:54 You re right now not in A very good Position. You ve
04:58 allowed yourself to be in A very bad Position and he [pointing to Vance] happens to be
05:01 right about it. You re not
05:04 in A good Position. You don T have the cards right now. With
05:08 us, you start having cards. Right now, you don T. You re gambling
05:10 with the lives of millions of People.
05:16 You re gambling with World War III. You re gambling with World War
05:20 III, and what you re doing is very disrespectful to the Country,
05:25 this Country,
05:28 that S far more than A lot of People said
05:30 they should have. VANCE Have you said thank you once? No, in This Meeting.
05:35 You went to Pennsylvania and campaigned for the
05:38 Opposition in October. Offer some words of appreciation for the United
05:43 States of America and the President who S trying to save your Country.
05:49 ZELENSKY Please, you think that if you will speak very loudly about the War. [By this time, Zelensky S Interruptions are so rapid fire that this entire passage is now an incomprehensible jumble.]
05:53 TRUMP He S not speaking loudly. He S not speaking loudly. VANCE Your Country
05:56 is in big trouble. [Zelensky again tries to interrupt Trump.] Wait A minute. No, no, you ve done A lot of talking.
06:00 Your Country is in big trouble. I know you re not winning. You re
06:04 not winning this. You have A damn good chance of coming out OK because
06:08 of us. ZELENSKY We are staying in our Country, staying strong from the very
06:12 beginning of the War. We ve been alone and we are thankful. I said
06:15 thanks. TRUMP You haven T been in this Cabinet in this Cabinet. Gave you
06:19 through this stupid President $ 350 billion Military Equipment, and
06:25 you met A brave, but they had to use our Military if you didn T have
06:30 our Military Equipment. You invite if you didn T have our Military
06:33 Equipment, this War would have been over in 2 weeks, ZELENSKY in 3 days. I
06:38 heard it from Putin, in 3 days. This is something maybe less in 2
06:41 weeks, of course he has. TRUMP It S going to be A very hard thing to do
06:44 business like this, say thank you. ZELENSKY I said it.
06:49 VANCE Except that they re American, except that there are Disagreements
06:53 and let S go litigate those Disagreements rather than trying to fight
06:56 it out in the American Media when you re wrong. We know that you re
06:59 wrong. TRUMP But you see, I think it S good for the American People to
07:02 see what S going on. I think it S very important. That S why I kept
07:05 this going so long.
And it ended at 11:00 when they kicked Zelensky out of The White House,
The reason I still this that Russia will take all of Ukraine isn’t that Putin WANTS to, but because when Obama turned it against Russia in 2013 – 2014 and after, Russia is going to NEED to control Ukraine for quite A while in order to De Nazify it, which Russians didn T WANT to do after Ukraine became independent in 1991, AND, now that Zelensky, Biden, and Obama, and the dictatorship that the US Government brought to Ukraine, is pouring out into the US and Allied PublicS View and can T be hidden nearly to the extent that it has been, increasingly the Entire World will come to recognize the types of Leaders that the US has been having thus far this century, in all their Authentic Gory.
The Duran, February 2025
Post Scriptum
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Investigative Historian Eric Zuesse S Latest Book, AMERICA S EMPIRE OF EVIL, Hitler S Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is About How America Took Over the World after World War II in Order to Enslave It to US and Allied Billionaires. Their Cartels Extract the World S Wealth by Control of f Not Only Their ‘News’ Media but the Social ‘Sciences’, Duping the Public.
All of my recent Articles can be seen Here.
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